

Theoretical and Experimental Study of Protective Effect in Acute Brain Damage by the Method of Kaiqiao and Tongfu

【作者】 王晓君

【导师】 邵念方;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 课题首次提出“开窍”与“通腑”之法合用治疗急性脑病思想,系统而全面地从临床实践、现代研究、古代文献等诸方面予以阐释。首次通过“开窍通腑法”对大鼠急性脑缺血再灌注的实验研究,探讨合用之法对急性脑损伤的保护机制。结果表明:开窍通腑法同用,具有较单一开窍或通腑法更有提高SOD活性、加速清除自由基、降低一氧化氮含量的作用,为临床治疗急性脑病提供了实验依据。首次将开窍通腑法的代表方—清代吴鞠通牛黄承气汤做为脑肠同治法的研究对象。论文以中医脑、大肠生理病理为契入点,深刻阐述了气机在神志活动中的作用及意义,并总结出脑肠同治法的机理在于调畅气机、上病下治,揭示了中医开窍、通腑法治疗脑病的实质。

【Abstract】 This paper advances the opinion firstly that kaiqiao and tongfu treats acute brain damage. It explains the efficacy systematically and thoroughly from clinic practices, modern studies, ancient literatures and so on. By experimental study of kaiqiao and tongfu in acute cerebral ischemia reperfusion to rats, this paper investigates the protective mechanism to acute brain damage. The results show that the efficacy of kaiqiao and tongfu is better than either of methods alone. It has the efficacy of increasing SOD activity, accelerating scavenge of oxygen free radical and reducing nitrous oxide content, which provides evidences for clinic treatment. This study takes the representative prescription of Wu Jutong during the Qing dynasty - niuhuang chengqi tang as the object of treatment in brain and bowel. To explain the function and significance of qi-activity to mental activity deeply, this study bases on the physiology and pathology of brain and bowel of traditional Chinese medicine. This paper summarizes the mechanism of treatment of brain and bowel as regulating qi-activity and treating the lower for the upper. This paper reveals the essential of kaiqiao and tongfu in encephalopathy.

  • 【分类号】R277.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】728