

A Study of Puyu Culture

【作者】 李钟洙

【导师】 魏存成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过考古学研究方法对至今所发现的夫余文化遗存特征进行了考察。全文共分六章。 第一章首先以文献中所记载的内容为基础,按时期整理了夫余的历史,其次确定了夫余的境域范围和自然地理环境。夫余的历史可分为三个时期:早期是西汉初至西汉末,为夫余的形成时期;中期是东汉初至285年,为夫余的鼎盛时期;晚期是285年至494年,为夫余的衰落时期。夫余的境域早期只分布在第二松花江沿岸。中期,东以张广才岭和威虎岭为界;西以双辽至大安的一线为界;南以龙岗山脉为界;北以嫩江和第一松花江为界。晚期只限于辽源市一带。 第二章整理了夫余文化遗存的考古调查和发掘内容,并且将以往的关于夫余的研究论文分成国内和国外两部分进行了介绍。关于夫余文化遗存的考古调查和发掘大体分为三个阶段。国内的夫余研究可分为两个阶段。国外的夫余研究以韩国、朝鲜、日本为主。韩国从七十年代开始,到九十年代后关于夫余的研究得到了正式发展。朝鲜的夫余史研究在七十年代就有了一定的成果。日本从三十年代开始出现了关于夫余的研究。 第三章探讨夫余文化的特点,首先观察夫余文化时间与空间的特点,之后把夫余文化遗存分为城址、生活遗址、墓葬、遗物等来观察其特点,最后探讨拥有夫余文化的族属和他们的经济生活。夫余文化的时间范围大致相当于公元前二世纪初至公元四世纪。夫余文化的空间范围以吉林市一带为中心的蛟河、永吉、九台、长春、舒兰、榆树、德惠、农安、双阳、伊通等,而且其大部分集中在第二松花江中流和饮马河、伊通河沿岸。夫余城址可分为平地城和山城。都城的防御体系由平地城和山城为一组的双重防御体系构成,主防御方向推定为西南方。地方的城址大部分位于交通道上。生活遗址可分为居住址和灰坑,居住址形制均为半地穴式的圆角长方形、椭圆形等。室内设有灶坑、壁盒、窖穴和柱洞。灰坑大部分设在居住址的周边,其形制有圆角长方形、不规则长方形、椭圆形、圆形等。墓葬的形制可分为竖穴土扩式、竖穴土扩木停式、土石混封式。葬具以木质为主,葬法采用了单人葬、两人同穴合葬、两人异穴合葬、三人同穴合葬、三人异穴合葬等,均为一次葬,葬式均为仰身直肢,出现殉马习俗。根据墓葬的规模和葬法、男女性别等差异随葬器物的品种和数量也有不同。通过老河深墓地的男女性别和埋葬方法等可以看出组成此墓地的集团已出现了阶层分化。总体上老河深墓地是豪民以上的阶层利用过的共同墓地。出土遗物中生活活用具有陶器、铜镜、铜钱、铜旗、小铜壶、小铁刀、铁锥、铁剪、木漆器、桦树皮器皿、纺织品等。兵器有铁剑、环首刀、铁矛、铁链等,还有护身器盔胃、恺甲、护心镜等。生产工具有续、镑、镰、镭、凿、削、烨、锄、斗斧等。车马具有镶、衔、害、马橙、鞍桥、当卢、节约、带扣、卡具、环形饰、铃等。装饰品有耳饰、牌饰、腕饰、片饰、带钩、带卡、带扣、环饰、泡饰、铜梳、婆金铜贝等。拥有夫余文化的主体是秽拓族系统,而且还有少数的周边地区族属。夫余的经济生活为长期的定居,具有以农业和畜牧业为主的经济方式。 第四章探讨夫余文化与西岔沟类型的关系,首先观察西岔沟类型的文化内涵,之后探讨西岔沟类型和夫余文化之间的关系。西岔沟类型遗存均为墓葬,墓葬形制为竖穴土扩式,使用木质葬具,均为单人一次葬,出现殉马习俗。西岔沟类型的渊源是宝山文化和汉书二期文化,外来文化因素有中原文化和北方草原文化。西岔沟类型是当时生活在此地区的土著民吸收周边地区的文化因素创造的新文化类型,笔者支持‘一个单独的考古学文化说’。西岔沟类型和泡子沿类型是具有不同渊源的两种文化。 第五章探讨夫余文化的渊源,首先探讨西团山文化和泡子沿类型之间出现的文化变异和泡子沿类型的出现过程,之后探讨汉书二期文化的影向,最后探讨泡子沿类型的渊源。公元前四世纪在一些西团山文化晚期遗存中开始出现与典型的西团山文化不同的新文化因素。随着进入公元前三世纪,各地出现了与西团山文化的文化内涵完全不同的几种文化类型。到公元前二世纪,终于出现泡子沿类型。夫余文化的来源是西团山文化、汉书二期文化和宝山文化,其中最主体因素是西团山文化。 第六章介绍了夫余和中原文化、北方草原文化、高句丽文化之间的关系。夫余和中原王朝虽有一些冲突,但长期来说维持了非常友好而亲密的关系。夫余文化中的中原文化因素在土扩木停墓形制和铜镜、漆器、铜钱、砖瓦等高级器物上体现得最为明显,此外泥质陶、铁制兵器、铁制生产工具、车马具、玉饰等装饰品中也出现了中原文化因素。在与北方草原文化间的关系中,夫余与其中的匈奴和鲜卑建立了最为密切的关系。出现在夫余考古文化中的北方草原文化因素有殉马习俗、动物纹牌饰、铜蝮、桦树皮器物等。与高句丽的关系,文献记载两国间关系非常密切,但两国的考古文化间却不存在这种密切的关系。 结语提出关于夫余史研究中的几个问题:第一,“豪离国”的地理位置问题;第二,关于夫余、北夫余、东夫余的问题;第三,后期王城的地理

【Abstract】 This dissertation employs current archaeological methods to conduct an analysis of presently-known archaeological remains of Puyo culture. The study is divided into six chapters as follows.Chapter One first establishes a periodized arrangement of Puyo history, using extant historical records as a foundation, and then determines Puyo’s territorial scope and natural geographical environment. Puyo’s history can be divided into three periods: the early period, lasting from the early to the late Western Han, which is Puyo’s formative period; the middle period, lasting from the Eastern Han until 285, which is the period of Puyo’s flourish; and the late period, lasting from 285 until 494, which is the period of Puyo’s decline. Puyo’s territory during its early period was limited to the valley of the Second Songhua River. During the middle period, its territories reached to the Zhangguangcai mountain range in the east, to the borders of Shuangliao and Da’an in the west, to the Longgang mountain range in the south, and to the Nen and First Songhua rivers in the north. In the late period its territories were limited to the region of the liaoyuan municipality.Chapter Two presents the results of archaeological surveys and excavations of Puyo cultural remains, and also introduces previous scholarly works concerning Puyo, which are divided into those works published in China, and those published elsewhere. Archaeological surveys and excavations of Puyo cultural remains are generally divided into three phases. Chinese studies of Puyo can be divided into two phases. Studies of Puyo outside of China includeprimarily those published in South Korea, North Korea, and Japan. South Korean studies of Puyo commenced in the 1970s and attained to a degree of development after the 1990s. North Korean studies of Puyo have achieved some results since the 1970s. Japanese studies of Puyo commenced in the 1930s.Chapter Three analyzes the specific characteristics of Puyo culture, first by analyzing the spatial and temporal specifics of Puyo culture, and later by analyzing the characteristics of various cultural remains, including walled sites, dwelling sites, burials, and artifacts. Finally, this chapter will analyze Puyo ethnicity and economy. Puyo’s temporal scope corresponds generally to the early second century BC to the fourth century AD. The spatial scope of Puyo culture, concentrated on the region of Jilin city, includes the counties and municipalities of Jiaohe, Yongji, Jiutai, Changchun, Shulan, Yushu, Dehui, Nongan, Shuangyang, and Yitong. The majority of remains are concentrated on the Second Songhua, Yinma, and Yitong river valleys. Puyo walled sites can be divided into those built in fiat plains and those built on hilltops. The capital city’s defense system is composed of a dual complex of walled towns hi plains and hilltop fortifications, with lines of defense oriented primarily toward die southwest. Walled sites outside of the capital are usually built at the intersections of major transit routes. Dwelling remains can be divided into residential structures and ashpits. Residential structures are typically in the form of semi-subterranean rectangular pits with rounded corners or oblong pits. Dwelling chambers include hearths, stone niches, storage pits, and pestholes. Ashpits include rectangular pits with rounded comers, square pits, oblongs pits, and rounded pits. Burial forms include earthen pit burials, earthen pit with wooden coffin burials, and mounds consisting of mixed earth and rock. Coffins are made primarily of wood, and burial modes include individual burials, twin burials hi a single pit, twin burials hi separate pits, triple burials hi a single pit, and triple burials hi separate pits. All are primary interments, and the position of the corpse is always supine and extended. There is occasionally seen the practice of immolating a horse with burials. According to burial practice and methods, male and female burials are distinguished hi terms of the kind and amount of burial goods. The case of the Laoheshen cemetery i

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K872
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】967