

R/D on Hydyo-Process and Separator of Settling in Tilting Narrow Upflow

【作者】 王喜良

【导师】 张文彬;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 浅层沉淀原理于1886年由英国人Howatson发现,相关的各类倾斜板和斜管沉降装置的制作和使用,遍及许多国家,已有半个多世纪的历史。1967年瑞典Hedstrm教授提出了斜浅层单元分离槽(elementary separation cell)的新结构后,瑞典萨拉国际公司等研发了“拉美拉”(Lamella)式的斜板澄清/浓密设备,1970年前后已有几台投入商用。与此同时,有关斜浅层过程和斜板(管)沉降设备的系统理论研究,也有近50年的历史,只是近十年的研究报道渐少。 斜窄流过程及沉降分离设备,是在2000年前后几年内进行和完成的新发展。突破了沿用X—Y二维平面体系而研究了一百多年的“浅层”及“斜浅层”,发展为按X—Y—Z三维立体体系进行研究和研制。斜窄流是“斜窄上升流”(tiltingnarrow upflow)的简称,定义为“在斜置且封闭、断面窄小而规整不变的通道内上升的连续流”。 本项目首创和使用了模拟实用过程的动态连续实验装置:一个透明的斜窄流单元槽以及配套设备。实验揭示,雷诺数Re可作为过程流态判据,Re≤130为层流,Re≥200为紊流,其间为过度流,并导出了由横向进料端紊流过度到层流所需的过度区长度计算式。查明了斜窄流升速沿其斜长及宽度变化的规律,最大流速,平均流速,在60≤Re≤250范围内,而沉降的临界粒度主要取决于Vmax。窄级别石英矿粒在斜窄流内沉降的运动轨迹,可由一元三次曲线方程表达,按Vmax=2v0导出的临界颗粒沉降运动的距离计算值与实验值的相对误差仅±10%。量筒内静态沉降与斜窄流单元内动态沉降,两者的溢流含固率之间为一元二次曲线关系,临界颗粒沉速Vsc间为指数方程关系。斜窄流的固重浓度(X)沿斜长(Y)的变化规律,按代表着给料流量或斜窄流升速的Re值不同,可量化表达为 由引进的“拉美拉”式设备结构,发展成现代单元集成式斜窄流沉降分离设备:由三种元件集成斜窄流单元,再集成斜窄流组合体,进而集成各类设备。设 昆明理工大学博士论文摘要备结构参数和材质,得到进一步优化,并有新的突破:一是斜窄流斜长或板长的下限值,可短至lm或更小:二是斜窄流厚度或板间距,可由50mm减至20mm;三是斜置角度由45“的理论最优值,发展为在45“一77.2“范围内依具体情况选用,以使设备单位占地产能最大化。 已产业化的四类设备中,斜窄流固/液分离浓密设备及液/固分离澄清设备,已在全国应用和推广。最近研发的斜窄流固/固分离分级/脱泥设备,已在攀钢及承钢选钦厂大规模应用,并推广到湖南和云南锡选厂。斜窄流沉渣除油设备,同步进行液/固及水/油分离,在重钢和济钢轧钢浊环水净化系统中己有大规模应用。

【Abstract】 The principle of "Shallow Layer Sediment" was discovered by Mr. Howatson of UK in 1886. Manufacture and utilization of relating various sediment devices with tilting plates and tubes in many countries have been over a period more than a half centuries. Prof. HedstrOm of Sweden put forward a new design of Elementary Separation Cell with shallow layer in 1967, and then Sala International AB etc. developed Lamella Clarifier/Thickener of which several sets were put into operation around 1970. Meanwhile systematically theoretical study on Tilting Shallow Layer process and equipment has been undertaken since some fifty years ago. Study reports published, however, have been lessened in the last ten years. The process and equipment of separation of solids settling in Tilting Narrow Upflow was newly developed in years around 2000. A breakthrough, therefore, has been made in which the experiments of Shallow Layer or Tilting Shallow Layer over a hundred years on two dimensional X-Y plane system have been lifted to a new phase of research/development on three dimensional X-Y-Z system. TNU is an abbreviation of tilting narrow upflow which is defined as "continuously upflowing inside a closed tilting passage with narrow cross section keeping constantly regular and even".An experimental laboratory setting of continuously running to simulate commercial operation was initiated and employed, involving a transparent TNU cell and auxiliary devices. Experiments illustrate that Re number can be a criterion of TNU’s flowing state: laminar flow-Re<130, turbulent flow>00, and transitional flow-130< Re <200. Length calculation formula of transitional zone, in which turbulence at cross-directional feeding inlet changes into laminar flow, is derived. Laws of TNU velocity changing along its length and width are established: maximum Vmax = (3d pgsina) 8u, averaged Vo= (d pgsina) 3u, Vmax= (1.5 ~ 3.0) Vo when 60 < Re < 250, and cut-off size of settled particle depending mainly upon Vmax. Travel locus of settling quartz particles short-ranged in TNU can be expressed by a cubic equation with one unknown quantity: for locus;and their travel distance can be derived as lmax = (2Vo Vsc- sina) (d cosa) when Vmax = 2 Vo, and relative error between calculated distance and measured one is only +10 %. Settlingtest was conducted in a cylinder and TNU cell with static and running mineral pulp separately. Correlation between solid content in supernatant in the cylinder and in overflow from the TNU cell is of a quadratic equation with one unknown quantity; and correlation between the two cut-off particle’s settling velocity (Vsc) is of an exponential equation. The law of TNU’s percent of solids (X) changing along its length (y) can be quantified as follows under different Re number relating to different feed flowrate or TNU’s velocity:y1 = 03662ln(x)+1.8027 ,Re=52.7;y2 = 1.0696X3-3.1012X2+3.6791X -0.0645,Re=72.6;y3 = 0.7305X3 -2.4917X2 +3.5477X-0.1932 ,Re=98.6Imported lamella design has been developed to a modern integrated components’ design: three kinds of elementary components are integrated into TNU cell; and cells into assemblage and then assemblages into various types of TNU separator. Structural parameters and material quality of TNU separators are optimized with new breakthrough in: [1] lower limit of the length of TNU or tilting plate is shortened from 2.S m down to 1 m or less; [2] thickness of TNU or space between two plates can be reduced from SO to 20 mm; and [3] theoretical inclination of TNU or tilting plate is improved from 45 to the scope of 45 to 77.2 from which the best figure can be chosen based on separators’ maximum capacity per unit floor area.Four types of separators have been commercialized. TNU solid/liquid separator-thickener and liquid/solid separator-clarifier have been applied in many provinces of China. Newly developed TNU solid/solid separator-hydro-classifier is used at great scale in ilmenate concentrators of Panzhihua Steel Group and Chengde Steel Work; and extended to tin ore plants in Hunan and Yun

  • 【分类号】TD45
  • 【被引频次】9
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