

To Amuse with Words

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 何兆熊;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 幽默现象错综复杂,但它以其特有的社会交际功能赢得古往今来国内外各领域学者的广泛关注。传统研究注重幽默逻辑、本质、工作机制及语言修辞手段的运用。近年来语用认知研究则从S&W的关联理论和Grice的合作原则对幽默的产生与欣赏进行诠释。种种研究一致认为幽默话语违反常规话语的逻辑和会话原则。如传统研究认为幽默逻辑是二元逻辑,语用认知研究认为幽默违反Grice的合作原则,为此Raskin还试图提出幽默会话合作原则。此等研究说法不一,各有千秋,使人们对幽默的了解、学习和运用更难把握.笔者认为幽默不是对常规话语的简单否定和变异。相反,它们是两种不同的交际模式,遵循着不同的交际原则。另外,幽默语言的内容形式虽然多种多样,但致笑愉悦性却是普遍存在的共性,也是幽默在交际中颇受欢迎的主要原因。根据言语行为理论的‘言必行’观点,本研究认为人们通过形式各异的幽默话语实施着一种致笑言语行为,而该行为是幽默交际的最基本单位。本论文因此旨在通过对幽默模式的分析、致笑言语行为的提出和描述对纷繁复杂的幽默话语的基本共性做一探析。论文主体部分是第三、四章。论文第三章主要分析致笑言语行为所在的幽默语篇的一般特点。本章通过对幽默和常规正式语篇的不同特点的分析,区分了幽默和正式两种互不包含、并列存在的交际模式。它们遵循着截然不同的交际原则。交际双方借助于幽默指示信号在两种交际模式间适时转换,是幽默交际成功的关键。而欣赏者对幽默行为积极做出回应才使幽默交际模式得以延续。不同的回应策略分别说明欣赏者对幽默的识别、理解、欣赏和认同与否。幽默交际虽然不同于常规正式模式,但作为一种语言交际,它也是由系列言语行为构成,因此它还具有一般语言交际的特点和规则。论文第四章就从言语行为理论的‘言必行’观点出发,围绕该理论的几个主要议题对幽默交际的致笑言语行为的特点和需遵守的适切条件及规则予以描述。首先,人们通过幽<WP=7>默话语实施的基本言语行为是致笑言语行为。其次,根据?Searle对五大类言外行为的分类标准,致笑言语行为应是指令类言语行为的一种具体形式。但它与其它指令类言语行为相比有自己的特点,如间接性、高度语境化,潜在的面子威胁性及参与者相互合作性等。再次,作为一种间接指令性言语行为,致笑言语行为通常蕴含在致笑言语行为事件中,是需要欣赏者通过推理而发现的。最后,根据?Searle对适切条件的描述,本章提出实施致笑言语行为所需遵守的构成和调节规则。构成规则说明怎样实施一个致笑言语行为,而调节规则说明怎样实施一个好的、得体有效的致笑言语行为。

【Abstract】 Humor has long enjoyed popularity among the scholars of various fields all over the world. The traditional research focuses on the logic, the nature, the working mechanism of humor and the rhetoric it employs. It finds that the logic in humor is quite different from that in serious discourses. The pragmatic research holds that humor results from the violation of the maxims of Grice’s Cooperative Principle (CP). Scholars like Raskin even have attempted to present the Cooperative Principle for Humor. And the cognitive study suggests that speakers of humorous remarks violate the Relevance Principle (RP). They each can expound some types or some aspects of humor, but none of them can explain why speakers in humor would violate the normal logic or the principles of serious interactions. Furthermore, the abundant literature of humor, regarding its formation, its essence, the types and genres, its features and the topics concerned, seems to make the phenomenon too varied and too complex to grasp.The present study claims that humor is not a simple negation of serious communication, but that it follows an entirely different principle from that of serious discourses. Humor is multifaceted, but one thing is certain for all humor researchers, that is, humor is amusing. Amusement as the universal and essential element can be detected in diverse forms of humorous interactions. How do people amuse with words? Based on the argument of Speech Act Theorists that ‘utterances are actions’, the study proposes that the speech act of amusement is performed through humorous remarks and is the basic unit of humorous interactions. The dissertation thus aims to reveal the essentialities of the multifaceted phenomenon with the focus on the amusing aspect of humor, by analyzing and describing the speech act of <WP=5>amusement performed in humorous interactions. The main part of the dissertation consists of Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. It distinguishes two communication modes: serious and humorous modes, and proposes that the constant mode-switching in communication leads to varieties of humorous interaction, with amusement as the universal and primary goal of communication. With Speech Act Theory as the theoretical guideline, the study then describes the speech act of amusement in terms of its components and its characteristics, and groups Amusement into the category of Directive Speech Acts. As an indirect directive speech act, Amusement is often made by an extended interaction called an ‘amusing’ speech event with a central speech act of amusement to be inferred by recipients. The study finally extracts felicity conditions and a set of rules for Amusement. The constitutive rules are to be observed when the act of amusement is to be initiated, and the regulative rules determine the perlocutionary effect of the performed act of amusement.

  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1491