

Ornament and Sociocultural Environment

【作者】 姜娓娓

【导师】 关肇邺;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 在建筑的发展中,装饰一直是颇具争议的话题,并能在各种反对的呼声中表现出顽强的生命力。20世纪以来中国的现代建筑装饰在风云变幻的社会环境的影响下呈现错综复杂的局面,在技术的快速发展与经济利益的驱动下又面临模糊化与暂时化的困境。孤立的、静态的从建筑本身的角度认识装饰已失去意义,而是迫切的需要从整体的、动态的角度理解和把握建筑设计中的装饰问题。但目前有关此领域的理论研究还很苍白。第一部分是论文的基础理论。首先分析了中西方建筑装饰诸多已有概念的问题,从装饰与建筑本体的角度提出“本体性装饰”和“附加性装饰”的概念。其次,总结建筑装饰的三层作用:实用、美化和表达意义。围绕历史上关于美与意义的争辩,从哲学的高度剖析了现代与当代建筑的装饰问题,指出美与意义并重的重要性。最后,通过分析装饰在演变过程中受到的影响因素(技术因素、经济因素和审美因素),提出装饰与社会文化环境之间是一种错综复杂的观念下的一致的、互动的关系。第二部分是具体分析,以20世纪以来的中国现代建筑装饰为例,从时间上划分为三个阶段,分别从经济技术、社会文化和姊妹艺术三个方面探讨它们与“本体性装饰”和“附加性装饰”的内在关联,并从历史的、综合的角度予以评价。根据不同社会状况下三方面因素对装饰影响程度的不同,分析与评价也有所侧重。第三部分是原则与方法。首先,从第二部分的分析中得到启示,认为应在复杂思想的观念下具体问题具体分析,寻求一种平衡,不能简单的肯定或者否定“本体性装饰”和“附加性装饰”。其次,就目前多元化的局面,讨论了装饰未来的发展问题。从历时性、共时性与类比的角度进行分析,认为具有装饰的建筑在多元化发展中将占有重要的地位。在此基础上,提出了“回归理性装饰”的观点与四项原则:时代性原则、地域性原则、大众性原则和经济性原则,并在徐州汉画像石博物馆扩建工程项目中应用和检验。

【Abstract】 Ornament is always a debated theme during the development of architecture, and presents staunch vitality in the voice that objects to it. The Chinese modern architectural ornaments since the 20th century both have been anfractuosity and have become illegibility and temporaries, which have been affected by the phantasmagoric social environment, the technology development and the economic advantages. It is more important to comprehend and design the ornament with the compositive and dynamic views rather than the isolated and static views. But, the research about it has been almost absent in this field.The first part of the dissertation is the basic theory. Firstly, it analyzeds the problems of the western and Chinese ornament definitions and then proposed the noumenon ornament and applied ornament through the relationship of ornament and architecture noumenon. Secondly, it summarizeds three level functions of ornament in architecture development: practicality, beautification and communicating meaning. With regard to the philosophical contention of the beautification and communicating meaning in the history, it analyzed the ornament problem in the modern and post-modern architecture theory. Thirdly, it point out that it is a consistent and interacting relationship between ornament and social culture environment.The second part is the analysis of the modern architectural ornament of china since the 20th century. It is divided into three parts. Each part is discussed the intrinsic relationship among the technology, economic, social culture, applied art and the ornament, including noumenonal ornament and applied ornament. And then it is evaluated from the point of historic and compositive view. Moreover, the emphasis on the evaluating is affected by the main factor in each part.The third part is the principles and approaches. Firstly, it is brought some revelation from the development of the modern architectural ornament of china since the 20th century and considered that it should be made a concrete analysis of ornament under the idea of the complicated thought. Secondly, it is discusses the future of ornament on the situation of the pluralism at present, and makes a conclusion that ornament is important to architecture from three kinds of view. Thirdly, it is proposes four principles in the ornament design based on the thought of “returning to rational ornament”: the principle of era quality, the principle of localization, the principle of masses quality and the principle of economy. The four principles are applied and tested through the practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 03期