

Analysis of Peasants’ Conduct in the Cultivable Land Resource Transfer Process

【作者】 钟涨宝

【导师】 李崇光; 韩德乾;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 家庭联产承包责任制是中国农民选择的一项基本农地制度,这是一项适合中国国情和农业生产特点的根本性制度。随着农村劳动力就业途径的多元化,在坚持家庭联产承包责任制不变的前提下,如何提高农地资源利用与配置的效率,是学术界和各级政府关注的焦点。现阶段,在全国各地兴起的多种形式的农地使用权流转实践,对于优化农地资源配置起到了显著的效果。 本论文运用问卷调查与个案访谈的方法,选取浙江省绍兴市和湖北省钟祥市、宜城市为调查点,随机抽取了102个村民小组,调查了230户农户(湖北138户、浙江92户),这些村民小组与农户,分布于9个乡镇、43个行政村。在掌握第一手资料的基础上,运用比较分析的方法,从如何尊重农民意愿、充分调动广大农户以及各方农业投资者的积极性出发,依据韦伯和帕森斯的行为分析理论,分析了不同经济发展水平地区农户参与农地流转行为的现实背景,以及农户在农地资源流转过程中的行为特征和行为主体意识。揭示了现阶段阻碍农户农地流转行为的经济因素与社会因素。探讨了在农村劳动力非农化过程中,如何构建我国的农地使用权流转市场,实现农地制度创新。本论文具体研究了以下几个方面的内容:一是通过对农户家庭劳动力资源和农地资源配置与利用特征,以及农业生产经营绩效的评估分析,客观描述了农户农地流转行为的现实背景;二是根据韦伯与帕森斯的行为分析理论,分析了不同经济发展水平地区农户参与农地流转的行为类型、行为过程、行为的表现形式;三是通过对农户对现行农地制度的态度分析,揭示农户在参与农地流转过程中的行为主体意识;四是依据现阶段农户参与农地流转的特征与行为主体意识,从农地市场主体——农户的角度,探讨了如何构建我国农地使用权流转市场。 从农户家庭劳动力资源配置与利用看,由于农业生产比较利益低,两地农户青壮年和具有较高教育程度的优质劳动力首先转向非农产业。从农户对农地资源的配配置与利用看,农地资源供给不宽松,但并没有成为一种紧缺资源,主要表现为:自实行家庭联产承包责任制以来,湖北有2.3%的农户抛过荒,有18.4%的农户在最近一次调地中主动放弃过承包农地;浙江有4.4%的农户抛过荒,有20.6%的农户在最近一次调地过程中放弃过承包农地;农地资源利用率低,平均复种指数为1.41。另外浙江地区农地资源的社会保障功能有强化的趋势。 通过对农户农业生产经营绩效评估得知:不同经济发展水平地区农户对农业生产经营绩效评估的准则不同,湖北绝大多数农户由于农业生产依然是家庭的重要收入来源,他们对农业生产的安排是理性决策的结果,在评估农业生产经营效益时,优先考虑的是劳动生产率的大小,作物种植用工量与劳动生产率是影响其种植面积摘要的主要因素。浙江农户由于承包农地的有限性,为生产出满足自家消费所需的粮食,因而在农业生产中较少考虑劳动力使用的机会成本,把农地生产率作为一个重要因素来考虑。 通过对不同经济发展水平地区农户在农地流转过程中的行为差异分析,发现在既定的农地制度框架下,由于农地资源作为一种商品具有它的特殊性,它不仅具有生产要素等经济功能,还具有社会保障功能,在农地流转过程中农户的行为选择也不可能完全理性化。农户农地流转行为既是一种经济行为,也是一种社会行为。农户是否参与农地流转以及选择怎样的路径流转,都是特定行为环境下所作出的主观抉择,即农户的农地流转行为不仅受农地市场等客观环境的影响,还受特定社会文化下人们所形成的心理与主观认知的影响。农户农地流转行为的普及程度,以及行为过程中的理性化、契约化、组织化程度,随着区域二、三产业的发展和农村商品经济的发展而提高。 通过对农户对现行农地制度态度的分析得知,现阶段无论是经济发达地区还是相对不发达地区,农户参与农地流转市场的行为主体意识不强,主要表现为农户普遍存在着农地成员的观念,并且对农地使用权的物权属性认识不足,农户普遍认为获得承包农地是每一个社区成员的权利,农户对承包农地仅拥有自主种植与销售农产品的权力,多数农户认为农地使用权的流转不应该有偿。 根据现阶段农户在农地流转过程中的行为特征和行为主体意识,以及阻碍农地使用权流转市场发育的主要因素,健全我国农地流转市场必须做好以下几方面的工作:一是建立与完善农村社会保障制度;二是稳定农地承包权;三是合理界定国家、集体和农户对农地的权利,现阶段重点是充实农地承包权的内涵;四是农村经济与政治体制改革整体推进,切实减轻农民负担。

【Abstract】 Household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output is a basic cultivable land system chosen by Chinese peasants. This is a fundamental system that is suitable for China’s characteristics and agriculture production. With the diversity of employment of rural labor force, how to improve the efficiency of cultivable land allocation while sticking to the household contract responsibility system is focus of concern of governments in all levels and the academic community. Various booming forms of cultivable land transfer in China currently have positively affects on the optimization of land allocation.Adopting questionnaires as well as interviewing, and choose Shaoxing city in Zhejiang province and Zhongxiang and Yichang city as the investigation spots, this thesis uses a random sample of 102 villager groups, and 203 peasants’ households have been investigated ( in which 138 are in Hubei and 92 in Zhejiang), these villager groups and peasants’ households are scattered in 9 towns and 43 villages. On the basis of the first-hand research materials along with the use of comparative research approach, and from the perspective of respecting peasants’ wish and promote peasants’ motives, this thesis has analyzed the practical background of peasants’ participation in cultivable land transfer, the characteristics of their conduct in the process and their subjective sense according to the action analysis theories of Weber and Parsons. The economic and social factors blocking the current cultivable land transfer have also been disclosed. This thesis has also discussed how to establish cultivable land transfer market and how to reform the land system when rural labor force is stepping into non-agricultural industries in today’s China. Specifically, this thesis has done research into the following issues: The first one is the objective description of the background of cultivable land transfer on the basis of analysis and evaluation of the characteristics of cultivable land allocation and utility of peasants’ households as well as the assessment of agricultural production performance; The second one is the analysis of types, processes, forms of peasants’ conduct in cultivable land transfer in different areas staying in different development levels on the basis of the action analysis theories of Weber and Parsons; The third one is the disclosing of the peasants’ subjective sense through the discussion of peasants’ attitude towards the current land system; The fourth one is the discussion on how to establish China’s cultivable land transfer market according to conduct features and subjective sense in land transfer process from the perspective of market subject-peasants’ households.With regard to the utility and allocation of the labor force of peasants’ households, the priority of rural young laborer and laborers with better education degree is to choose non-agricultural industries given the low comparative interest of agriculture. When the allocation and utility of cultivable land are considered, it can be found that the limited cultivable land has not become a scarce resource, and this has been shown from the following issues: In Hubei province, after the carrying out of the policy of Household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output, 2.3% of peasants’ households have been abandoned their cultivable land, 18.4% have given up their right to contract the land in the immediate recent land modification; While in Zhejiang province, these two figures are 4.4% and 20.6% respectively. The utility of cultivable land is low with an average multiple cropping rate of 1.41. Furthermore, social insurance function attached to land resource has an intensifying trend.Through the evaluation of the performances of agricultural production and agribusiness the thesis finds: Peasants in different developing level areas have different criterions when to assess the performances of agricultural production and agribusiness. Because agriculture is still the main source of the family income, agricultural

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