

【作者】 缪仁炳

【导师】 宝贡敏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2005, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放20多年,这一期间,我国各地呈现出较大的经济发展不平衡现象。从各个层面寻找地区发展不平衡的根本原因,成为很多学者研究的主题。诸多研究者发现创业活动的活跃程度是经济发展的重要贡献因素。然而,深究创业活动中人们表现出来的多样化的创业行为与创业心理,不管从社会学层面、经济学层面还是从管理学层面研究这一问题,都发现文化是其中的重要动因。文化驱动创业,创业提升经济是学术界比较认同的研究路径。文化的多样化引起创业活动多样化。中国是一个区域跨度很大的国家,很多研究都表明,区域文化明显存在差异。如何结合不同地区的文化基础,考虑当地的经济发展、创业模式与管理手段,正是跨区域管理、跨区域创业要解决的焦点问题,也是区域发展政策成功的深层次背景问题。因此,如何从文化视角解释不同地区创业活动的差异,揭示创业行为与心理背后的文化差异基础及其影响机制正是本文研究的目的所在。我国目前在创业研究方面,尤其是从文化视角研究创业问题仍不充分,而不同地区的实际创业活动又对解决此问题提出要求。基于研究的不足和实践的需要,本文以开放社会/封闭社会理论作为区域界定理论基础选择代表性区域,即选择东西部两个地区,浙江省温州地区和陕西省关中地区为代表性研究区域,试图从文化差异的角度,研究两地创业倾向的差异,揭示两地的创业倾向强点及其文化基础。在文化与创业倾向的构成面方面,以“与工作相关的潜在基本假设”(Schein,1992) 为文化构成面选择的基本标准,继承前人在文化维度、创业倾向维度方面的研究,从众多的文化线索和创业倾向线索中选择有效的文化维度构成体系与创业倾向维度构成体系,规划从文化距离视角分析温州、关中两地创业倾向差异的研究内容。具体而言,本文的研究内容主要集中于以下几个方面:(1) 温州地区与关中地区文化比较研究通过对文化分维度研究的相关文献回顾,以Hofstede(1980a)、Trompenaars(1993) 等人的文化维度框架为基础,选择权力距离、不确定性规避、集体主义/个体主义、男性化/女性化和业绩导向/因袭导向等五个维度构成本文文化研究维度,在文化维度选择的基础上对两个地区的文化进行了测量与比较研究。经调查数据测量与假设验证,表明温州地区在集体主义、不确定性规避、和因袭导向三个文化维度显著强于关中地区,与此相对应,关中地区在个人主义、风险导向、业绩导向方面强于温州地区。而在与之相关联的文化传统表现方面,温州地区比关中地区具有更强的家族取向和重商传统,这一文化传统表现与文化维度比较研究的结果是相吻合的。本文在此基础上,结合开放社会/封闭社会文化特征的回顾,推测判断温州属于一一一一一一—一一.一一一理些述创型途鱼鲤匕一一一~ 相对封闭社会,而关中则属于相对开放社会。 (2)文化与创业倾向关系研究 这部分研究在通过对创业理论的概括与回顾,本文在众多的创业者个性特质中选择创新性、内部控制点、先行性和勤奋积极性为创业倾向维度构成,采用Muller&Thomas(2000)的两因素组合创业倾向,提出四因素组合创业倾向,即创业倾向是创新性、内部控制点、先行性和勤奋积极性四个维度的交集。在此基础上,根据各文化维度的含义和各创业倾向维度含义之间的关系提出了文化与创业倾向关系的假设,并采用多元回归方法进行了经验验证。 结果表明,男性化和权力距离的弱化对提高两地创业倾向有显著影响,是影响创业倾向的关键文化变量;集体主义对创业倾向构成维度中勤奋积极性有显著的正向影响,业绩导向对创新性和先行中有显著的正向影响关系,而不确定性规避仅对内部控制点有显著负向影响,是文化维度中对创业倾向影响较弱的一个维度。 (3)文化视角的温州地区与关中地区创业倾向比较研究 以温州与关中地区文化比较和文化与创业倾向具体关系为基础,保持地区文化比较结果、文化与创业倾向关系的结果两者逻辑的一致性,提出温州、关中两地创业倾向的差异假设,并以此假设为基础,对两个地区的创业倾向及其构成维度进行测量与比较研究。 结果表明,温州地区仅在勤奋积极性上显著强于关中地区,而在创新性和内部控制点等方面都弱于关中地区,因此温州地区在两因素组合的创业倾向上显著弱于关中地区,这在一定程度上说明,关中地区的人们在创业方面具有更大的潜力,但是两个地区在四因素组合的创业倾向上并无显著差异,说明两地在创业方面又各有自身的强点与弱点。 本文进一步从温州、关中两地的文化基础及其创业倾向差异推测到一般性的结论,即开放社会可能更会滋长内源性创业倾向,而封闭社会则更有可能滋生外压式的创业倾向。 从以上几个部分研究及其结果中可以看到,本文坚持以量化测量验证为主要研究方法,取得了较丰富的成果,较好地贯彻了比较逻辑与关系逻辑相统一,创业倾向比较与文化基础相结合。与以往的研究相比,本文的创新与发现主要体现在以一下几个方面: (l)揭示了温州地区与关中地区文化差异 通过经验数据的地区比较分析,温州地区与关中地区在

【Abstract】 The regional economies have been turning more unbalanced during the decades of opening policy in China. It is one of the important issues to find the reasons accounting for the unbalanced regional economies. Many researchers have found that the extent of entrepreneurial activities is the important factor accounting for the economic development. However, further studies on the diversity of entrepreneurial behavior and mind have revealed that the ultimate reason always turns out to be the cultural difference among the regions whether a researcher deals with such an issue from the view of sociology, economics or management.Many people of the academic circle agree that it is a logic path that culture drives entrepreneurial activities and entrepreneurial activities further promote the economy. However, the culture is not homogeneous around China. Many researches have found that there exist regional cultural differences in China. How to reveal the cultural ground of entrepreneurial activities has become a focal point relating to cross-regional management and cross-regional venturing. But the research on such an area isn’t enough up to date. And there are more need to have a good knowledge about it. Taking the limitations of former researches and the demand of reality into account, this paper aims to reveal the differences of entrepreneurial orientation from a cultural view and the differences of the cultures behind the entrepreneurial activities.Based on the theory of the compromise of the open society and the closed society, this paper selects two typical regions in China, Wenzhou and Guanzhong and tries to have a deeper study on the differences of entrepreneurial orientation from a cultural view. Meanwhile this paper tries to reveal the strength of entrepreneurial orientation of each region.Following the former researches, this paper tries to find a structure of culture dimensions and entrepreneurial orientation dimensions and arranges the study plan. What this paper focused on and found out are as following. (1) Comparing the cultural dimensions in Wenzhou with that in GuanzhongAfter reviewing of the literature of cultural dimensions, this part selected five dimensions of culture, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, collectivism/individualism, masculinity/femininity and achievement/ascription orientation, which were put forward by Hofstede (1980a) and Trompenaars (1993), as the cultural dimensions. Then the paper compared the cultural dimensions between Wenzhou and Guanzhong.The results showed that the Wenzhouness got more collectivism, more uncertainty avoidance, and more ascription orientation than Guanzhongness. Further test on thedifferences of traditional manifestations revealed that there exists stronger clan orientation in Wenzhou than that in Guanzhong. As to the tradition of doing business, the Wenzhouness valued the tradition more than Guanzhongness. Such conclusions about traditional manifestations are good fit to the conclusions about the cultural dimensions in the tow regions.Based on the conclusions above and in line with the review of the characteristics of the open society and closed society, the author infers that Wenzhou is belong to the closed society and Guanzhong is the reverse.(2) The relationship of culture and entrepreneurial orientationAfter giving a review of entrepreneur theory, this paper selected four characters of entrepreneurs, innovativeness, internal locus of control, proactiveness and hardworking orientation, as the entrepreneurial orientation dimensions among numerous dimensions of the characters of entrepreneurs. And it adopted the definition of entrepreneurial orientation named two-factor combined entrepreneurial orientation, combined of innovativeness and internal locus of control, which Muller & Thomas (2000) put forward in the former research. Further more this paper defined the four-factor combined entrepreneurial orientation, which is combined with the four dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation mentioned above. Then the paper put forward some hypothesis about the relation

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期