

The Systematic Study on Bronze Inscriptions of Chu Culture System

【作者】 邹芙都

【导师】 彭裕商;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 考古学与博物馆学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 楚系铭文是指铸刻在楚国或深受楚文化影响的其它诸侯列国所铸造的青铜器上的文字,据现有出土资料,其起止时间上承西周中晚期,下迄秦灭楚之际,延续时间达六七百年之久。楚系铭文作为两周铜器铭文的一个重要组成部分,与中原北方铜器铭文相比较而言,因其自身特有的风格而成为中国南方文字的典型代表。在今天对先秦文化进行分区、分域研究曰益深化的学术热潮中,楚文化研究已被推向纵深领域,作为楚文化研究的重要分支楚系铭文研究也得到学术界的高度重视。本文以楚系铭文作为研究对象,对其作了较为系统的综合考订、研究工作,主要内容包括以下几个方面: 一、在对以往有关楚系铭文研究情况总体把握的基础上,从铭文著录、文字考释、分期断代、铭文风格等多个方面,按时间先后分北宋至乾嘉、晚清、民国、建国以来至今四个时期对其研究状况作了较全面的阐述,对每个时期的研究重点、所取得的主要成就及不足之处作了一一评述。对楚系铭文的研究概观所进行的历时性考察,从宏观上再现了其研究层累、递进的过程。在综合分析的基础上,指出了在今后开展楚系铭文研究中应亟待加强的六个问题,本文写作的目的也正是对其中一些问题作进一步的研究与探讨。 二、楚系铭文的收集与整理是楚系铭文研究的最基础性工作,对其研究的深入有至关重要的作用。而文字的考释与断代则是其研究的重点。本文在充分利用考古材料和已有研究成果的基础上,将以往一些诸如樊器等认为是楚系之器予以剔除,将书也缶等以往认为是非楚系之器予以补录,加之新录近年来出土的楚系器共归纳楚系铭文153号(组):对每器的疑难文字作了综合考释,或者对旧说作一一辨析,或者对认同观点提供补正材料,或者对一些文字给予重新释读,力求使全铭释读起来文从意顺;同时充分运用器形、纹饰、器类组合、字形特征等各方面知识,结合相关文献记载,对每器的年代进行断代,并按西周中晚期,春秋早、中、晚期(每期又大致分早、中、晚三段),战国早、中、晚期对所有器物按时代早晚先后进行编年排列,力求将每器的年代定在相对狭小的年段内。在器物断代研究过程中,笔者对如黝钟等诸多器物的年代作了重新考订。此外,在楚系铭文的收集与整理过程中,常遇到一大批诸如“申公”、“邓公”、“许公”之类铭文的铜器,对于其国别往往容易引起学术界的争议,即到底是其灭国前还是被楚所灭后所置县尹之器意见不一,这给楚系铭文的甄别工作带来了较大的难度,本文根据器形、纹饰和字体特征,结合有关该国的存亡时间和历史地理等文献记载,作系统的比较分析,得出其中一部分器物楚文化因素较为显著,应为楚县县公器的结论,将之归为楚系铭文之列。在此基础上,从三个层面对楚系铭文的地域特征作了归纳分析,从中可以清晰地看到楚系铭文与他系铭文的区别。 三、.铜器铭文字体随时代的推进而发生相应的变化,其演进虽比较缓慢,但在不同的时段进行通观,其时代特征还是比较明显的,即一时代有一时代之风尚。据此,笔者专以字形字体等为标准,对楚系铭文作了分期研究,将之分为四期五段,即第一期(西周中晚期至两周之际),为楚系铭文的沿袭期,第二期(公元前770年至公元前600年左右),为楚系铭文过渡期,第三期(公元前600年左右至公元前380年前后),为楚系铭文的特色期,第四期(公元前380年至楚灭国之时),为楚系铭文的衰退期,其中又将第三期分为早中晚三段,第四期分为早晚两段,并对每期每段的字形字体特征作了初步归纳。据铭文字形字体特征所作的分期分段能基本与据器形、纹饰、器类组合等所作断代相吻合,这说明其可作为铜器断代的一个客观标尺,对铜器断代有较重要的参考价值。 四、楚系铭文在漫长的演变历程中,其字形构造也在进行着逐渐的改变,本文从简化、繁化、异化及分化等几个角度,对楚系铭文字形的演变方式作了较为系统的归纳,从中可以发现,其演变方式既遵循着中国古文字演变的一般规律,同时又有楚系铭文自身的一些特征,以致形成了大量唯楚所见的独特形体,这一方面印证了楚系铭文来源于商周金文,是同源的,另一方面也说明楚系铭文在发展过程中并不循规蹈矩,体现楚民族独特的文化心理和审美情趣,这种异流文化是极为多姿的。此外,还对楚系铭文字形演变与简帛、印玺文字之间的关系作了初步探讨,通过比较可以发现前者受后者的影响是其为深远的。 五、兵器铭文是楚系铭文的大宗,对于楚国兵器铭文的特征及其所反映的文化基因,学术界较少探讨。文章从楚与它国兵器铭辞、楚兵器与礼乐器铭辞、楚兵器不同器类铭辞三个方面作了初步比较,从中归纳了楚兵器铭文的一些基本特征及其所体现的楚文化与它国文化之间的密切交往和相互影响,这进一步说明了异域文化之间的文化互动性和中华文化的多元一体性。 以上是本论文的主要内容,由于笔者学识十分有限,在具体论述中有诸多不当或错误之处,恳请专家多多批评指正,以使后学学业日后得以提高!关键辞:楚系铭文汇释分期断代形体演变兵器铭辞

【Abstract】 The bronze inscriptions of Chu Culture System are the characters cast or carved on the bronze-objects made by Kingdom Chu and other kingdoms Influenced by Kingdom Chu on the culture. According to the unearthed cultural relics, it went on about six-seven hundred years from middle-late Western Zhou to the time when Qin Dynasty annihilated Kingdom Chu. As a main part of Western and Eastern Zhou ’s bronze inscriptions, it has been seen as a symbol of the character in the south China with it’s special styles compared with the central and north China ’s bronze inscriptions. As an important part of pre-Qin culture, the study of Kingdom Chu’s culture attracts more and more attention and acquires enormous achievements. So the research of the Bronze Inscriptions of Chu Culture System is being one hot topic in academia. Thus this paper makes a systemic research and textual criticism ect on those inscriptions. The main contents include several parts.First, the paper makes a systemic and thorough summary and analysis about the research of the bronze Inscriptions of Chu Culture System according to the description textual research periods and date styles of inscriptions and so on, which are divided into four periods: Northern Song Dynasty, Qianlong-Jiaqing’s reign, evening-Qing, the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China. The research exhibits the process of being accumulated and deeped. Based on upper analysises, the paper points out six questions which should be regarded in the future’s study. The order of this paper is to make some studies to some questions.Second, the collecting and coordinating of the bronze inscriptions of Chu Culture System is the foundation of its study, which is important for the deepresearch. Its emphases are the textual research and periods of inscriptions. Through making use of archaeological materials and the fruit of recent study, this paper sums up 153 groups inscriptions of Chu culture system by eliminating the inscriptions which were supposed as Chu culture system and adding some which were not thought as Chu culture system and recently excavated. Thoroughly analyzing indeterminate characters, the paper rebuts some former points, puts forward some new views, agrees with some points and provides some mending proofs and so on. Combining with all kinds of knowledges including the bronzes’ types, decorations and characters’ trait ect, the author makes each vessel arranged according to the following phases: middle-late of Western Zhou Dynasty, early-middle-late Spring and Autumn Period and early-middle-late Warring States Period. At the same time, the author makes systemic study about one kind of inscriptions, for example, Shengong, Denggong and Xugong which arose dissidences about the problem of belonging to the kingdom before ruined by Kingdom Chu or not. Through analyzing and comparing, the paper summarizes a point that they should belong to Kingdom Chu because a part of vessels show traits of Kingdom Chu culture. Based on these, by analyzing the regional traits of Inscriptions of Chu Culture System from three aspects, we can clearly know the differences from others.Third, the inscription’s font style possesses different characters in each phase, although the changes of characters are relatively slow. According to the traits of font style, the author does research about the stages and dating of the Inscription of Chu Culture System. It is divided into four periods and five phases: from middle-late Western Zhou Dynasty to BC 770, from BC 770 to BC 600, from BC 600 to BC 380, from BC 380 to BC 223, and the third period is divided into three phases and the forth period is divided into two phases. At the same time, the paper analyses and concludes the characters of each period and phase. Through the study, the author proves that it is an important standard to determine the historical period of bronze besides the form, decoration and casting technology.Forth, the makeup of the Inscription of Chu Culture System was changingduring the historical period. The paper makes a systematic analys

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期