

Research on Theory and Measurement of Environmental Literacy

【作者】 曾昭鹏

【导师】 王建;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪60年代兴起的世界性的环境保护运动中,西方学者提出了环境素养的概念。由于环境素养涉及的领域非常广,至今尚未有一个公认的定义。综合国内外有关环境素养的论述,本文提出了环境素养的内涵与结构,丰富了我国的环境素养理论体系。我们认为,环境素养是人通过后天的学习而获得和形成的关于人类生存环境的知识、意识、行为的总和。人类的环境素养是随着其对人地关系认识的不断深入而发展的。不同历史时期人们的环境意识具有不同的特点。 环境素养测评是随着环境保护运动兴起而产生的,环境素养测评要素主要涉及环境知识、环境态度和环境行为的测评。环境知识和环境行为测评没有公认的量表,相比之下,环境态度测评是发展得最为成熟。环境态度测评中,以“新环境典范”量表最具代表性。本文系统总结了“新环境典范”量表的产生与发展过程,概括出环境素养测评的发展趋势,对我国环境素养测评的健康发展具有重要的理论指导意义。经过近三十年的发展,“新环境典范”的内涵渐渐由生态环境的保护扩充至整个社会及社会制度的改变;对科技及经济的发展,已由绝对信赖改变为有条件的接受;就时空而言,则从环境保护延伸到关心下一代的生活环境,进而追求永续发展;对于自然的价值观则由以人类为中心,转化为欣赏自然,接受万物存在本身的价值。 系统梳理国内外环境素养测评发展历程的基础上,总结出我国环境素养测评中存在的问题与不足,国外环境素养测评中调查研究的规范性、调查方式的多样性以及调查群体的多样性都值得我们借鉴。 比较系统的、以高师学生为测评对象的环境素养测评在我国尚不多见,在理论研究的基础上,依据《中国21议程》和高等学校经典的环境教育教材,尽量反映我国自然、文化、政治、经济特色,针对师范院校的大学生,我们开发了一套具有较高效度和信度的环境素养调查问卷,并以江苏和山东三所高师院校的大学生为测评对象,对师范院校大学生的环境素养进行了实证研究,得出了许多有价值的和创新性的研究结论,主要可以概括为以下几个方面:(1)总体上,大学生的环境素养比较高。但大学生环境知识结构有待于进一步完善;大学生的环境态度具有浅层性;在处理“涉及他人的环境行为”上,大学生表现出较强的惰性;(2)在环境知识、环境态度和环境行为上均表现出比较明显的专业差别和年级差别和性别差异。但不同学校相同专业的学生环境素养差别不大;(3)大学生的环境知识、环境态度和环境行为彼此之间存在显著的正相关关系;(4)和中小学生相比,家庭因素对大学生环境素养的影响在减弱,但家庭状况仍对大学生环境素养有一定影响;(5)绝大多数大学生能够认识到环境教育在提高人类环境素养和解决环境问题的过程中所起的作用,大学生接受环境教育的积极性很高,大学生对环境教育的认知与参与态度与学生的环境素养存在正相关关系,环境教育课程对提高大学生的环境素养有正向作用,但学校课程还没有成为大学生获取环境知识的主渠道。

【Abstract】 The concept "environmental literacy" was put forward during the worldwide environment movement in 1960s. Due to so many realms the concept concerned, there was no common accepted definition about it. On summarizing relevant expressions home and aboard, this dissertation proposes the definition and structure of environmental literacy. We consider that environmental literacy is the syntheses of environmental knowledge, environmental awareness and environmental behavior that human being learned. Although the concept was appeared lately, Human being’s environmental literacy came into being at the moment our ancestor evolved out from other species, and it developed in pace with human being’s understanding about nature.Environmental literacy measurement was developed in the environmental movement. The main measurement factors include environmental knowledge, environmental attitude and environmental behavior. There was no classic measurement scale about environmental knowledge and environmental behavior, by comparison, environmental attitude measurement was well developed, and the most famous scale is the New Environmental Paradigm scale, which was developed by Riley Dulap & Kent Van Liere in 1978, since then the scale has been applied all over the world, and has been developed several editions. Over past nearly 30 years, the meanings of the New Environmental Paradigm have greatly changed. Former ecological environment conservation has expanded to the whole society system’s sustainable development, especially the future generations’ living space. Former absolute dependence on science and technology has become conditional acceptance. Former anthropocentrism has become somewhat nature worship.On summarizing the main environmental literacy measurement researches home and abroad, this dissertation illustrates the shortage of environmental literacy measurement in China.The standardization of research work and the diversity of survey methods in western environmental literacy measurement are worthwhile for us to learn.On the basis of theory study, according to the 21 Century Agenda of China and the classic environmental education courses, refer to measurement scales home and abroad, we develop a suit of environmental literacy measurement scale that have been testified has acceptable validity and creditability. Then we do some positive research on normal university students’ environmental literacy. We select three normal universities in Jiangsu province and Shandong province, survey more than 3000 undergraduates. The main conclusion could be summarized as follow: Generally speaking, the undergraduates’ environmental literacy is high, but their knowledge structure shows fractional, their environmental attitude is somewhat superficial, and their environmental behavior expresses inertia. There exist significant inter-specialty disparity on the undergraduates’ environmental literacy, but there is no significant inter-university disparity. There exist significant correlations among knowledge, attitude and behavior. Compare to pupils and middle school students, family’s influence become weaker to the undergraduates on their environmental literacy. Most undergraduates can understand the education’s function in solving environmental problems, their enthusiasm to take in environmental education is high, and their environmental literacy is relevant with their enthusiasm. Environmental curricula have positive effect in improving undergraduates’ environmental literacy, but curricula have not become the main resource of undergraduates’ environmental knowledge.
