

Theoretical Study on Critical Properties of Binary Systems with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

【作者】 刘慷

【导师】 张敬畅;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 应用化学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 超临界流体(supercritical fluid,SCF)是指温度、压力和密度均高于其临界值的物质。CO2 由于自身的特殊性质而成为倍受研究者所关注的超临界流体介质。更好的发展和应用 CO2 超临界流体技术必须进行深入的基础研究,而超临界流体的热力学和物理化学研究是当前基础研究超临界流体技术的重点。但目前对超临界 CO2 二元体系的临界点性质的研究报道较少,CO2二元体系的临界数据十分缺乏,对于多元体系就更为稀少,所以测量并系统研究 CO2 二元体系的临界点性质有着非常重要的意义。 本文实验采用北京化工大学催化研究室自行研制设计的变体积可视化耐高压容器,利用临界乳光作临界点判据,对 CO2+环己烷,甲苯,正丁醛,异丁醛,甲醇和乙醇等六组超临界 CO2 二元体系临界点进行了测量。其中CO2+环己烷,正丁醛和异丁醛的临界点数据未见文献报导。 实验发现:二元体系的临界温度和临界压力随加入的第二组分的性质及含量不同而变化。即:第二组分的结构及含量对二元体系的临界温度和临界压力有直接影响。 依据实验数据,对超临界 CO2 二元体系的临界温度和临界压力进行了模型计算,并对计算混合物临界温度的公式和状态方程引力项混合规则进行了修正:1. 对计算混合物临界温度公式中的混合规则进行修正,首次将组成和表示物质结构的偏心因子引入其中,建立了温度相互作用参数的表达式和新的混合物临界温度计算公式。2.对状态方程的引力项混合规则进行了改进,将温度和表示物质结构的偏心因子引入引力项混合规则中的相互作用参数,建立了引力项相互作用参数表达式。对实验数据和文献数据的计算结果令人满意,并按照无约束条件最优化得到了相互作用参数表达式的系数值,更加说明本文建立的相互作用参数表达式是正确的和有一定理论基础的。 人工神经网络(artificial neural network,简称 ANN)是近年来发展迅速的一门新型学科,它起源于医学,目前并且已经在各个学科中进行了渗透。 - 2 -<WP=4>申 请 北 京 化 工 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文在化学化工方面,国内外研究者对人工神经网络技术应用有一些尝试,在对物质临界性质的研究中,目前人工神经网络技术应用于研究纯物质的临界性质、混合物的混合密度和混合物的超额性质,但是利用人工神经网络技术对超临界 CO2 二元体系临界点进行研究未见相关报道。 本文首次将人工神经网络技术应用到 CO2 二元体系临界点的研究中,通过神经网络对 CO2 二元体系临界温度和临界压力的研究,提出了关于神经网络结构选择,传递函数判定和改进算法的比较等问题。1)依据神经网络设计中的基本原则,设计出不同的神经网络结构应用于CO2 二元体系临界性质的研究,研究结果表明,神经网络不仅仅可以完成对一种临界性质的研究(单输出结构),还能还具有对两种临界性质同时进行研究的能力(2 输出结构)。2)采用不同的网络结构对 CO2 二元体系的临界性质进行了研究,发现:研究的体系不同,网络结构不同;研究的对象不同,网络结构也不同。3)针对不同的网络结构,分别选用了双曲正切函数 tansig、双曲对数函数 logsig 和线性函数 pureline 等三个具有代表性的传递函数,对它们进行了组合研究来确定输入层到隐含层、隐含层到输出层之间的传递函数的形式。经过对实验数据的大量拟合计算,得到结论:研究的体系不同,传递函数形式不同;对于不同的网络结构,传递函数的形式也不同。4)采用 BP 法,动量法、自适应法和 L-M 法,对选定的网络结构和传递函数组合进行了研究。经过比较发现:L-M 法是最好的算法,它具有:简便、快捷、准确等优点。 本文将人工神经网络技术和实验研究的体系相结合,利用其特殊性和自身特有的数学模型,直接将体系已知性质和所研究对象(体系的临界温度和临界压力)相关联进行研究,避免了建立复杂的状态方程和混合规则,对实验数据拟合计算的结果令人满意。实践证明了人工神经网络应用于混合体系临界性质研究的可行性,为其应用开辟了一个新的应用领域,同时为混合体系临界性质的研究提供了一个新方法。

【Abstract】 Supercritical fluid is a state that its temperature, pressure and density are higher than itscritical value. Being in-noxious, non-taste, in-inflammable, and the carbon dioxide become anoticed supercritical fluids media. In order to make a deep investigation for development and application of the supercriticalfluid technology, the investigation of thermodynamics and physical chemistry properties ofsupercritical fluid must be done. Investigators are studying the supercritical CO2 phaseequilibrium. Few reports are presented on supercritical CO2binary systems, therefor supercriticalbinary systems data is lack, and the experimental data of multi-component systems phaseequilibrium is little. It is very important to measure and study the supercritical point of CO2binarysystems. Catalyst Office of Beijing University of Chemical Technology designs a pressure resistanttank with a view cell, which was used to measure the critical point of six binary systems and theopalescence can be observed. These systems are CO2 + cyclohexane, CO2 + toluene, CO2 +n-butanal, CO2 + i-butanal, CO2 + methanol and CO2 + ethanol, in which the data of CO2+cyclohexane, CO2 + n-butanal and CO2 + i-butanal have never been found in theinterrelated reference. The experimental phenomena are observed that the critical temperaturesand critical pressures are different with various second components and the critical temperatureand critical pressure of binary system rose after the second component was added into the pureCO2. Aconclusion can be drawn out that the second component and its content affected thecriticalpropertiesofbinarysystems. In this paper, the critical temperatures and critical pressures were calculated. In calculation,the equation of mixture criticaltemperature andthe attractive part of equation of state weremodified. First, the mixing rule of temperature calculation equation was modified. The content andacentric factor of second component were introduced into the interaction parameter, and anewequationofcriticaltemperatureformixtureweresetupas: Second, the van der Waals type cubic equation of state was used to calculate the criticalpressure of the binary systems. By introducing the temperature and acentric factor into the - 4 -<WP=6>申 请 北 京 化 工 大 学 博 士 学 位 论 文mixingruleofattractivepartoftheequationofstate,anewexpressionwassetup. The critical temperatures and critical pressures were calculated by using modified equation.The coefficients of interaction parameter expressions were gained from the reference data; thecalculation results are agreement with the data well. It suggests that the expressions ofinteraction parameter and modification of mixing rules were corrected and the interactionparameterplayasoleofadjustment. Artificial neural network is a new type of subject with a fast development. It originated fromphysic, and permeated into various subject. In chemistry and chemical engineering, someresearcher applied the ANN into some fields. The ANN was used to research the critical propertiesof pure substances, the density and excess properties of mixtures. It is found that fewerresearcher appliedtheANNinstudyingoncriticalpointofCO2binarysystems. 1) According to the principle of the ANN structure, the ANN was applied into the studyingonthe critical properties of CO2 binary systems. Different network structures were designed by theexperiment. It suggests that ANN not only can study one type critical character that is oneoutput,butalsocanapplyforstudyingontwokindscriticalpropertiesthatistwooutput. 2) The network is 2×3×1 when the object is temperature or pressure of mixture. In order tocalculate the pressure and temperature, the structure of network was changed into 3×3×2. It canbefoundthatwhenthesystemsandobjectsaredifferent,structuresaredifferent. 3) Three different transfer function, as tansig, logsig and pureline, were disused to choice thebest combination of tra

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