

Study on Vibration Control of Offshore Platform under Irregular Wave Loadings

【作者】 陆建辉

【导师】 梅宁;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 港口、海岸及近海工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国近海油气资源的开采,工程设施的建设急需一套实时检测/监测、预警和控制等技术安全保障措施,海洋平台的振动控制技术研究正是适于这种需要提出的。近年来,岸上结构振动控制技术得到迅速发展,但对海上结构而言,这一方面的研究成果甚少。本文针对某海洋平台的振动治理工程,以平台振动控制为主线,进行海洋平台振动控制等相关技术研究,主要包括以下几个方面内容: 海洋平台结构系统参数辨识 包括模态参数辨识和物理参数辨识;研究利用环境激励技术对平台动力参数进行辨识,数值模拟表明对低阶模态参数辨识有较高精度。建立剪切型结构模型物理参数识别递推公式,阐明了利用完整结构模态信息和非完整信息进行辨识的差异,指出引起误差的原因。 结构振动控制模型 结构振动控制需要精确的系统数学模型,同时控制的实时性要求系统的模型阶数不能过高。采用动力减缩技术,得到适于振动控制研究的平台减缩模态,在随机环境载荷激励下,减缩模型与有限元模型两者位移响应具有较好一致性。 平台振动测试数据分析 分析海洋平台测量数据,得到平台基频的漂移性及其量值,结合数值分析结果阐明引起过度振动的原因,为平台振动治理提供依据。 平台振动粘弹性阻尼控制 根据CII平台所处海域环境条件,采用粘弹性阻尼振动控制技术,对阻尼器在实际平台上的安装位置、振动控制效果等作了评价。对所设计的粘弹性阻尼器,平台顶层甲板位移均方根差下降32.3%,加速度均方根差下降38.9%。 基于TMD的变刚度主动振动控制技术 建立基于TMD变刚度半主动振动控制实施技术路线、控制策略等,设计VSTMD控制系统,考虑了保证VSTMD装置长期有效、可靠工作的作动器校正措施;采用一次强风暴波面实测数据模拟长期非平稳波浪载荷,评价所设计的VSTMD装置对海洋平台振动控制的有效性。在一次风暴潮过程中,安装VSTMD后,平台上甲板位移均方根差最多下降50%,平均下降30.2%。

【Abstract】 With the exploitation of ocean oil and gas resources, the offshore construction has necessitated measures for safety insurance, including real-time detecting/monitoring, precautioning, controlling, etc. The research of offshore platform vibration control is developed to meet this need. In recent years, vibration control for shore structures has developed rapidly in contrast with little achievement for offshore structures whose environment’s uncertainty has made it difficult to do research. Aiming at the vibration control of a certain offshore platform, the paper engages in offshore platform vibration control, researching the relative skills such as offshore platform structure parameter identification and vibration control and so on. It includes:Offshore platform structure system identification includes modal parameter identification and physical parameter identification. The study identifies the dynamic parameters of an offshore platform under environment excitation. Numerical simulation shows that the parameter identification of low modes is quite precise. The recursive equation for structural physical parameter identification of shearing system is developed. It explains the difference between the identification using complete structure modal parameter and the one using incomplete data and accounts for the reason of error when using incomplete data.Exact numerical system modal is needed to control structure vibration. For the purpose of control vibration on real time, dynamic condensation method is adopted to reduce the finite element model of a certain platform. The displacement responses of the two models under the environmental loadings agree with each other well. The vibration level of the platform was tested on spot. The excursion of the base frequency and its value is obtained by analyzing the tested data. Combined with thenumerical results, the causes of over-vibration of the platform are detected. The results can serve as the base for further offshore platform vibration control. According to the ocean environment, vibration control method using viscoelastic dampers is used to optimize the position of the dampers on actual platform and evaluate their control effectiveness. It can reduce displacement and acceleration response standard deviation of the top of platform by 32.3 % and 38.9 % respectively, compared with those of without dampers.The paper establishs the route and strategy of semi-active vibration controller based on a variable stiffness tuned mass damper (VSTMD) and considers the work of an actuator that is employed to ensure the long operational life span and reliability of the VSTMD. Adopting a set of the tested irregular wave data to simulate the long nonstationary loadings on the platform, the effectiveness of the VSTMD is appraised combining with the practical situation. The platform displacement standard deviation of the top of platform even can be reduced by 50% and by 30.2 % averagely compared with that of without VSTMD.

  • 【分类号】P75
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】933