

Study on Oil and Gas Exploration Decision Support Assisted by GIS

【作者】 刘学锋

【导师】 孟令奎;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 从应用的角度看,地理信息系统(GIS)是处理空间信息的软件系统。作为地球空间信息科学的重要组成部分,早期的GIS主要用于数据的管理、查询和图形数据的显示,随着GIS理论与技术的不断发展和完善,对这些数据的处理和空间分析得到了越来越广泛的关注,其应用领域也逐渐扩展到社会生活的各个方面。与其他资源与环境类学科一样,油气勘探所处理的对象有其固有的空间特性,由于需要同时处理这些对象在地下的精确空间定位信息及其相关的属性信息,处理过程相当复杂。作为油气勘探的中心环节之一,油气勘探决策的任务是优选有利的勘探目标区块,涉及与空间位置相关的多种因素的综合研究。多年来,油气勘探工作者通过手工或计算机辅助编制各种专题图件来解决被处理对象的空间位置与其相应属性的关联问题。地理信息系统的优势正在于基于位置前多属性处理和分析。GIS与油气勘探的结合为油气勘探决策过程的可视化与智能化提供了方便快捷的辅动手段和方法。本文着眼于通用GIS软件平台空间分析功能的扩展,以满足油气勘探决策过程中各专题分析和研究的需要。 本文深入探讨了在GIS的支持下开展油气勘探决策的基本途径和解决方案,系统研究了油气勘探决策支持的几个关键问题的数学建模方法,构建了基于GIS的盆地古构造分析、储层综合评价、油气运移路径模拟的概念模型、数学模型及实现流程,提出了GIS辅助油气勘探决策支持的单因素评价和多因素综合的渐进分析方法,在地理信息系统基础软件平台SuperMap Objects支持下初步设计与开发出了一个辅助油气勘探决策的应用系统,并利用该系统提供的功能模块开展了松辽盆地北部深层天然气勘探目标优选的GIS辅助决策分析,初步实现了GIS与油气勘探开发领域的专家知识的集成与融合,促进了GIS在油气勘探开发领域的应用从简单的数据管理、查询与显示向深入的地学分析迈进。 GIS最实用的功能摸块包括数据的组织,空间数据查询及其可视化、多数据层的叠加与混合、空间关系分析及决策支持。GIS在油气勘探开发中扮演的是“管理者”和“分析师”的角色,其一方面能起到对海量数据的管理作用,同时还能从GIS数据库中提取相关信息进行各种复杂的专题分析,起到辅助油气勘探决策支持的作用。针对油气勘探决策的每一个问题,本文提出的GIS辅助油气勘探的多途径解决方案包括GIS的空间分析方法的综合应用、油气勘探领域的数学建模方法与GIS的直接融合、在GIS环境下构建新的解决油气勘探决策问题的功能组件等。GIS辅助油气勘探决策支持的应用模型是从油气勘探研究角度对油气勘探决策问题的理解、定义、分解、表达到基于GIS的理解、定义、表达的转换,再到基于GIS的建模、求解的过程,是GIS辅助油气勘探决策数学模型的构建、系统的设计与开发、应用实例的处理与分析的基础和结构框架。GIS辅助油气勘探决策支持的建模和系统设计是GIS辅助油气勘探决策支持应用模型的具体实现。 储层的储集性能、构造的发育状况、油气的运移路径等对于油气勘探决策者准确圈定油气的富集场所具有决定性作用,本文主要就这三方面开展深入研究。在GIS支持下开展古构造演化研究的关键是将古构造重建的数学建模方法与GIS的空间分析技术集成,实现盆地古构造重建的数据输入、管理、分析、处理和可视化表达的一体化,其具体步骤包括:原始数据输入与盆地古构造重建数据库建立、空间分析及构造面古海拔深度求取及D以生成与古构造面形态再造。Gls辅助储层综合评价是对表征储层物性的各因素的综合分析研究,储层物性表征参数主要包括孔隙度、渗透率、储集层的厚度及其砂地比、沉积环境、储层的埋藏深度等定量参数及酸性流体源、输导通道、孔隙演化与油气运移期的适配性等定性的预测性参数。GIS辅助储层综合评价建模过程以栅格GIS分析为基础,是多个Gls通用功能模块的组合操作,其核心任务有两个,一是单个储层表征参数的分析与评价,所用到的最主要的Gls功能模块为赋值或再分类,二是多个储层表征参数分析结果的综合分析与评价,可视为多个储层表征参数分析结果的 “求交”运算,可通过GIS的叠加分析模块来实现。油气的运移路径是连接烃源区和聚集区的纽带,基于GIS的油气运移路径模拟以GIS的栅格数据结构为基础,以油气成藏理论为指导,按照油气运移的机理,设计专门的算法来实现。算法的设计思想是:以输导层顶面DEM为基础,用3 x3的窗口按8方向搜索确定油气运移路径。首先将3x3窗口的中心像元置于烃源区边界像元上,通过比较中心像元周围8邻域像元高程值,以较中心像元高程高,且高程最大的像元作为油气运移的指向,将窗口中心像元移到该像元上,按同样的方法搜索下一个像元,窗口中心像元的移动轨迹就是油气运移的路径。如果中心像元的邻域像元中有两个或两个以上像元高程相等,且高程较中心像元高,则记录所有高程相等的像元,以这些像元中的每一个像元作为新的搜索起点的中心像元,寻找下一个目标像元。当油气从一个圈闭向另一个圈闭再运移时,先给定凸点所在圈闭的溢出点,以此溢出点作为新的运移路径的起点,按点状油气源运移路径模拟算法搜索油气二次运移?

【Abstract】 Geographic information system (GIS), a software system processing spatial information from applying viewpoint, is a very important component of geomatics and early focused on data management, querying, and displaying of mapped data. With the gradual development and maturation of GIS theory and technology, more and more GIS users have been attracted to its function of processing and spatial analysis of these data, its application also rapidly expanded to every aspect of social life. Like other resource and environmental disciplines, research objects of oil and gas exploration are inherently spatial. The procedure of data processing is particularly complex because it’s necessary to simultaneously process the subsurface precise spatial location information of what is being processed and its related attribute information.. As one of critical work of oil and gas exploration, the central task of oil and gas exploration decision is optimum seeking favorable exploration target area, which concerned with multi-elements synthetically study related to spatial location. For many years, oil and gas explorers manually or compute-aided drafted various thematic maps that served to solve association the spatial location of what is being processed with its related attributes. GIS has the predominance of location-based multi-attribute processing and spatial analysis. The combination of GIS with oil and gas exploration makes visualization and intelligentization of oil and gas exploration decision procedure easy and rapid.This paper put the emphases on expanding spatial analysis function of common software platform, so as to meet the demands of thematic research and analysis in oil and gas exploration.In this dissertation, basic approaches and solution schemes of oil and gas exploration decision based on GIS are deeply discussed. Mathematic modeling methods of several key problems in oil and gas exploration decision support are systematically researched. Conceptual model, mathematic model and implementation flow of basin palaeo-tectonic analysis, reservoir comprehensive assessment and oil and gas migration pathways simulation based on GIS are constructed. A assistant oil and gas exploration decision support application system is designed and developed using the basic GIS platform-SuperMap Objects. Making use of the functionality modules provided by this system, the GIS-aided decision analysis of optimum seeking favorable natural gas exploration target area are made in deep buried strata, northern Songliao basin. The integration and amalgamation of GIS with expert knowledge in the field of oil and gas exploration were preliminary realized, which greatly promoted GIS application in oil and gas exploration from simple data management, query and display toward deeply geological analysis.The core function modules for which GIS is particularly valuable are data organization, visualization and search of spatial data, combining and overlaying data layers, analyzing spatial relationships, and decision support. GIS acts as a "manager" and "analyst" in oil and gas exploration, which not only can manage mega-data, but also can assist oil and gas exploration decision support by acquiring related data from GIS database to make various complicated thematic analysis. In the lightof each issue in oil and gas exploration decision, this dissertation puts forward GIS-assisted oil and gas exploration multi-way solutions which include synthetically applying spatial analysis methods of GIS, directly combining mathematic modeling methods in the field of oil and gas exploration with GIS, and components constructing for solving the issues of oil and gas exploration decision in GIS. Application model of GIS-assisted oil and gas exploration decision is a process from understanding, definition, decomposing, and expression to issues of oil and gas exploration decision with the viewpoint of oil and gas exploration research to GIS-based understanding, definition and expression, then to simulation and implementation based on GIS, which is the foundation and fr

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期