

Research on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerant Technology and Its Application to Integrated Navigation System

【作者】 钱华明

【导师】 郝燕玲;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 导航、制导与控制, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 故障诊断与容错控制技术是一门应用型边缘学科,它的理论基础涉及现代控制理论、计算机工程、数理统计、信号处理、模式识别、人工智能以及相应的应用学科,它的出现、兴起与迅速发展,是实际应用需求与多学科理论发展两个方面交替作用的结果。随着现代自动化技术水平的不断提高,各类工程系统的复杂性大大增加,系统的可靠性与安全性已引起社会各界广泛高度的重视。因此,开展故障诊断与容错控制技术的研究,切实保障现代复杂系统的可靠性与安全性,具有十分重要的意义。 目前电子战和导航技术的发展使舰船导航系统的结构和任务需求日益复杂,对其控制精度和稳定度的要求也越来越高,而容错控制及故障检测与诊断为提高导航系统的可靠性、可维性和有效性开辟了一条新途径,成为当今导航领域的一个研究重点。本文从研究系统的可靠性为出发点,对组合导航系统故障诊断和容错控制进行了深入的研究。 系统地介绍了故障诊断的内容及方法和容错设计方法;并针对舰船综合导航系统,对目前国内外应用故障诊断和容错技术进行设计的几种典型的综合导航系统进行了分析研究。 组合导航系统故障检测通常采用基于卡尔曼滤波器的设计方法,其检测性能主要取决于残差对故障的敏感度。本文对x~2检验法进行了研究,提出了基于双状态x~2检验法的故障诊断策略,并用计算机仿真进行了验证其有效性。同时还针对系统野值存在情况下如何进行故障检测、诊断和隔离的方法进行了研究,给出了野值剔除方法。 对小波变换进行了研究,在分析调频高斯小波特性的基础上,提出了一种基于调频高斯小波变换的组合导航系统多传感器故障诊断算法,该算法仅利用传感器的观测量来直接诊断传感器的工作是否正常,对方差突变等软故障能够进行有效的在线检测。 故障诊断是容错控制的基础和准备,本文通过对目前综导系统的工作现状分析研究,提出了综合导航系统容错总体方案及其设计,主要有:系统信息网络化,以网络通信为主、串口通信为辅进行信息冗余设计,导航系统内 哈尔滨工程大学博士学位论文亩面亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩亩采用1553B总线网络,系统之间采用以太网进行通信;在局域网中,1553B总线网络采用主从方式的双总线控制器(BC),以太网采用具有容错的双网双冗余结构,进一步提高了系统可靠性;系统采用大模块级+双口RAM冗余方式,并就双机通讯及输出接口进行了设计,给出了双口RAM+双机仲裁模块的实现方案;通过对软件容错技术及其设计过程的分析,将综导系统软件分成四大任务模块,给出软件系统层次化和模块化的功能层次结构,并对系统任务模块的调度方式进行了设计:对综导系统故障进行了分类,分析故障产生的机理,提出了基于特征矩阵的主存故障检测、1553B数据总线网的故障检测与冗余、以太网故障检测与冗余、串口的故障检测的具体实现方法。 本课题是致力于舰船组合导航系统的故障诊断和容错技术的研究,其目的是为了提高舰船导航系统的可靠性,保证舰船航行安全,满足现代化战争的需求。

【Abstract】 Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control are application edge science. Its theory foundation refers to modern control theory, computer engineering, data statistics, signal processing, pattern recognize, artificial intelligence and relevant science. Its appearance, rise and rapid development are the alternate effect of requirement practicality and development much science theory. With the improvement of modern automatic technology, the complexity of every project is enhanced largely. The reliability and security have been regarded highly by all circle. So it is important to ensure modern complex system through studying fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control.Now structure and task of warship navigation system become more and more complex because of the development of electronic war and navigation technology. The demand of control precision and stabilization become more and more high. Fault detection and diagnosis and fault tolerant control inaugurate a new way to improve the reliability maintenance and validity of navigation system and become a study keystone in navigation domain. Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control of navigation system have been lucubrated taking into account of reliability.Contents and method of fault detection, design method of Fault Tolerant are introduced by the numbers; In allusion to Integrated Navigation System, several intestine or overseas typical integrated navigation systems with fault detection and fault tolerant are analyzed.Fault detection of the integrated navigation system usually designed with method based on Kalman filter. Its detection-performance mostly rests with residuary sensitivity relative to the faults. In this dissertation, the method of the detection x1 was studied. A fault detection strategy based on dual-states detection/2 was put forward and validated its validity by computer emulation at last. At the same time, we studied the method of faults detection, diagnosis and isolation when outliers are in existence. And method is put forward to weed outoutliers.Studied wavelet transform, put forward a multi-sensor fault detection algorithm of integrated navigation system based on FM Gauss wavelet transformafter analyzing the characteristic of the FM Gauss wavelet transform. The algorithm diagnoses the state of sensors by using the observed value directly and detected effectively online aiming at soft faults such as variance, break etc.Fault detection is foundation and premises of the fault tolerant control, through analysis and study to the actuality of integrated navigation system, this paper advanced collectivity project and design about fault tolerant of integrated navigation system. It mainly includes: system information based on network, implement design of information redundancy mainly in network communication assisted by serial communication, adopt 1553B bus network in navigation system, and Ethernet when communication in all systems. In LAN, 1553B bus network adopts double BC which are designed as principal and subordinate, and Ethernet adopts fault tolerant structure with double network and double redundancy, prompts the system reliability; The system adopts realization of massive module and redundant method of double port RAM, and made a design in dual-unit communication and output interface, afforded realize scheme of double ports RAM and dual-unit arbitrate module, through the task which analyzed software fault tolerant and process of design, divided navigation system into four modules, submit functional arrangement structure of software about system’s arrangement and module, and designed distributing method of system’s task modules; classified integrated navigation system’s modules, analyzed mechanism which failures result from, brought forward main store fault detection based on characteristic matrix, fault detection and redundancy of 1553B data bus network, fault detection and redundancy of Ethernet, idiographic realize method of fault detection of serial port.This paper was engaged on study of fault detection and fault tolerant o
