

Research on the Theory of Save-water Ecological Agriculture System and Institutional Revolution

【作者】 张红丽

【导师】 雷海章; 高继宏;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 新疆农业可持续发展的制约因素主要是水。一方面水缺乏:新疆绿洲面积仅占土地总面积的4.2%,人口缺水率为15.6%,牧畜缺水率为24.3%。水资源对社会经济发展的压力指数为0.65。生态缺水,导致生态荒漠化,森林覆盖率仅为1.69%。而另一方面,水资源利用不当造成水资源的大量浪费:渠系利用率仅为0.45左右,农业灌溉方式落后,多采用大水漫灌、串灌,水大量渗漏抬高地下水位,产生土地盐碱化。由于水的因素造成农业生态环境正向沙化、退化和盐碱化方向发展,严重阻碍了农业可持续发展的进程。因此,发展节水生态型持续农业模式是新疆农业可持续发展的必然选择。节水生态农业是遵循生态规律和社会经济规律,依靠现代农业技术和科学管理手段,采取综合性的节水措施,以提高农业系统物质循环和能量转化效率,以持续增长的生产率,持续协调的农业生态环境,持续利用与保护的农业资源为目标,以“高产、高效、优质、低耗”为宗旨,用现代工业来武装、实行现代经营管理方式的农业综合体系。节水生态农业是一项复杂的系统工程,它需要包括农学、林学、畜牧学、生态学、资源科学、环境科学以及社会科学在内的多种学科的支持。因此,需要进一步从系统、综合的角度,对节水生态农业进行更加深入的研究,特别是要素之间的耦合规律、结构的优化设计、客观的评价方法方面。这种研究是建立在对节水生态农业模式示范区进行深入的调查分析基础上,超越生物学、生态学、社会科学和经济学之间的界限,利用系统论、制度经济学、生态学等多学科的交叉与综合,具有创意地提出了构建节水生态农业系统自身的理论体系。并在此理论指导下,从新疆实际节水灌溉技术创新的实证研究为突破口,以生态农业标准进行规划设计,促进生态环境良好循环。单纯地从技术角度寻求节水生态农业的发展出路是不够的。因此保障节水生态农业持续发展的关键,是解决动力机制问题,系统研究新疆节水生态农业的发展制度安排问题是本文的另一重点问题。通过制度的创新来保障技术创新的应用效率。制度创新的研究角度主要是从农业环境一体化政策、利益激励机制、经营组织管理制度、核算制度等方面展开研究,并为领导者提高管理水平设计了节水生态农业的预警系统及评价系统。通过对制度的安排,使节水生态农业更趋向于开发一种机制,促使农民们自愿参与这一活动。节水生态农业的根本目的是实现生态效益、经济效益和社会效益、环境效益与景观效益的统一,提高农业整体竞争力,为实现整个农村经济社会的可持续发展奠定基础。

【Abstract】 The important obstacle of agricultural sustainable development is water resource in Xinjiang. On the one hand, water resource is scarce; the area of oasis covers nearly 4.2 per cent of the total land in Xinjiang, the scarcity rate of water resource of human being is 15.6 percent, and that of domestic animal is 24.5 percent, the pressure index of water resource is 0.65 for socioeconomic development. Because of lacking water resource, ecological environment have steadily been deteriorated, the cover rate of forest is only 1.69 percent. On the other hand, because of having been made unreasonable use of water, water is greatly wasted, the utility coefficient of canal irrigation is about 0.45, the method of agricultural irrigation is backward, the unreasonable irrigation mode raise groundwater lever, lead to salinization of soil. Result of water factor, ecological environment have become sandy wasteland, deteriorate and salinization. These factors greatly restricted agricultural sustainable development. So, the model of save-water ecological agriculture is essential choice in Xinjiang. It abide to ecological rule, economic rule to develop, by mean of modern agricultural scientific skill and modem scientific management mode, measuring composite save-water skill to raise efficiency of material circulation and conversion of energy, to sustain increase of productivity, to protect agricultural resource in agricultural system. Its purpose is "high output, high efficiency, good quality, low waste". It is a complicate systematic project, it is supported with modem industry and modem scientific managemental mode, also guided with lots of science, example agronomy, forestry, ecology, resource science, environmental science, social science etc, especial the research of element coupling rule, optimum design of structure, objective evaluation method etc. These researches base on investigation analysis of save-water ecological agriculture model in experiment unit. Beyond the bounds of biology, ecology, economics, social science etc, combining with systematic, institutional economics etc. the essay put forward an original idea of the theory system of save-water ecological agriculture. Under guide with this theory, beginning from quantitative analysis of save-water ecological agricultural irrigation skill revolution research, according to ecological agriculture standard to design, to promote good circulation of ecological environment. But, save-water ecological agriculture sustainable development only dependence on irrigation skill is not enough. So, the key to protecting save-water ecological agriculture is incentive institution. Through institutional revolution protect the application efficiency of skillrevolution. The research of institutional revolution begin from policy, benefit incentive institution, managemental system, business accounting institution etc, and design some alarm indictor system and assessment system for manager. Through institutional arrangement, promote peasant voluntary taking part in this act. The important aim of save-water ecological agriculture is accomplishing the unity of economic benefit, social benefit, ecological benefit, environmental benefit and landscape benefit, enhancing agricultural competitiveness, laying a foundation for accomplishing rural socioeconomic sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】F323.213
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1538
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