

The Analyses on the Contradictions between Masses and Cadres in Rural China During the Social Transformation

【作者】 张富良

【导师】 李润海;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,以大量的社会调查为实证基础,对改革开放以来的社会转型期农村干群矛盾进行了政治学分析。在转型期,由于经济转轨,社会转型,农村干群关系日益紧张,主要表现在:干群互不认同,干群冲突增多,农民群众上访、群访激增等等。干群矛盾出现了复杂化、多样化、日趋紧张性和突发性以及可控制性等特点。虽然其对抗性有增强的趋势,但是,它仍然属于人民内部矛盾的范畴。本文按照社会转型期国家宏观体制存在的问题和社会转型引起干群矛盾的主体、客体和协调机制等微观变化对干群矛盾的影响两条路径来分析干群矛盾的致因。两条路径交汇于利益,干群矛盾实质上是利益矛盾。从宏观上来说,转型期农村干群矛盾的成因在于:在赶超型发展战略的指导下,我国一直实行“以农补工”的城乡二元体制和人多地少的现实国情严重地制约了农村的发展。政治体制改革仍然滞后于经济体制改革,农村基层民主发育不健全,党的基层组织建设还存在诸多问题。国家对意识形态控制的弱化,精神文明建设存在着“一手软”现象。社会贫富差距拉大,社会分化剧烈,不同的群体、阶层逐渐成形,其利益诉求日益强烈,社会整合难度加大。从微观上来说,干群矛盾的主体、客体和协调机制的变化是影响干群矛盾的三个主要因素。本文从“谁之间发生矛盾?”入手,深入探究“矛盾的指向是什么?”,并寻找“协调机制失灵”的原因。在社会转型期,干群关系由过去的国家-基层组织-农民之间的金字塔式关系演变成了国家、基层组织、农民三者之间的三角关系。农村干部、群众作为矛盾主体发生了分化。农民分化为10个不同的阶层、群体。乡村干部的产生形式、成分、相互关系也有重大变化。客体对干群矛盾的形成具有决定性的影响,转型期客体逐渐增多且日益具体化和复杂化,主体对客体追求的明晰化,再加上协调机制的失灵,诱发和增加了干群矛盾。经济发展并不能自动化解干群矛盾,为此,必须进行国家制度建设,按照“党的建设——党内民主——人民民主——政府改革——国家制度建设”的发展路径来实现社会公正,以此作为化解农村干群矛盾的根本之策。

【Abstract】 Under the direction of the dialectical and historical materialism of Marxism, this dissertation is based on the substantive field inquisition. The contradictions between masses and cadres have been analyzed in view of political sciences since the reform and opening up in rural China during the social transformation.During the social transformation, the relationship between masses and cadres is getting more and more tense up on account of economic and social transformation. It lies as following: masses and cadres can’t identify with each other, the conflicts between them increase more, the peasants appeal to the higher authorities for help by letters or mass group increasingly and so on. The characteristics of the contradictions present themselves as the complication, diversification, increasing tensity, unexpected outburst and controllablity. Although its opposability is getting intensified, it is a part of the category of the internal conflicts among people.The contradictions between masses and cadres are influenced by some problems and defects existed in the national macro-systems during the social transformation and the micro changes of subjects, objects, coordinated mechanism resulted from the social transformation. From the two paths, the dissertation analyses the causes of the contradictions. The junction of two paths is interest, the contradictions between masses and cadres presents the ones of interests in essence.In the macroscopical view, the causes of the contradictions lies in that: under the direction of the overtaking development strategy, the rural development is badly hindered and fettered by the dual structure of the urban and rural societies and the policy of the industry and cities aided financially by peasants that has been implemented in China all along. Furthermore, it’s restricted by the real situation of China that there is more and more population but less and less land. The political system reform has still been lagged behind the economic system reform, the democracy in rural grass roots develops distemperedly, the organizations building of the Party at the primary levels still exists some issues. The control on the ideology by <WP=6>state is weaker and weaker, the spiritual civilization construction is paid no or less attention. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting increasing, social differentiation becomes acute, different groups and stratifications are taking shape, their appeal for interests is stronger, social conformity is more difficult.In the microcosmic view, the changes of the subjects, objects and coordinated mechanism are the three main factors that affect the contradictions between masses and cadres. It proceeds with between whom the contradictions occur? What the contradictions aim at is probed deep into, on this basis, it’s probed into why the coordinated mechanism fails to function. During the social transformation, relationship between masses and cadres evolves from the past pyramid –style of the nation-primary-level organizations-peasants to the triangle-style of state, primary- level organizations and peasants in rural China. The masses and cadres as subjects becomes differentiation, the peasants evolve to ten different stratifications and groups. The model of appointment and removal, ingredients, correlation of the cadres all changes greatly in village and township levels. The objects play a decisive role in the occurrences of the contradictions between masses and cadres. During the social transformation objects gradually increase and become increasing concretion and complication, subjects pursue objects definitely, at the same time the coordinated mechanism fails to function, all these induces and increases the contradictions between masses and cadres.The economic development doesn’t resolve the contradictions between masses and cadres automatically. So the national system building must be carried out as the ultimate path to settle them. Its path dependence must be followed from the Party building to inner-Party democracy, to government refor

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 03期