

Research on the Detecting System & Atlas of Neuron-threshold and Its Application in Clinic

【作者】 汤黎明

【导师】 常本康;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 光学工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 由于神经科学的特殊性,其基础研究一直非常薄弱。20世纪70年代至80年代癫痫的外科治疗及其相关研究,从工程学角度解决了非器质性改变癫痫病灶无法定位和进行外科治疗的难题。但对于外界因素引起的神经电学特性改变,导致的行为功能的损坏,目前临床还无法进行诊断、治疗。本文通过对神经电学特性(主要是神经阈值)的相关研究,为神经科学基础研究带来新的方法,也为神经疾病的诊断、治疗带来了新的手段,丰富了生物医学工程学的发展。 本文首先论述了神经阈值的概念、特性和产生机理,强调了神经阈值检测系统及其临床应用意义。介绍了神经阈值检测系统及图谱的临床应用范围、实例、取得的成果,尤其对神经性疾病治疗取得的临床效果。 其次,揭示了神经电信号传递及原因,离子通道在神经电信号传导方面的应用:建立了神经元电学模型;研究了神经元生物电产生、神经元膜等效电路及膜电路中各参数对电信号时程、传导效率、传导速度的影响。 针对神经电学性能的非线性和弱信号特性,提出了系统软件、硬件设计方面的要求,总体设计的思路和对系统选择硬件的原则,软件设计的方法、步骤,研制出神经阈值检测系统。探索了神经阈值图谱的动物实验方案,建立了实验方法和实验结果分析方案,应用数理统计对不同波形、占空比、强度方面进行分折,应用频谱分折法对结果进行判断,取得了有理论和实践意义的结论。 最后叙述了神经阈值图谱建立对神经学基础研究和生物医学工程发展的意义。对进一步研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Due to the specificity of neurology, basic neurological researches have been advancing at a relatively slack pace. During the 1970’s~1980’s, the difficult problems in locating epilepsy without organic changes and its surgical treatment were properly solved by engineering approaches. However, it is still impossible to diagnose and treat the behavioral function impairments caused by external-factor-induced changes in neuroelectrical characteristics. The present paper aims at developing new methods for basic neurological researches and novel approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases by investigating neuroelectrical characteristics(mainly neuron threshold values).Firstly, a description is made of the concept, characteristics and mechanism of the neuron threshold values, with emphasis on the neuron threshold detecting system and the significance of its clinical application. An introduction is given to the scope, cases and results of the application of the system and the atlas, particularly the positive effects achieved in clinical treatment of neurological diseases..Secondly, a demonstration is offered on the neuroelectrical signal transmission and its mechanism, together with the function of the ionic channel in the neuroelectrical signal transmission. A neuron electrical model was established. And a study was made on the generation of neuronbio-electricity , and the influence of the neuron membrane equivalent circuit and membrane circuit parameters on the electrical signal time slot and transmission efficiency and speed.With respect to the neuroelectrical characteristics of nonlinearity and weak signals, proposals are advanced on the design requirements of software and hardware of the system, the principles for general design and hardware selection, and the methods and steps for software design. A neuron threshold detecting system was developed; the animal experiment protocol for neuron threshold atlas was explored; the methods for experiments and result analyses were established; and both theoretically and practically significant conclusions were derived from statistical analysis of different waveforms, duty rates and intensities of the signals as well as by evaluation of the results by spectrum analysis method.Lastly, an account is given of the significance of the establishment of neuron threshold atlas in the basic researches on neurology and biomedical engineering. And suggestions are ventured for further studies.
