

A Study of Wucheng Culture

【作者】 彭印(石昆)

【导师】 彭裕商;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,长江流域的青铜文化已成为一个越来越受到学术界关注的研究课题,因为日益丰富的考古新资料表明,长江流域是商时期又一个文明中心,吴城文化是长江中游地区首次命名的考古学文化,也是商时期长江以南唯一的文明中心,因而吴城文化研究还可以深化整个长江中游地区商时期青铜文化的区、系、类型研究,对中国青铜文明的产生和发展具有重大意义。 吴城文化是指商时期分布在赣江中、下游鄱阳湖以西的赣北、赣西北、赣中地区的一支地方青铜文化,既带有浓厚的中原商文化色彩,又具有鲜明的地方特色。樟树吴城遗址的发现与发掘,确立了江南商代考古的时代标尺,使得湮没三千余年的江西商代文明重见天日,瑞昌铜岭商周矿冶遗址、新干大洋洲商代遗存的发掘,则揭开了江西商代文明的新篇章。汉代以前的江西历史,古代文献中无直接记载,因而依靠考古发现来重构江西古史就显得极为必要了,吴城文化是江西古代文明研究中的一个十分重要的课题,对探索江西古代文明诞生的历史进程具有关键作用。但目前对吴城文化还缺乏全面、系统的综合研究,由于研究方法和视角的不同,在分期与年代、文化内涵与类型及其文化性质等方面还存在明显分歧,因此,运用科学、合理的方法,对吴城文化进行整体考察,确立其年代序列,辩明其区、系、类型,归纳其文化特征,寻找这一地区文明进程的规律,就显得极为必要了。 首先,本文以吴城文化30年来的研究成果为基础,以考古学研究为基本方法,依据考古地层学和类型学的理论,对已发现的200多处吴城文手匕遗址考古材料,从时、空两条线索进行细致的梳理,采用己公布的各个不同遗址的典型地层单位,选择典型的器物组合,对诸典型遗址的分期与年代、文化内涵与类型及其文化性质作系统研究,在对高、豆、盆、折肩罐、折肩瓮、折肩尊、器盖、敲形器等8种典型陶器进行分型分式研究的基础上,采用文化因素分析方法对陶器进行分群研究,归纳出各自特征,通过各种器物产生、发展、消长的习U变,寻找考古学文化发展的阶段性与规律,将原有的三期说完善为四期五段说,并划分出吴城类型与石灰山类型。 其次,翻门以考古资料为基础,从农业、手工业和商业等社会经济各个角度来复原吴城文化的图景。吴城文化是一支以经营农业为主业的商代文化,农业生产技术已达到了相当发达的水平,在农业生产工具方面颇有创造,发明了犁、来、耙、侄等一整套适合于南方水田稻作农业生产的青铜农具,并在当时率先普遍使用青铜农具,对农业生产力的发展做出了十分重大的贡献。由于农业经济的发展,为家禽家畜饲养业提供了足够的粮食来源,使得家畜饲养业成为农业经济的重要补充。 吴城文化农业的发展,社会财富的积累,促进了手工业的进一步分工和发展,有了陶瓷烧制业、青铜冶铸业、琢玉业、竹木加工业和纺织业等众多手工业门类,青铜开采、冶炼和铸退列业是最重要的手工业部门。吴城先民在商代早期就发现、开采了赣北瑞昌铜岭的铜矿,发明了先进的铜矿开采、矿石冶炼技术;石范与陶范并用,用石范铸造工具和武器,用陶范铸造容器和乐器,在块范分铸工艺和铜蕊撑技术方面颇有创新,所铸青铜器,配方独待,工艺精湛,造型奇巧,纹饰瑰丽,足以与中原商王朝的同头护艺品媲美。陶瓷制逞剑上在新石器时代发生了巨大变化,无论是器物种类、制作工艺、装饰艺术,还是烧造技术都有了较大的发展,取得了印纹硬陶和原始青瓷两项引人注目的技术成就,其技术和产品源源不断地输入周边地区,给周边地区文化的发展和文明的进步产生影响,以高度发达的青铜冶铸业、陶瓷制造业为代表的手工业为吴城文化的决速崛起创造了坚实的物质基础。在农业发展、手工业发达的基础上,商业贸易迅速繁荣。吴城文化先民凭借发达的内河航运系统,以舟代步,往来于赣江及其支流沿岸各村镇、墟集,使用青铜斧币,进行集市贸易。恻门还与周边诸考古学文化间保持着密切的边境贸易,输出铜块、硬陶和原始瓷器,输入当地稀缺的锡块、玉材等。 最后,本文还利用相关考古材料,结合有关文献一记载,考定吴城文化的主要居民有本地的袅阳氏和夏代以来不断南迁的三苗以及夏末商初迫于商人追剿的夏人支系虎氏、戈氏,也门共同创造了吴城文化。吴城文化也建立起了巨大的都邑,出现了城乡分化,社会专业化分工发达,各阶层有了明显分化,有一整套以青铜礼器、玉礼器为核心,由上层贵够洞f控制的宗教祭祀礼仪,具备了国家形态的基本特征,步入了文明社会。吴城文化在其形成与发展、壮大的过程中,与周边诸考古学文化间保持着密切的联系。该文化本身是由于以铜为中心的贸易与中原殷商文化发生关系,在向商文化学习礼仪制度的基础上步入了文明社会。当然,文化交流是双向的,繁荣强大的吴城文化,在接受、融合外来文化的同时,作为当时唯一的产铜区和印纹硬陶、原始瓷暑剐尧造中心,也对周边地区产生了积极而广泛的影响,陶器折肩、圆底内凹的作风影响到东部的万年文化、马桥文化高祭台类型,东南部的黄土仑类型,南部的浮滨类型、石峡类型,西部的费家河文?

【Abstract】 Wucheng Culture (吴城文化) is a regional bronze culture distributed in the north, northwest and central area of Jiangxi Province, located to the west of Poyang Lake in the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River in Shang period, which displays the features of Shang culture as well as the regional one. The excavation of Wucheng site in Zhangshu (樟树) county, where Shang (商) civilization of Jiangxi (江西) was discovered, established a chronological gauge for Shang archaeology in the south of Yangtze River. The exploration ofa Shang-Zhou (商周) mining and smelting site at Tongling (铜岭) Village in Ruichang(瑞昌) County and the Shang remains at Dayangzhou (大洋洲) in Xingan (新干) County open up a new page for the study of Shang civilization in Jiangxi. Lacking ancient documents before Han (汉) Dynasty, the rebuilding of Jiangxi history necessarily relies on archaeological data Wucheng Culture is a significant problem in the study of ancient Jiangxi civilization, and plays an important role in explorating the birth of this civilization. In addition, Wucheng Culture is the earliest-named archaeological culture in the middle reaches of Yangtze River and the only Shang civilization center in the north of China, the study on which could also deepen the research on the theory of Region, System and Typology of Shang bronze culture in this area Base on the study of past 30 years, according to the fundamental theories of stratigraphy and typology, the paper arranges more than 200 sites carefully, and makes a systematical study on periods and dates, types and connotations, and cultural natures of typical sites. Base on the typological study of 8 typical potteries such as Li (鬲),Dou(豆), Pen(盆), Zhe Jian Guan(折肩罐), Zhe Jian Wong(折肩瓮),Zhe Jian Zun (折肩尊) , pottery lid and Yan XingQi (甗形器) , and the analysis to cultural elements of every group, the author sums up their characteristics, and then through the survey of evolution traces of every kind of objects, searches the law and stage of the archaeological culture, the author amends the original threeperiods to four periods and five phases, and sets apart Wucheng Type and Shihuishan Type from that.As the main resources of residents’ living, agriculture was the dominating economy in Wucheng Culture, and played a crucial part in the social structure. The agriculture technique in Wucheng Culture was quite advanced, especially in tool-making. Wucheng people invented a series of bronze tools such as Li, Lei, Si, Zhi and so on, which were adapted to paddy field working in the South. The earliest usage of bronze tools contributes a lot to the development of agriculture productivity, which provided adequate resources for poultry and livestock breeding, and made it an important supplement for agriculture.The development of agriculture and the accumulation of social fortune accelerated the work division and growth of handicraft industry. There appeared manifold industry branches such as ceramic industry, bronze industry, jade industry, bamboo and wood industry and textile industry. Especially, the bronze mining, smelting and casting techniques were most advanced and also the mainstay in industry field, and this was the mark of development to social productivity. Even in the early Shang period, Wucheng people discovered and began to mining the bronze mine at Tangling, RuichangCounty. They mastered advanced mining and smelting techniques. In that time, the stone model was used to make tools and weapons, while the pottery model was used to make containers and musical instruments. Their products had special formula, superb technique, delicate modeling and magnificent decorations, which could parallel Shang bronze wares. Advances were achieved in every ceramics, and the invention of stamped hard ware and proto-porcelain became the distinct mark of ceramics in that time, which enabled it possess the best artisans, techniques and most exquisite pottery. Their techniques and products were exported to neighbor areas and impacted on their development and progress constantly. The adva

【关键词】 吴城文化考古学研究江西商时期
【Key words】 WuchengCulturea study of archaeologyShang dynasty
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期