

The YangShao Culture Survivals’ Pedigrees in Later Period in the Loess Plateau

【作者】 许永杰

【导师】 张忠培;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 黄土高原西起祁连山,东至太行山,北以长城为界,南到秦岭北坡,主要包括青海、甘肃、陕西、宁夏、山西、内蒙古、河南和河北8省(区)的大部分或部分地区,面积达40多万平方公里。 当人类的历史演进到公元前3500年前后,全面覆盖黄土高原的西阴文化解体了,代之而起的是面貌各异的诸考古学文化的割据局面。经过大约近800年的动荡和重组,公元前2700年前后,一支富有生命力的考古学文化——庙底沟二期文化生成了。庙底沟二期文化的崛起,结束了黄土高原的割据时代,开创了又一个统一的时代。 本文借用自然地理的概念,结合考古学文化的分布现象,将仰韶晚期的黄土高原划分五个考古学文化区,即:渭河盆地文化区、陇西盆地文化区、河套盆地文化区、汾河盆地文化区、伊洛盆地文化区。位于太行山东麓的大司空文化在自然地理上虽然不属黄土高原,但在谱系上却与黄土高原仰韶晚期遗存有着亲缘关系,所以本文也将其纳入研究范畴。 本文从考古层位学的分析入手,通过类型学的分类和排序,对黄土高原仰韶晚期遗存的50余处典型遗址及50余个典型单位进行逐一地梳理,最终实现了黄土高原仰韶晚期遗存的分期。仰韶晚期作为一个时代,其在黄土高原经历了五个时期,第一期为出现期,第二期和第三期是发展期,第四期是结束期,第五期是与龙山时代的交替期。小口尖底瓶是黄土高原仰韶晚期诸遗存的最典型的器物,与仰韶晚期时代相始终,在发展过程中呈现出清晰的演变规律,即口沿由退化重唇口到平唇口再到喇叭口,领口由直而开张,瓶颈由弧长而直长再到弧短,肩部渐宽,器身由瘦长而肥短,器底由尖而圆再钝,器表由施细绳纹而施篮纹或偶见方格纹和彩色图案。通过对以小口尖底瓶和夹砂绳纹罐等器物组成的陶器群的演变趋向的研究,揭示出诸考古学文化遗存在仰韶晚期时代有着同步发展规律和阶段性变化特征。 本文对黄土高原仰韶晚期遗存的年代学研究是通过考古层位学、考古类型学及碳十四测年数据分析实现的。通过对数十处遗址的有意义的叠压打破关系的全面检索,结合典型单位出土器物的形态花纹分析,得出另人信服的诸仰韶晚期遗存晚于西阴文化(并且两者的年代没有重叠)、早于诸龙山时代考古学文化遗存(各文化区的龙山时代考古学文化面貌不一)的结论,更进一步对诸仰韶晚期遗存之间的相对年代进行了一一的判定,明晰了各考古学文化遗存的年代关系。通过对大量的碳十四测年数据的详尽分析,得出了对诸仰韶晚期遗存的绝对年代的认识,并在此基础上将仰韶晚期时代的绝对年代范围估定在公元前3500年—公元前2500年。 在对黄土高原诸仰韶晚期遗存的时空框架有了界定,并对诸遗存间的谱系关系有了全面的认识之后,本文全面检讨了诸仰韶晚期遗存的文化性质,对命名繁多的考古学文化遗存的名称进行了清理,在遵循考古学文化命名原则和标准的前提下,提出规范的名称。同时,在对考古学文化遗存的文化性质的考察过程中,发现黄土高原仰韶晚期遗存可以划分为两类,一类是文化因素单一的遗存,一类是包含两种以上文化因素的遗存,以现有的概念“文化”和“类型”分别称呼。谱系归类后的

【Abstract】 loess plateau lies in the place where is west in Qinlian Mountains ,east to Taihang Mountains, north to the Great Wall as the boundry, and south to the north slope of Qinling Mountains, mainly include Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Shanxi, the Inner Mongol, Henan, Hebei 8 major part or some district of province (district), the area is up to more than 400,000 sq. km.When the historical progress of mankind goes around 3500 B.C., XiYin culture disintegrated that once overcast the full loess plateau,then the segmentation situation that all kinds of all archaeological culture with different appearance replaced it. Gone Through the turbulence and reorganization of about nearly 800 years, around 2700 B.C.,an archaeological culture--the second stage of culture of MiaoDiGou has been turnedinto being. The culture of MiaoDiGou, has finished the segmentation era of the loess plateau, and started another unified era.This paper borrows the concept of natural geography , combines the distribution phenomenon of archaeology culture, and divide the archaeology culture of Later Perioded-YangShao in loess plateau into five archaeological culture areas, namely: Wei river basin cultural, west-Gansu Province basin culture area,Hetao basin culture area, Fen river basin culture area, and Yiluo basin culture area.Though Dasikong culture that lies in the east hillfoot of Taihang mountains does not belong to loess plateau.it has blooded-relation with the Later Perioded-Culture Survivals’ Pedigrees in loess plateau,so this paper also includes it in study category.This paper, startting with the analysis archaeology of layer position, through the classification and sequencing of typology, combed more than 50 typical remains and more than 50 typical units of Later Perioded-Yangshao Culture.one by one, eventually,have realized divided the loess plateau culture by stages. Later Perioded-YangshaoCulture, as one era , it went through five periods in the loess plateau, the first period isarising period, the second and third period is developing period, the fourth period isfinishing period,and the fifth period is transition period with Longshan culture. Small-mouth-and-sharp-bottom bottle is the most typical Yangchao culture survivals in later period in the Loess Plateau,and existed along with later perioded-Yangchao cultureall the time ,and demonstrate the distinct development law in its developmentcourse.The mouth of the implements turned from degeneration heavy lip mouth to flatlip mouth then to trumpet mouth again, collarband turned from direct to open, it is shortthat bottleneck grow from arc length to direct length then to arc short, shoulder isguadually wide , ware body changed from lanky to fat and short, ware base changedfrom tip to round and blunt again, ware surface changed from cord veins to basket veinsor square veins seen accidently.and colorful pattern. Through the development tendencystudy of the pottery crowd that made of Small-mouth-and-sharp-bottom bottle and linedsand rope veins jar, etc., reveal all archaeological survivals have synchronousdevelopment law and stage change characteristic in late perioded-Yangchao.The chrology study of late perioded-Yangchao culture survivals in loess plateau isrealized with the aid of archaeological layer position study ,archaeological typology andcarbon 14 measure data analysis.Through the overall search of several dozen meaningful sites which stack oneanother and break the relation, combine the shape pattern analysis of the unearthed implements of the typical unit.this paper draw a convinced conclusion that the late perioded-Yangchao culture survivals is later than Xiyin culture survivals ( and the time of these two have no overlapping) ,and earlier than Longshan culture survivals(and the appearance of each Longshan cultural survivals is different),and judged the distinct times of the late perioded-Yangchao culture survivals one by one, Through exhaustive analysis of a large number of carbons 14 annual data,this paper have get the understanding of absolute time,on this base, estimate the absolute

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 02期