

Study on an Intelligent Traffic Meteorologically Monitoring and Warning System

【作者】 冯民学

【导师】 顾松山; 孙涵;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 大气物理学与大气环境, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 随着高速公路的快速发展,ITS作为一个高新产业日益受到国内外的高度重视,其中,气象对ITS发展的贡献不可低估,它是提升ITS智能功能的关键要素之一。本文的目的就是针对我国高速公路交通安全管理的实际需要和ITS(智能交通系统)技术需求,研究严重影响交通的低能见度浓雾监测与预警的技术方法。研究方法与成果:根据能见度定义和现有各种能见度仪的器测原理和性能价格比,选择单光路前向散射式能见度仪作为高速公路能见度监测的采集器。针对WT-1能见度仪在非标准场地的信号过饱和现象,根据光的大气传输和方向性反射理论,提出了采用挡光板截断无效接收光路,有效地解决了光饱和问题,通过改进能见度算法模型,从而显著降低了新改进的WT-2能见度仪对场地的要求,提高了反演精度。根据ITS对实时动态监测信息的需求,设计了网络式交通气象综合监测站(NTMS),与常规自动气象站的主要区别在于:① 实现了交通与气象要素采集的一体化;② 采用了智能单元分布式集成方式;③ 强化了对异常事件的智能化处理功能,即设计了内环境温度、电压测控和通讯、采集状态监测与报警功能;设计了监视入侵者的安全告警功能;设计了危险天气等警示信息发布功能。根据雾的形成机理,分析了地形、地貌和空气污染源对雾的影响,揭示了西部丘陵山区和东部水网地区多雾的原因,为交通气象监测站的选址、观测要素的选择和预警提供了理论依据。根据总体设计、分步实施的原则,研制了沪宁高速公路江苏段的交通气象监测预警系统,实现了路况气象信息综合采集、基础数据库建设、警示信息发布等功能。试验与示范应用表明,该系统具有良好的稳定性、可靠性和实用性,为低能见度的精细分级预报提供了有效的技术支持,所实现的智能预警功能有助于提升ITS的超前决策能力。结论:(1) 通过观测事实揭示的雾的一些基本特征是高速公路测站选址、观测要素选择和仪器安装规则等相关工程和雾的预报、预警的科学依据。(2) 研制的沪宁高速公路江苏段的交通气象监测预警系统已在试验示范与服务中取得了较理想的服务效果,为最终完成高速公路的交通气象智能化监测预警系统(ITMS)积累了经验。(3) 新改进的WT-2能见度仪具有更强的环境适应性,特别适用于高速公路。(4) 设计的交通气象综合监测站(NTMS)是一种基于Mini网络的可实现分散要素分布式采集的带有预警功能的高速公路交通气象综合监测站。

【Abstract】 As a new industry, IST is receiving ever-increasing attention at a national and an international level with rapid development of high ways and meteorological contribution should be by no means underestimated, serving as one of the fundamental elements for raising IST intelligent performance.This paper aims at the requirements of the high-way ITS development in our country and traffic safety management, proposing a framework for the Intelligent Traffic Meteorological Monitoring and Warning System (ITMS) that is ITS-suitable and in urgent need for the management from market survey and ITS technical analysis. On the basis of study on monitoring and warning low visibility caused by heavy fog the research achieves fruits as follows.1) Starting from the definition of visibility and considering the working principles of a range of instruments as well as performance-price ratio the WT-1 forward scatter type is chosen as an information collector. Owing to the WT-1 over-saturation of signals over non-standard fields, an improvement is proposed for the cut-off of the light path by means of a screen according to the theory on atmospheric light transmission and directional reflection, thus effectively reducing requirements for non-standard fields.2) For ITS needs of real-time dynamic monitoring information an integrated traffic meteorological monitoring and warning network (ITMS), differing from conventional automatic stations in that 1) integrating collected information on traffic and meteorological factors into one system; 2) adopting an integrative mode of distributed intelligence units; 3) intensifying the processing function of extraordinary events in an intelligent manner, i.e., design of inner-environment temperature and electric pressure measuring and controlling, communications, collected conditions monitoring and warning function; design of warning of invaders; design of the function of warning and issuing dangerous weather.3) According to principles of fog formation the fog impacts of landforms and air pollution are analyzed, thereby revealing the causes of foggy weather over the hilly land in the west and stream net in the east, so that theoretical basis is offered for the choice of meteorological traffic monitoring stations and the selection of observational elements.4) Following the principles and distribution of the ITMS stations, part of the functions are selected for developing the local ITMS version for the piece in Jiangsu of the Shanghai-Nanjing High Way together with the criteria of station-position and weather element choice based on study of site and element selection as well as instrument installment.Experiment and demonstration of the ITMS show that the system has high stability, soundness and operability that provide good technical support for graded forecasts of heavy fog-visibility and the realized intelligent warning is conducive to raising ITS decision-making ability in advance. Main results are summarized as follows.1) For removing WT-1 signal over-saturation in an atypical field a new method is proposed for the light path to be screened.2) The proposed ITMS is based a MiNi network.3) Criteria are suggested for selecting site-position, weather elements and guideline of equipment installment.4) Developed is the sub-ITMS suitable for the Jiangsu piece of the Shanghai-Nanjing High Way and it is proved to be effective through experiment and application.

【关键词】 高速公路交通气象监测预警ITSITMS
【Key words】 high waytraffic meteorologymonitoring and warningITSITMS