

Study of Land Subsidence Induced by Urban Subway Tunnelling on Complicated Conditions

【作者】 吴波

【导师】 高波;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 隧道城市地铁工程在我国的蓬勃发展,预计21世纪初至中叶将是我国大规模建设地铁的年代,与此相关,也会涌现出大量的岩土工程技术问题需要解决。在市区修建地铁隧道工程,施工所引起的地面沉陷将有可能危及周围建筑设施和地下管线等的安全,造成严重的经济损失和社会影响。因此,如何在隧道施工过程中防止坍塌并可靠地预计和有效地控制施工所引起的地面沉陷以保护工程沿线建筑物和地下管线的安全,已成为城市地铁工程建设中必须解决的一项重要课题。 就地层软弱富水的复杂工程地质条件、暗挖隧道结构呈洞群系统的复杂工程施工条件、近邻建筑物和管线密布的复杂工程边界条件而言,进行隧道工程的施工,其施工难度和风险极大,地表沉降机理及施工所引起的地表沉降分布形态也极为复杂,国内外有关这方面的研究成果很少,薄弱的理论研究和蓬勃发展的此类工程实践是极不相称的。文中紧密结合深圳地铁大~科区间实际工程背景进行了相关的研究和分析,为了使研究成果合理可靠,综合运用多种研究手段,以相互印证和取长补短。 在隧道施工所引起的地表沉降的预计中,合理地模拟隧道的开挖支护施工过程以及各种支护措施的力学效果是至关重要的,因此,文中首先对这个问题进行了详细的研究。为了研究复杂群洞隧道工程施工所引起的地表沉降问题,针对地下工程施工过程的非线性特点,以地表沉降作为施工控制目标,结合动态规划原理,建立了群洞隧道开挖顺序优化的数学模型,进一步结合控制论建立了隧道施工对地表沉降影响的控制模型,为了确保施工所引起的地表沉降在控制标准内,对施工措施及策略进行了优化分析;在此基础上进行了实际工程应用,对复杂群洞隧道的施工过程进行了三维非线性动态仿真模拟,同时利用离心试验研究了群洞隧道施工对地表沉降的影响,从而预测了群洞隧道施工过程中地表沉降的空间分布形态;为了研究软弱岩土介质中隧道工程施工所引起的地表沉降的流变效应,详细推导了隧道开挖的弹-粘-塑性有限元列式,并研制了相应的三维有限元分析程序,预测了实际隧道工程施工过程中地表沉降的时空分布形态;为了预测隧道施工过程地下水对地表沉降的影响,基于渗流-应力耦合分析理论,研究了隧道降水施工或施工中伴随隧道周边失水时的地表沉降分布形态,并用流体体积(VOF)方法来追踪自由水面的动态变化边界;为了掌握隧道施工对近邻管线的影响,通过数值模 西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第V页拟、离心模型试验研究了隧道施工对管线的影响,利用给出的评价标准,预测了管线的安全状态,并研究了隧道施工过管线地段的地表沉降控制基准,给出了相应的地表沉降控制基准值作为施工监测目标。同时,对隧道施工对建筑物的影响也进行了相应的分析。 在上述研究中,通过将数值模拟、试验研究成果与现场量测成果进行比较,结果表明,研究成果与测试成果基本吻合,说明文中的研究成果是合理可信的,起到了施工超前预测预报的良好效果,为实际工程施工提供了理论依据和指导、决策作用,解决了施工中一系列的技术关键和难题,为类似工程的设计、施工和研究丰富和积累了宝贵的经验。良好的施工业绩表明,加大重大、复杂工程的科研投入力度,是地下工程发展的一个必然趋势。

【Abstract】 It is predicted that a great deal of urban metro engineering will be constructed at early-middle period in the 21st century based on flourish metro engineering foreground nowadays, and at one time many geotechnical problems will also come forth. Large land subsidence value induced by metro tunneling can lead to that road surface, buried pipelines and buildings and so on are damaged. Furthermore, bad economic loss and social effect can be brought about. As a result, it is an urgent realistic problem that land subsidence induced by tunneling is forecasted and controlled so as to ensure the safety of close-by building and buried pipeline.As far as complicated geologic condition with weak watery strata, complex construction condition with multi-tunnel system and complex environmental condition with adjacent to building and pipeline are concerned, difficulty and risk of construction are very great and the mechanism of ground settlement and its distribution are also very complex. It is revealed by domestic and overseas data and literatures that research on it is poor, so theoretical study is very weak compared to flourish metro engineering. Relative study in this dissertation is carried out combined with Shen-zhen metro engineering and multi-research techniques are used, on the one hand, so as that results acquired are reliable and reasonable, on the other hand, they can be verified each other and learn from other’s strong point offset one’s weak point.It is very important that construction process of excavation and support and mechcnical effect of supporting structure are simulated reasonably as far as land subsidence induced by tunneling is forecasted. Thus relative problems are firstly study particularly in this dissertation. To study of land subsidence on complex multi-tunnel system engineering, in virture of nonlinear characteristic of construction routle in underground engineering, mathematical model of optimal excavation sequence aiming to land subsidence is built on basis of dynamic programming theory. Futhermore, control model of contruction effect on land subsidence by tunnelling is also built and construction measure and strategy are also optimized in order to ensure land subsidence by excavation is less than settlement control standard. And then construction processes of complexmulti-tunnel system engineering are simulated by means of 3-D nonlinear FEM and subsidence induced by tunnelling is also study by centrifugal test. Thus land subsidence values and its spatial distribution are forecasted. So as to study of rheology effect of land subsidence induced by tunnelling in soft-weak rock surroundings, 3-D elasto-viscoplastic FE expressions are analyzed and 3-D elasto-viscoplastic FE program is developed and excavation process of subway running tunnel engineering is simulated and space-time distribution of ground settlement is predicted. To study of the effect of groundwater on land subsidence, based on seepage-stress coupling theory, land subsidence distribution induced by tunnelling is analyzed with precipitation or losing water around tunnel cutting face, at one time, VOF (Volume of Fluids) method is used to simulated movement boundary of underground water. To know the effect induced by tunnel excavation on neighborhood pipeline, numerical simulation and centrifugal test are carried out and the safety of pipeline during excavation is predicted by means of given criterion. And the control standard of land subsidence on pipeline is study and its value used as measure object is given out. At one time, the effect induced by tunnelling on building is analyzed.Because results acquired in the dissertation by means of numerical simulation and test are basically consistent with the results by spot measuring, analysis theory and method concerned in the dissertation is reasonable, and prediction before construction is almost right is also proved. Thus theoretical basis and guidance are provided to real engineering, at the same time, a series of key techniques and problems are solved. Valuable design, constructio
