

Research on Water Hydraulics Water Mist Fire Suppression System

【作者】 范明豪

【导师】 杨华勇; 周华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子控制工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 纯水液压传动技术具有环境友好、不燃烧、干净、安全、易得价廉和处理方便等优点,是当今国际液压行业的前沿研究课题,也是近年来本学科发展的热点,具有广阔的应用和发展前景。细水雾灭火技术具有无环境污染、灭火迅速高效、耗水量低、水渍损失极小、灭火效果良好等特点,是国际消防界在“蒙特利尔协议”签定后,规定在二十一世纪初叶要求取缔的对大气臭氧层有严重破坏作用的哈龙灭火系统的有效替代灭火系统。常见的细水雾灭火系统为气液两相辅助雾化式,系统需附高压气瓶,管路布置复杂。本文结合纯水液压技术和细水雾灭火技术,提出新型的高压直接雾化细水雾灭火系统,系统布置简便易于操作,可持续工作。并对此进行了深入的系统的研究。 所进行的主要研究工作有:设计了一台排量为20mL/r的纯水液压九柱塞泵;搭建了移动式高压直接雾化细水雾灭火系统;安装和调试了“211工程”资助的纯水液压试验台,并利用该台架对高压直接雾化喷嘴进行了初步试验;对细水雾喷嘴进行了选型,对其内部流场和外部雾化特性参数进行仿真,研究了喷雾内部结构参数对喷雾特性的影响;对直接高压雾化细水雾喷嘴进行改进,对改进后的细水雾喷嘴外部雾化特性参数如雾滴粒径SMD和雾滴速度等,进行了激光相位多普勒(PDPA)测量分析;最后对移动式灭火系统进行了标准的A类火及B类火国际标准灭火试验,试验证明灭火效果良好。整个系统通过了专家鉴定。 本文的主要贡献包括如下几个部分: 1 提出了高压直接雾化以获得细水雾进行灭火。相对于普通的气液辅助式细水雾灭火系统来说,系统布置更为简单,机动性大为增强。这为细水雾灭火技术走向市场提供了更好的机会。 2 设计并改进了高压直接雾化细水雾喷嘴,针对改进后的高压细水雾喷嘴,进行了PDPA测量,得出喷嘴的外部雾化特性参数;在此基础上,对雾化机理进行分析。为本系统以后的喷嘴设计提供理论依据。 3 对移动式高压细水雾灭火系统进行了国际标准消防试验。试验结果表明灭火高效迅速、节水效果良好。这为高压直接雾化细水雾灭火技术提供了有说服力的实际工程数据。

【Abstract】 Water hydraulics has advantages of environmental-friendly, non-flammable, cleanness, safety, readily available, Inexpensive, and easily disposable. It is widely recognized that water hydraulics is a frontier research area and the hotspot of hydraulics research and design. It has wide apply and development potential. Water mist used for fire suppression has advantages of no pollution, high fire extinguishing capability, minimum quantity of water requirements, low water damage and better effect. Since the signature of "Montreal Protocol", Water mist fire suppression system has been in fact widely expected the most potential substitute of the Chlorine- or bromine-based gaseous fire suppressants known as HALON, which has great affection to the ozone layer.Common used water mist system is air-aided two-phase atomization system, which need high-pressure gas container. Combine water hydraulics and water mist fire suppression technology, this paper put the new type of high-pressure direct atomize water mist fire suppression system. It avoids complex assembly of common air-aided atomization system and has longer continuous working time.The main research contents are as follows. A displacement of 20 mL/r water hydraulic nine piston pump is designed. A Portable high-pressure direct atomization water mist fire suppression system is constructed. The national "211 project" fund supported water hydraulic test rig is installed and debugged. Shape selection of high-pressure direct atomize nozzle is carried, and then the nozzle’s inner structure parameters" influence to its inner flow status and outlet atomization characteristics is simulated and tested. After such primary experiments, further modification of nozzle is taken. Using Phase Doppler Particle Anemometer apparatus (PDPA), modified nozzle’s outlet atomization characteristics includes droplet velocity, droplet Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) is measured. And high-pressure direct Atomization mechanism is analysized. At last, portable fire-fighting system’s international standard A type and B type fire suppression experiment is carried, experimental results show that system has very well fire protection capability. The whole fire suppression system passes the specialist’s identification.Concretely, the dissertation’s main contributions include.1 The dissertation put forward high-pressure direct atomization way to get water mist for fire suppression. Compared to common air-aided water mist fire suppression system, it has simpler equipment and so its flexibility is greatly enhanced. And this suggestion provides more opportunity for the water mist fire suppression technology from laboratory to the real market.2 The high-pressure direct atomization nozzle is designed and modificated. And PDPA measurement to the modified nozzle is processed. Nozzle’s outlet Atomization Characteristics is obtained. On the basis of experimental results, atomization mechanism is discussed. Such discussion supply theoretical method to the design of high-pressure direct atomize nozzle.3 Portable fire suppression system’s international standard fire suppression experiment is carried. Experimental results show it has high and quickly fire extinguishing capability, and also minimizes the water usage. Such standard experiments afford forceful engineering data to the high-pressure water mist fire suppression system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期