

Marx and Feuerbach

【作者】 王永山

【导师】 王金福;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 历史已经走进21世纪,面对种种“马克思主义过时论”,面对马克思主义的边缘化和西方化趋势,我们应该保持清醒的是:马克思主义在当今各种意识形态理论中仍然是唯一科学的理论,是唯一能够指导中国特色社会主义事业走向胜利的理论。我们必须在新的历史条件下坚持和发展马克思主义。 坚持和发展马克思主义,当然要以搞清楚什么是马克思主义为前提。要搞清什么是马克思主义,有种种途径,其中一个重要的途径是:“回到马克思”。然而,“回到马克思”,让马克思走入当代,并不是一件简单的事情。“回到马克思”,需要破除绝对主义的解释学观念和相对主义的解释学观念,还需要破除实用主义的解释学观念,特别需要破除对待马克思的一种非历史的观念。 本文针对在回到马克思问题上的上述错误观念,提出这样的问题:是否存在着不同的马克思?在回到马克思主义的意义上,我们应当回到哪个马克思?本文认为,马克思并非一开始就是共产主义者和马克思主义者,他是在其政治立场和思想发展的一定阶段上才成为共产主义者和马克思主义者的。我们要区分出:马克思的哪些思想是在前人和同时代人的思想的基础上形成的思想,这些思想在马克思思想的进一步发展中被扬弃了;哪些思想是马克思独创的思想,是马克思主义的思想。这一研究,也就是研究马克思和影响他的思想家之间的关系。只有在这种思想关系的研究中,我们才能真正搞清楚,什么是马克思主义,什么是非马克思主义,在吸取马克思的马克思主义思想的意义上,应当回到哪个马克思,应当让哪个马克思走入当代。 对马克思思想发展进程产生重大影响的两位主要哲学家是黑格尔和费尔巴哈。研究马克思的思想发展与费尔巴哈哲学的关系,是本文的主题。 马克思与费尔巴哈哲学的关系可分为三个阶段。第一阶段是同处于青年黑格尔派时期,马克思与费尔巴哈尽管有着不同方向的哲学批判,但共同的特点是从黑格尔的理性出发。费尔巴哈1839年起实际脱离黑格尔哲学并对马克思有一定的早期影响。第二阶段是1843—1844年,马克思处于“费尔巴哈派”阶段,马克思崇拜和“迷信”费尔巴哈,以费尔巴哈人本主义为出发点研究问题。尽管马克思这两年中产生了许多新世界观的因素,但这些因素只是马克思思想发展中的量变或部分质变,马克思哲学思想的根本质变还没有发生,马克思主义哲学尚处在费尔巴哈哲学的母体的胚胎发育时期。第三阶段是从1845年马克思写作《关于费尔中吝烬寿…_…~二_……—一一一一一一一一里里犷鱼鲤丝巴哈的提纲》和《德意志意识形态》起批判费尔巴哈实现哲学变革即创立新唯物主义的时期。 在传统马克思主义哲学研究中,人们承认马克思是在费尔巴哈的影响下脱离黑格尔唯心主义哲学而转向唯物主义的。但是人们完全低估了费尔巴哈哲学对马克思思想的影响。人们认为,费尔巴哈哲学只是对马克思的思想发展起了一种推动作用,推动马克思从黑格尔哲学的平台直接登上马克思新唯物主义哲学的平台,马克思哲学思想发展中没有一个费尔巴哈哲学的平台。这就是有名的“一转变两阶段论”。同时,人们也承认马克思是通过批判费尔巴哈哲学而创立马克思主义哲学的。但是人们搞错了马克思对费尔巴哈批判的根本内容。人们认为包括费尔巴哈的唯物主义在内的旧唯物主义的主要缺点是其机械性、形而上学性,马克思吸取了费尔巴哲学的唯物主义的“基本内核”,克服其机械性和形而上学性,使唯物主义和辩证法结合起来,创立了辩证的唯物主义。人们当然也注意到了马克思对费尔巴哈唯心史观的批判,但认为它只具有局部的意义(历史观的意义),不具有根本的意义。费尔巴哈的唯物主义不能贯彻到历史观,不能有历史唯物主义,仍然归因于他的唯物主义的机械性、形而上学性,而马克思之所以能创立历史唯物主义,是因为他创立了辩证的唯物主义,历史唯物主义是辩证唯物主义在历史观上的推广、应用。 本文指出,在马克思和费尔巴哈的关系问题上,传统的马克思主义研究存在着四重的误解:误解了费尔巴哈唯物主义哲学的真实性质,误解了费尔巴哈对马克思思想的真实影响,误解了马克思对费尔巴哈批判的真实内容,误解了马克思主义哲学的真实性质。 本文分析了传统的马克思主义哲学研究为什么会产生上述四重误解。其根本的原因是不能从事实出发。缺乏的不是历史资料,而是一切从实际出发的思维方式。“费尔巴哈的唯物主义是机械的形而上学的唯物主义”,这是想象出来的,推论出来的。要了解费尔巴哈哲学,就应当直接去研究费尔巴哈的著作,尊重费尔巴哈哲学的真实意义。本文通过对费尔巴哈哲学思想发展的历史回顾,包括:费尔巴哈从神学到青年黑格尔主义;费尔巴哈对宗教信仰的批判;特别是费尔巴哈批判黑格尔唯心主义哲学走向人本学唯物主义以及费尔巴哈哲学中丰富的辩证法思想等,展现了费尔巴哈恢复唯物主义权威的历史功绩及其对马克思1843一1844年思想发展的重大影响。从费尔巴哈哲学的事实出发,人们就会发现,费尔巴哈的唯物主义决不是机械的、形而上学的唯物主义,从唯物主义和辩证法结合的意生鲤竺垫婴匕?

【Abstract】 The history has developed into the 21st century. While facing various views on the so-called "out-datedness of Marxism" and its margin] zation and westernization tendency, we should be conscious that in the different kinds of current theological theories, Marxism is the only scientific theory which can guic.e the socialist causes with Chinese characteristics to victory. Therefore, we should adhere to and develop Marxism in this new historical stage.The adherence and development of Marxism is certainly based on the understanding of Marxism. The understanding of Marxism allows various approaches, out of which, the important way is "to go back to Marx". However, it is never an easy job to "go back to Marx", that is, to set up Marxisri in modern times. "Going back to Marx" requires the elimination of absolutism, rdativism, and pragmatism in its explanation, especially the elimination of a non-histcrical opinion towards Marxism.Regarding the above-mentioned wrong opinions on "going back to Marx", the author of this paper puts forward: Are there different Marx? Which Marx should we go back to? Marx was not a communist or Marxist from the very beginning but became one at a certain developmental stage of his political standpoint and thought. We must make a difference between what thoughts are based on his ancestors and his contemporaries whose usefulness has been developed and uselessness discarded in the development of Marx’s thoughts, and what thoughts are original Marx’s. The research just deals with the relationship between Marx and :he ideologists who influenced him. Only in the study of such ideological relationshp can we really make clear what Marxism is and what non-Marxism is, and therefore get to know, in the sense of absorbing Marx’s Marxist ideologies, which Mane we should go back to, or, which Marx should come into the modern time.The two major philosophers who greatly influenced the development of Marxism are Hegel and Feuerbach. Therefore, the stud} of the relationship between thedevelopment of Marx’s ideologies and Feuerbachan philosophy becomes the theme of this paper.The relationship between Marx and Feuerbachan philosophy can be divided into three stages: The first one is the young Hegelian time, even with different philosophical directions of criticism, the common one comes from Hegel rationalism. From 1839 on, Feuerbach virtually deviated from Hegelian philosophy and exerted certain early influence on Marx. The second stage is the time between 1843 and 1844, when Marx belonged to " the Feuerbachan". Marx worshiped and had blind faith in Feuerbach and conducted his researches from Feuerbachan humanism. Although, in these two years, Marx had a lot of new world viewpoint factors, they were only quantitative change or only partly qualitative change, without essential qualitative change in Marx’s philosophical ideologies, and Marxist philosophy was still in the matrix of Feuerbachan philosophy. The third stage begins with his writing in 1845 "On Feuerbach’s Outlines" and "German Ideology", which criticized Feuerbach, achieved philosophical transformation and set up new materialism.The traditional study of Marxist philosophy admits that Marx turned to materialism by averting from Hegelan idealism under the influence of Feuerbachan philosophy, but people underestimate the influence of Feuerbachan philosophy on Marx’s ideologies. People think that Feuerbachan philosophy only promoted the development of Marx’s ideologies directly from the platform of Hegelan philosophy towards the new Marxist materialistic philosophy, without a platform for Feuerbachan philosophy, which is the famous "one transformation and two stages". People also admit that Marx established Marxist philosophy through criticizing Feuerbachan philosophy but they make a mistake in the basic content in the criticism. They regard mechanics and metaphysics as the main weakness in the old materialism, including Feuerbachan materialism, while Marx absorbed the "essential core" in Feuerbachan materialism, overcame its mechanics and metaphy

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2005年 01期
  • 【分类号】A811
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2537