

Chinese Officials and Ryukyu

【作者】 徐斌

【导师】 谢必震;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 历史学, 2004, 博士


【摘要】 中琉历史关系渊源久远,始于洪武五年(1372年)。在政治经济上中琉双方建立起册封朝贡关系;文化风俗方面,琉球受到中国传统文化和民间宗教信仰的巨大影响,中琉关系历时明清两朝、500多年。然而中国历代册封使臣在琉球社会发现了许多来自日本的人和物,琉球一方面向中国称臣纳贡,一方面与日本保持着千丝万缕的关系,而正是这些关系成为日后日本吞并琉球,切断中琉历史关系的借口及历史根源。 本文结合中日双方有关琉球的基本文献资料,对中国士大夫有关琉球问题的纪录作进一步深入发掘和分析,首先以历代册封使录为重点,探讨册封使臣是如何记载在琉球社会发现的日本文化和日本事物。然后以明清实录为基础,以琉球领封问题为焦点,探讨万历末年士大夫们是如何应对以琉球为舞台展开的中、日、琉三国关系。最后结合日本外交文书等基本史料,以“琉球处分”为对象,考察何如璋、李鸿章、刘坤一等朝廷大臣为首的中国士大夫官员如何看待和处理中琉关系。目的在于揭示以中国为宗主国,含日本、朝鲜和琉球等藩属在内的册封朝贡体系从建立到衰亡的历史过程中,士大夫官僚们所起的作用。

【Abstract】 In history, the close relations between China and Ryukyu lasted more than 500 years. In the year of 5th of Emperor Hung Wu(1372A.D., Ming Dynasty),the establishment of tributary relations between the two countries marked the economic and political connection formalized. During the long period of touching, Chinese traditional culture and folk religion were introduced into Ryukyu and influenced the tiny island country deeply. But the loyal.Envoys of China to Ryukyu also strongly felt the profound influence from Japan in Ryukyu society. In fact, as a subject to China, Ryukyu kingdom accepted the investiture from China, while kept intimate association with Japan. This kind of situation became a latent excuse held by Japan which led to Japan’s absorption of Ryukyu.According to relative documents and materials, this thesis makes a further probe in the records on Ryukyu, trying to analyzing more thoroughly. Firstly, paying much attention to envoys’ records, it discusses what and how the envoys described the Japanese things they found in Ryukyu. And then, on the basis of Shih-lu and focusing on the problem of "lingfeng" , it talks about how the officials of late Wan Li era delt with the relations between China ,Japan and Ryukyu. Finally, with the help of Japanese Diplomatic Documents , it writes about court officials’ opinions, mainly Ho Ju-Chiang, Li Hung-Chang and Liu Kun-yi’s, towards "the Ryukyu Question", aiming at pointing out the official’s influence on the founding and falling of the whole tributary relations system, which consist of China as the lord country, and Japan, Korea, Ryukyu as the subject countries.

  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】826