

【作者】 高宝华

【导师】 曹沛霖;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的是:台湾立法委员选举的制度与立法运作两个子题,由于选举制度是产生立法院结构也是立法运作的主要因素,两者具有因果的关系,因此本文研究以立委选制为主而以立法运作为辅。作者分析了与选举制度有关的民主政治的真谛,并从三个核心理论,亦即人民主权思想、代议民主制理论及权利授予理论等出发,探讨民主国家和地区的各种选举制度,大致可分为三大类,而台湾现行立委选制「单记不可转让多数决制」为其中一类,亦为全世界唯一采用此一制度的地方。作者藉由叙述立委选制制定过程的历史缘由,分析了三个不同阶段立委选举的外在环境、内部结构及所产生的问题。这就是从第一届立委选举到“国民政府”迁台后,由于国际情势和岛内政治环境变迁而在台湾举办的七次增选、增额立委选举,最后则是因为“解严”及资深立委全面退职而进入一个新的政治局面,即从 1992 年的第二届至 2001 年的第五届立委选举。在立委选制的运作方面,作者从评估选制优劣出发,研究了立委选制的特色并对其成败得失作出了分析,依此论证立委选制需要彻底改弦更张,并试着提出改革方向建议,即应朝向「单一选区两票制」修改,其中牵涉到席次数、选区重划、不分区与选区之比例、立委任期及妇女保障等问题,需要妥善因应。在立法运作之检讨与改革方面,作者剖析了选制与立法运作之关系,以及影响选民的政党支持的(变项)因素,探讨了议事运作及议事效率不彰之原因。此外,作者还探讨了另一个对议事运作具有重要作用的党团协商机制,以及台湾立法院在实务上的政党互动现况,最后则是提出改进立法运作效率之建议,包括加强专业幕僚功能、朝野协商制度化、建立「会期不继续」原则、简化议事流程及建立「综合立法」制度等做法。最后作者认为:台湾立委选制的改革已是刻不容缓,唯有从「制度」本身做根本的改革,才能大幅提升议事效率,否则议事效率有其不可逾越的局限性。

【Abstract】 This essay will study two subtopics:the electoral system of Taiwanese legislationcommittee and its legislation function.There is causation between the generation oflegislature structure and the electoral system-------the main factor of the generation.Therefore,the essay will give priority to the study of current legislative electionsystem while the study of the legislative process will be supplementary. Through the three core theories,the people’S sovereignty thought,therepresentative system and the authorization of power,the author analyzed the truemeaning of election-system.related democratic politics,studied various electionsystems(in the democratic countries),which can be divided into three major groups.Among these,the“single non—transferable vote”is now only adopted in Taiwan. By recounting the historical reasons for the generation of the legislative electionsystem,the essay analyzed the outer environment;inner construction and t11eproblems arose in the three different phases of legislative election system.From the1st legislative elections to the GUOMING government’S movement to Taiwart,all tlleseven augmentation of legislators and the election of added legislators held in Taiwan(due to the changing island political environment and international situation),at last,entered intO a bla-nd new political phase一一From 1992 the 2nd to 2001 the 5thlegislative elections,in consequence of the“ending of martial law”and theresignation of the whole old LC. In the function of the legislative election system,the author started from theevaluation of the good and poor election systems,then studied the traits,and analyzedthe strength and weakness in order to argue the need of a complete reform in thecurrent system.Also,it is proposed that the reform should be in the direction of the"’single.seat district,two-vote system”,which involving the number of seats,therelining of precincts,the proportion of the non-lined and lined precincts,the termof he legislation committee and the problems of the women guaranty etc.All theseought to be resolved properly. In the self-criticism and refom of the functioning of the legislation committee,the author took apart the relation between the election system and the legislationfunction,the factors affecting the constituents and discussed the cause of the poorconsulting function and efficiency.In addition,the essay studied the interactionbetween the parties in Taiwanese legislation on the pragmatic level and the conferencemechanism in different parties,which plays an important role in the consulting<WP=8>function.And Eventually came up with the suggestions aiming at improving theefficiencv of the legislation function including intensifying the function ofprOfessiOnal brain trust,systematizing the consultation between the political partiesin and out of office,establishing the‘’discontinuity of the legislative assembly”policy,simplifying the standing orders and setting up the“comprehensive legislation“systemetc. Finally the author believed that there must be no delay for the reform of theelectOfal system of Taiwanese legislation committee.And the sole way to enhance theefficiency of the legislative committee is to launch out into the reform in the system;otherwise there is no like hood to break the limitation of it.(Efficiency of thelegislative committee)

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】D675.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】771