

Research on Management Constellation of Innovation in Pharmaceutical Industry in China Based on Value Network

【作者】 佟石

【导师】 司春林;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 医药产业是目前世界各国争相发展的重点产业领域,这不仅由于医药产业拥有巨大的市场和高利润的回报,更主要的是随着世界各国人民生活水平的不断提高,人们对生活质量的要求越来越高。同时,医药产业作为一个典型的技术驱动型产业,为了满足人们对于医药产品与服务的需要,创新具有更为重要的意义。因此,医药产业创新的管理成为当今理论界、企业界关注的热点。 医药产业创新的管理有其复杂性。医药产品直接涉及到人类的健康和生命安全,它的生产开发涉及到多种学科,因此,医药产业的创新必须在科学的论证基础上,通过极其严格的政府审核,才能形成最终面向客户的创新价值。在医药产业创新过程中,目前国际医药产业面临许多问题:专利药物的保护期限届满或将要届满;更为严格的管制调整;复杂的生产工艺流程的挑战;冗长的研究开发周期;市场应对时间;临床试验流程化等。在我国,医药产业中以医药企业为主体和以新产品、新技术的开发应用及其在医药市场上的成功实现为特征的创新体系刚刚形成,我国医药企业还必须处理好我国特有的创新管理问题,才能更好地通过创新促进医药产业的发展。 创新的成功意味着它的价值实现,因此价值管理在创新管理中具有核心地位。价值导向的管理是当前管理理论研究的重要方面,它不仅是一种反映经营结果的会计方法,还是一种管理思想和管理理念,基于这种观点,企业中的任何经营活动都应该根据创造价值的贡献度不同,按照价值最大化的原则对经营活动做出安排,企业的经营活动、战略和组织结构等各种企业管理要素共同构成一个完整的价值管理体系。把价值理论应用于医药产业的创新价值研究,可以深刻明晰产业创新价值的内涵,提高企业创新价值的商业化程度。 本文从医药产业网络、医药产品和服务的特性入手,分析了实现医药产品与服务价值的过程中顾客、企业、政府及其他参与主体的行为及期望,总结了医药产业网络的运行特性(第三章)。通过对医药产业参与主体的行为进行分析,探讨各个医药产业参与主体活动的价值如何形成整个医药产业网络的价值(第四章)。在此基础上,通过对作者走访的医药企业创新现状进行分析,从医药产业网络的角度发现创新中碰到的全局观问题,提出解决问题的办法:医药产业的创新需要网络资源的集成管理(第五章)。针对企业为了解决创新资源在网络上分割的问题,从集成管理的定义出发,通过模型分析,就企业对创新活动进行集成管理所必需的支撑条件进行了总结(第六章)。最后,在对国际上大型医药企业的创新组织模式分析的基础上,提出为实现价值网络重构,医药产业企业需要组织模式创新:跨组织的关注流程的柔性组织模式是我国医药产业企业创新的必然选择,并通过案例阐述了企业必需遵循企业主导、政府协调的原则建立跨组织团队的观点(第七章)。

【Abstract】 Pharmaceutical industry is the most important industry field which beingimproved in most countries, for the large market and high revenue, and people paymore attention to the quality of life with the life level going up. Innovation is mostimportant for supplying the suitable product and services to people in thepharmaceutical industry as a technology-based industry. Therefore, pharmaceuticalinnovation and its value comes true are becoming a important era for the entrepreneurand the theorist. The management of pharmaceutical innovation is a very complex problem.Pharmaceutical product affect the health and safety of people directly, its developmentand production is based on multi science knowledge. Pharmaceutical innovation canproduce the customers’value after through the rigid investigation by the governmentbased on scientific proof. During the process of pharmaceutical innovation, globalpharmaceutical industry faces most problems, such as protection period of patentdrugs ended and being ended, rigid regulation, the challenge of complex productionprocess, long development cycle, market response time, clinical trial process etc. InChina, we can notice an indication of the innovation system in which corporationplays the leading role and the success of new product and new technology in themarket, but our national corporations still need to resolve the special problems onmanaging the innovation in China in order that we can develop pharmaceuticalindustry by continuous innovations. The success of innovation means the value comes true in the market. The valuemanagement is the most important study field in the research of modern managementtheory. This point is not only an accounting method representing the result ofoperation, but also a kind of management idea and thoughts. Based on it, corporationmust confirm the strategy to select a business action for its maximum value. It is awhole value management system including the business action, strategy andorganization infrastructure. Based on this theory, it is possible to reveal the value ofpharmaceutical innovation, and to improve the business level of innovation. The whole dissertation start from the pharmaceutical industry network and thecharacteristic of pharmaceutical product and service, analyse the expectation andaction of customer, corporation, government and other parts during the value-creatingprocess, sum up the characteristic of the operation of pharmaceutical industry network(Chapter 3). And discuss the whole value-create of the pharmaceutical network basedon the analysis of the action and its value of all parts in the network (Chapter 4). Onthe basis of above, analyse the innovation circumstances of several model?Supported by the significant project of the humane & social studies of the Ministry of Education of China in 2002No. 02JAZ790003 - 2 -<WP=7>corporations on-the-spot invstigation by author, find out the problem our nationalcorporations faced such as take innovation from the situation taken as a whole, frompoint of view on network, put forward the way what the innovation of pharmaceuticalindustry needs is the management constellation on the resources in the network toovercoming the difficulties (Chapter 5). In view of the seperation of networkresources, from the definition of management constellation, doing the model analysis,concluding the surpport condition of management constellation (Chapter 6). As aconclusion, after analysed the innovation organization trends of internationalpharmaceutical corporation, the dissertation point out that the corporation needorganization innovation to redeploy the resource in the pharmaceutical industrynetwork in order to create the new value, our national pharmaceutical corporationshould select the organization model with the characteristics such ascross-organization, face-process, flexibility. And set forth the principle that lead bycorporation, coordinate by g

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期