

System Management of C.simplicifolius and D.margaritae Plantations

【作者】 杨锦昌

【导师】 许煌灿; 徐大平; 尹光天; 黄世能;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 棕榈藤属棕榈藤科(Palmae)省藤亚科(Calamoideae)省藤族(Calameae)的植物类群,为热带和亚热带森林中的多用途植物资源,是仅次于木材和竹材的重要非木材林产品。随着棕榈藤赖以生存的热带天然林面积日益消减,加上天然资源长期过度采收和不合理利用,致使棕榈藤资源日趋枯竭,严重制约着藤工业和贸易的发展。为了摆脱资源危机的困境、促进棕榈藤资源的可持续利用,发展棕榈藤人工林、加强后备资源的培育和管理已势在必行。本文结合森林可持续经营思想获得广泛认同的背景及棕榈藤资源紧缺和人工林不断发展的形势,以广西大青山单叶省藤和黄藤人工林为研究对象,开展了种苗选择、造林措施和采收试验系列研究,对棕榈藤人工林的经营技术加以总结和完善,为加速棕榈藤人工林资源培育、提高藤林的集约管理水平、促进棕榈藤资源可持续利用提供理论依据和技术参考。通过分析单叶省藤组培苗与实生苗造林效果,从造林保存率、萌蘖力、母茎长和总茎长4个指标综合判断,结合各类苗木造林后的生长趋势认为:采用组培单芽苗造林可获得较理想效果,组培单芽苗是扩大棕榈藤栽培的优良材料。造林密度对黄藤植株母茎生长的影响较弱,但对植株萌蘖力、藤丛总茎长、林分自疏率、平均直径和单丛产量产生显著影响;藤林单位面积产量随着密度的增大先增加后逐步减少,不同密度间无显著差异,但以密度为3 333株·hm-2时的总产量最高;随着造林密度的增大,藤林13 a内的总生产成本逐渐增加,纯收入则不断递减。从经济效益角度考虑,培育黄藤人工林宜采用3 m×3 m或3 m×2 m的株行距,从而获得较高的经济效益和便于藤林的管理。单叶省藤的母茎保存率在丛栽水平间无显著差异,但均低于单株种植的母茎保存率;而藤丛保存率在各丛栽水平间完全相同,均高于单株种植的藤丛保存率。丛栽对植株萌蘖数和植株母茎长,对藤丛平均株数和藤丛总茎长分别产生显著的负面和正面效应;丛栽株数对植株的平均直径与节间长也有显著影响,但二者主要在单株种植与3、4株丛栽之间有显著差异。与单株种植相比,丛栽能明显提高藤林的产量;进一步的经济分析表明,2株丛栽可获得最高的经济收益,因而在进行造林时以2株丛栽为宜。不同的初采年龄和采收间隔期对13 a单叶省藤和黄藤人工林的经济效益具有明显影响,其中单叶省藤以9 a初采和4 a间隔期、黄藤以7 a初采和6 a间隔期的采收方式经济效益最高;单叶省藤和黄藤种植后均对上层树种石梓和马尾松生长与收获量产生不利影响,进而导致20 a石梓林分和19 a 马尾松林分的纯收益和净现值出现不同程度的下降;经过综合分析,两种藤林5种采收方式对整个林地经<WP=5>济收益仍有较大贡献,两种林藤间种产生的林地增益水平和净现值增量分别为12.49%—91.10%、5 145—7 069 yuan·hm-2和3.07%—12.74%、2 407—5 149 yuan·hm-2;棕榈藤间种产生的林地经济收益的贡献水平与木材价格和木材产量紧密相关,但对木材价格反应更为敏感。将棕榈藤和上层林分相结合,对整个林地经济收益概况作出评价的研究方法在一定程度上克服了以往分析经济效益时仅以棕榈藤为研究对象的缺陷,是对藤林经济效益研究的有益补充和完善。若仅从一个方面分析棕榈藤间种的利或弊都会失之偏颇,只有将棕榈藤和上层林分结合起来当作一个系统,并对整个系统进行综合分析和判断,才会得出比较客观和准确的结论。通过对5个生长方程进行对比分析,选用Korf和Richards方程建立了单叶省藤和黄藤的林分因子生长模型。首次将Weibull、Logistic和Richards生长方程移植于单叶省藤和黄藤的茎长分布的研究领域中,采用分阶段拟合法描述单叶省藤和黄藤林分茎长分布结构,并利用参数预测技术建立了藤林的茎长分布模型,为动态模拟林分茎长分布规律和提高预测精度提供了良好的途径。基于林分因子模型和茎长分布模型,结合采收模型,以实现经营期内获取最高净现值为目标,分别藤种确定最佳采收方式:在20 a经营周期内,单叶省藤采收的时间序列分别为9、15和20 a,起采茎长序列为11、11和5 m;而黄藤采收的时间序列分别为8、11、14、17和20 a,起采茎长序列为8.5、8.5、8.5、8.5和4 m。藤林的最佳采收方式应依据藤种生物学特性、初植密度、立地条件和经营周期等因素分别确定。综合分析,通过组培快繁技术选择优质组培单芽藤是保证藤林速生丰产的有效途径;根据藤种的生物学特性,选择适宜的林地和上层林分,采取调控种植时间、丛栽株数和株行距等造林措施是减少棕榈藤间种对上层树种不利影响、有效增加原藤产量和提高林地增益水平的关键措施;而通过控制初始采收龄、起采茎长和采收间隔期,确定藤林最佳采收方式是促进资源充分利用、提高藤林的经济效益的有力保障。

【Abstract】 Being a group of climbing palms under the subfamily Calamoideae of the family Palmae, rattans are regarded as multiple-purpose plant resources and an important kind of commercial non-timber forest products in tropical and sub-tropical forests. However, the over-exploitation in the wild rattans and the loss of tropical forests have made rattan resources dwindle rapidly and threatened sustainable utilization of rattan resources and long-term survival of rattan industry. Therefore, the development of rattan plantations and the improvement of plantation management technique are urgently needed to avoid this unfavorable plight and to boost the sustainable utilization of rattan resources. Under this circumstance of dwindling resources and increasing development of rattan plantation in South China, two excellent rattan species, Calamus simplicifolius and Damonorops margaritae in Daqingshan, Guangxi province, were selected for the serial studies on selection of rattan seedlings, silvicultural measure and harvesting method to provide scientific information and technical support for the development of rattan plantations, the improvement of intensive management and sustainable utilization of rattan resources.By comparing silvicultural effect of tissue culture seedlings and normal seed seedlings of Calamus simplicifolius, it was found that planting with single shoot seedlings generally produced more satisfying result than with multiple shoot tissue culture seedlings and normal seed seedlings, judged by survival rate, suckering ability, mother stem length and rattan clump length in combination with growth tendency of seelings. Therefore, single shoot seedling was superior to the other two types in general, and can service as an excellent planting material to develop rattan plantations.The effect of planting density on growth and yield of Daemonorops margaritae plantation was analyzed on the basis of experiment of planting spacing including 3 m×3 m(A), 2 m×3 m(B), 1 m×3 m(C) and 1 m×2 m (D) 4 density levels. The result showed that planting spacing affected suckering ability, total clump length, self-thinning rate, mean stem diameter and cane yield per clump significantly except mother stem length; cane yield per hectare increased first and then decreased gradually with the density increasing with a peak value under the density of 3 333 trees per hectare. Total input and net income of plantation within 13 years increased and decreased with planting density respectively. Based on these results, the spacing of 3 m×3 m or 3 m×2 m was recommended for the purpose of both higher output and better management of Daemonorops margaritae plantation by matching practical situation. <WP=7>The effect of group-planting on growth and yield of Calamus simplicifolius was evaluated based on the trial covering 2(A), 3(B), 4(C) seedlings per group and single seedling planting (CK). Survival rate of mother stem decreased gradually with seedling number per group and was lower in group-planting than in single-planting and there were no significant differences among treatments. All survival rates of clump at different levels of group-planting were 100%, higher than that of single-planting. Group-planting decreased both sucker shoot number and mother stem length significantly, but increased plant number per clump and total length per clump dramatically. Group-planting also had significant effect on both mean diameter and mean internode length, and the differences between single-planting and 3- and 4- seedling per clump were highly significant. Cane yield increased with seedling number per group and was higher in group-planting than in single-planting, showing significant difference between group-planting treatments and single-planting but no significant differences among group-planting treatments. Further economic analysis showed that 2 seedlings per group produced the best result among three levels of group-planting.Harvest regimes had eminent economic effect on 13-year-old rattan plantations. The harvest regime of first harvest at 9 years with

  • 【分类号】S757.4
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