

Geology and Mineral Potential of Northwest Yemen

【作者】 阿卜杜·克里木

【导师】 李守义; 李绪俊;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 也门共和国(也门)位于阿拉伯半岛的西南角,其范围是东经420—53oE,北纬120-200 N。也门西邻红海,南为亚丁湾,北与沙特阿拉伯接壤,东与阿曼相邻。其陆地面积包括socotra archipelago(位于东经520-54oE和北纬12o-13o 45)在内为527,970 km2(203,750平方英里)。 也门历史源远流长,可追索到3000年前,是近东地区最古老的文化中心之一。也门许多地区发现金属及其冶炼炉具、模具、陶瓷物件,是古代采矿和金属冶炼的最有力的证据。 可惜的是,除了石油以外,也门的矿产业的比重很小。对也门经济有一定意义的矿产品包括石盐、石膏和建筑材料。尽管通过双边援助项目和合同,也门金属矿产的地质和勘探工作已持续进行了四十余年,但对金属和贵金属的勘探还没有达到能开采利用的阶段。 也门作为一个发展中国家,需要矿业。因此,本文的主要目的是加强对也门地质的理解和对也门西部矿产资源进行评价。作者认为,而且得到了也门石油地矿部也认可,这个题目在目前极为重要,因为40多年的地质和勘探工作并没有获得令人满意的结果。这个题目要比研究一个具体的找矿靶区意义要大。本文所使用的主要方法是收集也门现有的所有的地质、地球化学、地球物理和遥感地质资料,将其与世界上一些已知矿床及其所产出的地质环境进行综合对比和全面分析。可是,这个看起来并不太难的工作其实十194<WP=205>分麻烦,即使想得到一点资料也很费力气。所幸的是,经过三年多的艰苦工作,得到了一些好的和激动人心的结果。论文所得到的主要结论如下: (1)根据前人的资料,并结合所出露的迭置的海相沉积岩片、浊积岩组合、蛇绿岩组合、洋底上地幔超基性岩的岩性组合分析,平行深大断裂的出现,以及与其它地体的空间关系分析,作者首次提出也门前寒武纪基底区存在一个资源潜力较大、含有较多类型矿化的新的地体,这个地体相当于大陆边缘增生楔。对前人所提出的其它四个地体的属性和成因也进行了圈定和理顺。 (2)根据现有的资料,对产于不同大地构造环境下的80多个矿化点或异常点进行了较为综合和全面的描述。描述的重点为其可能的成因意义以及所产出的构造骨架和围岩环境。 (3)利用由美国地质调查局和地质学家所提供的矿床建模方法,并参照由美国地质调查局和英国地质学会所建立的相应类型矿床的描述性模型,首次建立了也门四个重要矿床勘探区的矿床描述性模型。它们是Hariqah,Jabali,Suwar,waraqah,分别与沉积岩中的金矿、碳酸盐岩中的铅一锌矿、与基性岩体有关的铜一镍矿床和热泉型金一银矿床模型相对应。 (4)根据由中国地质学家提出的矿床系列的概念,确立了也门西北部可能存在的6个矿化系列和15个可能的矿床类型。 I.产于前寒武纪变质杂岩中的金成矿系列,主要包括产于变沉积岩中的蚀变岩型的金矿和产于变火山岩中的石英脉型的金矿两种矿床类型; lI.产于前寒武纪变质杂岩中的铜和贱金属成矿系列,主要包括火山喷气型铜、铅锌矿床和火山黄铁矿矿床; III、产于蛇绿岩套中的与基性一超基性杂岩体有关的cu,Ni,Ti.V,cr,PGE成矿系列; 195<WP=206>lV、产于泛非期同造山和后造山期钙石性碱和碱性花岗岩有关的脉状矿床和伟晶岩矿床成矿系列; v、产于碳酸盐岩中的锌一铅(银)成矿系列,包括密西西比型铅锌银矿床和脉状金属矿床; VI、产于第三纪火山岩充填和交代作用有关的金银成矿系列,包括热型泉金银矿床、浅成低温热液金银矿床、浅成低温热液多金属脉和斑岩型铜(钼)矿床。 金成矿系列矿床系列的这个概念在也门是首次使用,对也门矿床研究和成矿潜力评价有一定的意义。 (5)根据现有的地质、地球化学和地球物理资料,并利用作者所建立的不同类型矿化点的潜力评价标准,对也门西北部每个矿点或异常点进行了成矿潜力评价。对研究区内不同地体的成矿潜力和保存条件进行了全面分析。提出位于增生楔地体内的金矿资源潜力巨大,如与中国猫岭金矿产出地质环境和矿床地质特征极其相似的Harjard金矿靶区,其潜在的金矿储量可达6吨以上。对研究区内有较好成矿远景的其它矿点,也提出了进一步进行地质和地球化学研究工作的建议。 (6)建立了包含4000多个地球化学样品和每个样品10个左右分析元素在内所有矿点和矿化点、异常点的数据库以及以GIS为平台的数字化地质图和矿点分布图,其中有10多个层图,分别代表不同的地质和地球化学信息。数据库中的数据使用了最新资料,有较大的实用价值。

【Abstract】 The Republic of Yemen (Yemen) occupies the southwestern corner of theArabian Peninsula, being confined by longitudes 42o- 53oE and latitudes 12o- 20oN. It extends along the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula on the Gulf of Adenand meets the Red Sea to the west and Saudi Arabia is to the north and Oman tothe east. The approximate surface area was estimated at 527,970 km2 (203,750square miles) including the Socotra archipelago (extending between 52o - 54oE,and 12o - 13o 45??. The history of Yemen stretches back over 3,000 years, was being one of theoldest centers of civilization in the Near East. The discovery of metal wastealongside melting furnaces, casting moulds and pieces of earthenware (porcelain)in many places in Yemen is the confirming evidence of the active mining andmetal works in ancient Yemeni. Unfortunately, except oil and salt Yemen’s minerals industry is only of minorimportance. The commodities contributing to the Yemen economy at presentinclude salt, gypsum, and building stones. Though much geological andexploration works have been carried out exclusively recent 40 years in Yementhrough bilateral assistance programs or extended contracts, the metallic andprecious metals in Yemen are still out of the exploitation stage.190<WP=201>Ph.D Thesis, Al-Nagashi A. M.S As a developing country, Yemen needs its mine industry. So the mainobjective of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the geology of NWYemen and to outline the mineral potential of the northwestern parts of theRepublic of Yemen, which, the present author believe, and the Ministry of Oil andMineral of the Republic of Yemen agree upon, are more important for theminerals than other parts at present stage, after more than 40 years of fruitlessgeological research and exploration, than doing some research on a specificexploration target. The main methodology used is to collect all geological,geochemical, geophysical and remote sensing data to make comprehensivecomparison with some known deposits and geological settings worldwide and tocarry out a throughout analysis. However, this seemingly routine work proven tobe terrible trial, even just to get piece of information would take much effort andenergy. Fortunately, after harsh work of more than three years, some positive andencouraging results are gotten as the followings: (1) Based on previous data, and according to analysis on litholigicalassociation of exposed impacted marine sedimentary sheets, turbidite rockssuccession, well development of ophiolite succession and ultramafic rocks of themarine upper mantle, predominant parallel deep-seated faults, as well as theirspatial relationship to other terrane, a new Precambrian terrane, which issuggested to belong to an accretion wedge between the oceanic crustal terrane andmagmatic arc and are most potential terrane for hosting different types of mineraloccurrences, is proposed for the first time. The attributions and genesis of otherfour terranes are also clarified and outlined. (2) Based on data available, relatively comprehensive and completedescriptions of some 80 mineral occurrences at different tectonic settings are 191<WP=202>Summaryfinished with emphasis on their probable genetical implication and within theirtectonic frame and host rock environment. (3) Using the method developed by geologists of USGS, and referring to thesimilar deposits models by USGS and BC, four mineral deposit models have beenset up for 4 important mineral prospects, namely the Hariqah, Jabali, Suwar,Waraqah as a first try, corresponding to sedimentary-hosted Au,carbonated-hosted Pb-Zn, mafic-intrusion related Cu-Ni, and hot spring Au-Agrespectively. (4) According to metallogenic series conception proposed by Chinesegeologists, 6 mineralization series of different mineral occurrences and 15 deposittypes probably occur in NW Yemen

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】P611
  • 【下载频次】248