

Theory Probing and Experiment Study of the Correlativity between Lung Aging

【作者】 蔡瑞元

【导师】 张六通; 邱幸凡;

【作者基本信息】 湖北中医学院 , 中医基础理论, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 目的 在中医理论指导下,探讨肺与衰老的密切关系,并通过实验研究进一步明确其相关性的机制,以便为从肺延缓衰老提供理论和实验依据。本文分为理论探讨和实验研究两大部分。 理论探讨 提出肺与衰老有着十分密切的关系。1、肺主气与衰老:气机的紊乱,影响气血津液的分布,从而使机体失养,痰、瘀、毒等病理产物堆积而加速衰老。2、主宣发与衰老:肺脏的宣降正常,则卫气能布散到全身,发挥其防御作用,增强机体的抗病机制,宣发失常则机体易发生衰老。3、主通调水道与衰老:脏腑居位最高,肺气布散津液,象雾露一样弥散一身,所以肺是人体津液运行的一个重要脏器之一。肺气输布津液的能力衰弱,易致津液停聚形成痰浊,会引起或加速机体的衰老。4、肺朝百脉与衰老:肺朝百脉,是指全身的血液都通过经脉而聚会于肺,通过肺的呼吸,进行气体交换,然后输送到全身。若肺气虚不能治理调节血的运行,以至气血郁滞可促进衰老的发生。5、肺合大肠与衰老的关系:肺与大肠相表里,传导糟粕,大肠传导通畅则健康,否则,发生疾病或加速机体衰老进程。综上所述,在人体生命发展的过程中,肺与其他脏腑一样,与衰老的病理生理有着密切的关系,其由肺的功能虚衰或失养,导致机体气血津液的失养,或气、痰、瘀、毒等病理产物的堆积致病,可能,是由肺引起或加速机体衰老进程的机理。 实验研究 方法:我们使用D—半乳糖颈背部皮下注射来制作肺虛衰老的动物模型。在此基础上应用补肺汤对模型进行了防治作用的实验研究。将昆明小鼠随机分为正常组、模型组、维生素E-C组、补肺汤治疗小剂量组、补肺汤治疗大剂量组。结束给药后,检测补肺汤对衰老小鼠肺组织自由基、超微结构、肺泡巨噬细胞免疫功能、肺泡巨噬细胞死亡率。结果:1、补肺汤对衰老小鼠肺组织自由基的影响,补肺汤能有效地减少衰老小鼠肺组织中的MDA含量,提高SOD含量,其中,补肺汤治疗大剂量组效果最好;2、补肺汤对衰老小鼠皮肤和肺组织超微结构的影响,补肺汤对衰老小鼠皮肤和肺组织超微结构的病理改变有所改善。3、补肺汤对衰老小鼠肺泡巨噬细胞免疫功能的影响,补肺汤能显著提高衰湖北中医学院博士学住论炎老小鼠肺泡巨噬细胞吞噬率,增强肺免疫功能;4、补肺汤对衰老小鼠肺泡巨噬细胞凋亡的影响,补肺汤能够抑制肺泡巨噬细胞凋亡。结论:模型组小鼠的肺组织中有SOD含量降低、MDA含量增加等表现,说明我们已经成功地复制了肺虚衰老的动物模型。补肺汤能有效地减少肺组织中自由基含量、抑制细胞凋亡、增强免疫功能,有延缓肺衰老的作用。关键词:肺衰老理论探讨细胞凋亡自由基

【Abstract】 Object: Probing the close relationship between lung aging under the direction of TCM theory , then through experiment study , to confirm the mechanism of the correlativity , so as to offer warranty of theory and experiment for postpone the aging from lung .The text was divided into two parts: theory probing and experiment study .Theory probing : Lung aging have close relationship through the study of ancient words, the lung dominates Qi , characterized Qi by dispersing outward and downward . associated with the skin and hair . 1. The essence and Qi of lung is the main material basic which maintain the function of skin, the lung controls respiration and smoothes the pores so as to nourish the skin, the lung characterizes Qi by dispersing outward and dispersing body fluid so as to nourish the skin, many large blood vessels converge in the lung , smoothing Qi and blood so as to nourish the skin, the lung is associated with skin and has an exterior and interior relationship with large intestine, exhaling stale gas so as to clean skin. 2.The deficiency of the essence and Qi of lung is the main mechanism of aging, the lung can’t control respiration and smooth thepores so that it can’t nourish the skin any more, the lung can’t characterizes Qi by dispersing outward and dispersing body fluid so that it can’t nourish skin any more . many large blood vessels can’t converge in the lung , and it can’t smooth Qi and blood so that it can’t nourish skin any more, the lung can’t exhale stale gas so that it can’t clean skin any more. 3.Regulating and reinforcing the essence and Qi of lung is the important theorem of postponing the skin aging, the essence and Qi of lung including two parts: Yang-Qi and Yin-essence of lung. The regulating and reinforcing the two parts can postpone the skin aging through the ways as follows: reinforcing the lung-Qi so as to nourish skin; smoothing the lung-Qi so as to smooth Qi and blood; dispersing stale gas outward and downward so as to clean skin.Experiment studyMethods: The rats were randomly divided into five groups: normal control group; model group; Vitamin E-C group; BFT therapying low dose group and BFT therapying large dose group.The aging rat model of lung deficiency syndrome was induced by subcutaneous injection of 12.5% D-Galactose on the back near neck 0.16ml daily for four weeks. We observed MDA, SOD.Results: 1.BFT groups all can increase the contents of SOD and decrease the contents of MDA. Especially the preventing large dose group,There was a very significant changes (P<0.01). 2.The contents ofalveolar mac-rophage was increased obviously in model group, BFT can decreased it, There were very significant changes (P<0.01). 3.There were obviously apoptosis in model group, BFT can improve the ultrastructure pathological changes of lung and skin. 4. The expression of PCD was obviously decrease in model group than in normal control group(P<0.01), BFT can increase the expression of significantly(P<0.01).Conclusion: Three were mang changes in model group, such as: the decrease of SOD,the increase of MDA, ultrastructure pathological changes etc. It means the aging model of lung deficiency was successfully founded. BFT can decrease the contents of free radical,restrain apoptosis, improve immune function, Though these it can postpone aging.

【关键词】 衰老理论探讨细胞凋亡自由基实验研究@补肺汤
【Key words】 lungtheory probingapoptosisSODexperiment study @BFT
  • 【分类号】R228
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