

Research on the Strategy and Management Mode of the Chiese Small Towns’ Construction

【作者】 梅克保

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 城镇出现在大约一万年前,最早的城镇只有少量居民,随着生产力的发展,城镇人口越来越多,规模越来越大,功能越来越完善,一般来说,先进的思想文化、先进的科学技术最先在城市中产生。同理,与人类文明相背谬的社会问题也总是最先产生在城市里。尽管城镇有古老的历史,但对城镇的研究却是一门新兴的学科。对小城镇的发展战略和管理模式进行深入研究,不但有很高的学术价值,也有很高的实际意义。 本研究在总的方法论上,以马克思主义唯物辩证法为指导,把小城镇置于整个国民经济发展和农村社会发展的大背景下,联系改革开放20多年来整个经济社会发展变化的实际,在动态中去进行研究。 由于城镇学是一门新兴的学科,有相当的理论局限性,分析工具也有待进一步建立,所以在研究中,本文借鉴了现代管理学、现代经济学、自然地理学、经济地理学、统计学等多学科的理论成果和研究方法,使研究具有较强的理论解释力和精确性,同时又经得起实践的检验。 在叙述方法上,选用抽象与具体相结合,分析与实例相结合的分析逻辑。同时,小城镇问题的研究,不能脱离小城镇发展与管理的实际,不能脱离小城镇运行的大环境,也就是说,研究小城镇问题,必须从实际情况出发。逻辑方法和历史方法都是重要的,研究应该是逻辑与历史的统一。但就小城镇问题的研究而言,笔者以为历史的方法应该是第一位的。只有从现实的经济现象中总结出的理论,才是有生命力的。一种符合实际的理论,即使是不太严密,不太完善,也对现实具有一定的指导作用和启迪意义,并能在实际中不断得到完善。脱离现实的理论,即使是非常严密,也只能给人以理性的享受。 基于此,在本课题的研究中,笔者紧紧抓住中国小城镇发展战略与管理的实际,而没有做想当然的推理,从小城镇建设的重大意义切入,依次对现状与问题、发展战略、管理模式进行了一定的分析,最后提出小城镇发展战略与管理模式的对策性思考。 除导论外,全文共分7章,其主要内容如下: 第一章,问题的提出。本章阐述了本研究的背景,小城镇的基本内涵、发生原理和主要特征,研究的目的和意义以及研究的方法、框架和主要内容。 第二章,小城镇建设研究的理论基础和国际比较。小城镇建设研究的主要理论是协同发展理论、空间经济学理论、系统科学理论等。工业化国家的小城镇发展之路各有千秋,但有一个共同的特点,就是遵循经济发展的规律,不断调整小城镇的发展战略,使之与国民经济和社会发展相适应。 第三章,我国小城镇建设的现状与问题.本章在综述中国小城镇建设的几个阶段的基础上分析了现今小城镇建设鲜明特点。进而挖掘出现阶段我国小城镇建设还存在建设起点低、发展速度慢,缺乏宏观科学规划、盲目建设,结构雷同、功能不全,机制不活、政策滞后等迫切需要解决的问题。 第四章,小城镇建设的内外部环境与战略目标分析。当前,我国小城镇建设的内外部环境发生了很大的变化,既给小城镇的发展带来了重大机遇,也带来了严峻的挑战。小城镇建设的目标体系主要是着眼于建立完善的城镇体系,建立新型的城乡关系和促进可持续发展。 第五章,小城镇建设的战略框架和战略思路。本章在科学分析的基础上,提出了我国小城镇建设的战略框架和发展思路。战略框架是:层次推进、产业聚集、质量提升和协调发展。在分析小城镇与工业化的互动关系的基础上,提出要建立富有竟争力的小城镇工业体系。要大力发展农业产业化经营,要选好主导产业、培育龙头企业,建好商品基地建设,推进科技进步完善经营机制。并在小城镇的可持续发展方面作了一定的探讨。 第六章,小城镇的管理体制和模式设计。在建好小城镇的同时,要切实管理好小城镇。本章在小城镇的规划管理、土地管理、行政体制设置等方面作了一些探索。 第七章,小城镇建设的配套政策、法律保证和人文环境。推进小城镇建设与发展要建立完善的配套政策,改革户籍制度、投融资体制、财政体制。依法建设和管理小城镇,加快立法,加强执法,做到有法可依、执法必严、违法必究。小城镇建设不但要有高度的物质文明建设,还有营造良好的人文环境。 第八章,小城镇建设的实证研究。研究了温州模式、苏南模式等小城 ,愧镇建设的成就、特点和成功的经验,对湖南省衡阳市三塘镇进行了个案分析,并对苏南模式和内陆赶超模式进行了比较研究。

【Abstract】 The small towns came into being in about ten thousand years ago. There are few citizens in the earliest towns. With the development of productivity, not only has the population of the town become larger and larger, but the function of the town has become more perfect. The most advantage thought and culture, as well as, the toppest science and technologies are always originated from the towns. However, the social problems which against to the human beings’civilization are also produced in the towns. Although the long history the towns themselves have, the study and research of the towns are still a new subject. Making a research on the towns’development trategies and management mode is filled with scientific value and practical meanings.As far as the methodology of the paper is concerned, guiding by the Maxism and dialectic materialistic, the author puts the small towns’study on the bases of national economy developments and the promotions of the rural communities. Furthermore, the author makes a dynamic study with the changes that have taken place during the twenty years of the reforming and opening.Considering the science of towns is a new subject, the theories of this line are limited, the study methods and fruits of the tools are on the construction. So the paper uses modern management, economics, natural geography, economic geography, as well as, statistics for reference. The above works makes the paper is of strong academic explanation and veracity.As far as the written method is concerned, the paper’s analytic logics are the combination of abstract and particular, and the combination of analysis and cases. However, the study of the small towns can not get ri.d of the recent situation of the small towns development and management. That is to say, the study of the small towns should be based on the practice. The logical method and the historical method are both important. The study should be the unification of logic and history. The author thinks that the historical method should be put in the first place. The theory will be full of live if it is concluded by the real economic phenomena.So, in the paper, the author grasp closely the Chinese small townspractice of their developments and managements. Then he analysis deeply the current situations and problems, development strategies, as well as management mode. At last, the authors give some suggestions on the small towns’developing and management mode.Excluding the leading paragraph, the paper is divided into sever chapters. The main ideal of each chapter is below.Chapter one, giving the topic. The chapter introduce the background of the paper, the concept of the small towns, the producing reasons of the small towns and their main characters. At the same time, this chapter interpret the paper’s study goals and meanings, as well as, the study methods, framework.Chapter tow, the basic theories of the small towns’ development and comparison with foreign countries. The main theories of the small towns study are the theory of cooperation, the theory of intersperse economics, system theory etc.. Different countries have different ways on the small towns’constructions. But there is a common point that the development of small towns should obey the economic rules and adjust the strategies accordingly.Chapter three, the current situation and problems of our counties small towns. After introducing the constructions of the china’s small towns, this chapter analysis the small towns characters. Then, we can find that the low staring level, slow developing speed, lacking scientific layout and the lag of policies are all the problems waiting to be settled.Chapter four, the analysis of china’s small town inside situation and outside situation, and strategic goals. Now, the environments of our counties’ small towns have changed a lots. The changes bring big chances and strict challenges. The aim that the small towns’constructions are putting the eyepoints on making the towns’ systems perfectly, and establishing new. town-rural relationships, sustaining the pr

【关键词】 小城镇战略管理模式
【Key words】 small townsstrategic modemanagement mode
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期