

Research on Water and Soil Conservation and Regional Economic Sustainable Development in the Much Macro-sand District of the Northern Area of Shaanxi Province

【作者】 刘啸

【导师】 甘枝茂;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 陕北多沙粗沙区作为黄河中游粗泥沙的主要来源地和国家新兴能源重化工基地,倍受人们关注。该区是黄河中游多沙粗沙区最主要的一部分,面积是总面积(7.8万km~2)的55.4%,年产粗泥沙1.8亿t,占总量的56.42%。严重的水土流失不仅使生态环境恶化,农业生产能力下降,而且使整个人居环境出现危机。退耕还林还草工程使植被有了较快恢复,但也使大规模的农业人口失业;地方工业的飞速发展,使区域经济实力大为增强,然而强烈的人为作用又使新的水土流失源增加。正确看待经济发展与水土保持的关系,是制定区域发展规划,获得区域经济可持续发展的出发点。 该区经济发展潜力巨大,如何能在经济发展的同时,使生态环境也朝着良性方向发展,这是水土保持研究和区域经济研究的共同课题。作者通过大量的实地调查、半定位观测、文献整理和大量数据的分析,借助GPS、RS、GIS技术,应用优选法和目标管理等方法,对该区经济发展与水土保持的关系进行了研究,结合经济发展水平、生态环境建设目标等,对该区进行了生态分区,然后根据区域特征提出了分区治理和开发方略。该项研究力求在理论和实践两方面均有所创新,特别注重了应用措施方面的探讨。主要研究内容和所取得的成果如下: 1.全面评述了陕北多沙粗沙区土壤侵蚀与经济发展的研究现状,总结了前人研究的成果和经验,剖析了过去的不足,探讨了更加深入研究本区的意义。并在充分调查研究的基础上,揭示出了人为侵蚀加剧是该区水土流失的新动向,主要表现在:一是城镇化过程加快,加速了城市水土流失;二是大量窑洞(房)、乡村道路的建设,窑洞和村庄的废弃、塌陷,强化了农村聚落的土壤侵蚀;三是工矿企业的建设等机械性破坏地面及土壤结构,成为人为土壤侵蚀的重要形式。 2.首次全面分析了陕北多沙粗沙区经济发展与水土保持的关系,得出二者具有强烈耦合关系的结论。分析论述了贫穷才是导致水土流失的真正原因,经济发展能够带动水土流失的治理和环境改善。同时指出水土保持与区域经济发展之间的耦合关系将会随经济的进一步发展而增强。因此发展地方经济是保证生态环境建设的主要途径。并提出以解决“三口”(人口、牲口和灶口)为突破口,来解决陕北多沙粗沙区水土流失和生态环境建设的新思路。 3.系统地分析了陕北多沙粗沙区经济发展的潜在优势(潜力),客观地指出了制约区域经济发展的劣势。首次提出和应用了地方经济发展潜力的地理学评价系统,ji几川该系统对榆林币和延安l1J’的经济发展潜力进行了评价。然后在此基础卜对该l术lc)个县(区)的发展潜力作了进步的评价,并结合土壤侵蚀状况、/}几态建设日标等书兮沙己对队一比多沙粗沙进行了1权域产}几态建设分区。 4.户丫次比较系统地总结和论述了陕北多沙粗沙区经济可持续发展与水L保持、‘卜态环境建设中应该处理好的八人关系。提出国家利益、地方利益和居民利益的1、.别,应当根据不同利益,区分各自职责,只有充分尊重各方利益刁’可以形成卜卜·致、齐抓共管的水土流失治理局面。并阐述了必须以解决当前利益为前提,谋求长远利益。提出以发展生态旅游为契机促进生态环境建设。用经济学的方法,分析、比较了沟道治理与边坡治理、自然修复与工程措施、粮食自给与退耕还林还草、保护与开发创新的关系。 5.依1狱!、域经济和水土保持的祸合关系明确提出要依靠发展_L业来夯实地方经济从础、增加水卜保持和生态建设投入,吸引和安置失业的农民。提出了以集团化发){趁地方_}_业的_.’.人,!戊略和六条措施;提出建设立体边坡式农业,实现粮食自给。捉出要应川优化组合提.佰种植、}仁的投入户:出比,通过优选法引进优良品利,,淘汰劣质低J汉沉.种;提出要发展一草产业,改善牧草结构,在生态植被恢复到 定程/妇讨实施轮牧制度,并以此促进草本植物的生长和提高肉畜质量。 6.提出把调整人日密度作为解决水_「流失、生态环境建设的l要途径,探讨了比l,]行性,提出要以加速城镇化进程、发展地方工业,增加就业机会、生态移民来解决水上流失区人l:I超载的问题。针·对黄土rt..陵区和黄河沿岸一}_:石山区的实际情况,计算出要使该区粮食人均占有量达到全国中等水平,必须将人l一l密度降到90人/k mZ,要达到国内高水平必须使人口密度降到70人/k mZ以内。 7.亡、‘次提出了要把发展生态旅游作为治理水仁流失的重要途径之一。通过发展‘卜态旅游促进生态环境建设,激起人们的环保热情;同时也要把发展生态旅游作为安胃火业农民,带动地方经济发展的一项主要措施来抓。提出要把沼气作为‘}二态农村的}几要能源,在解决“灶卜!”问题(能源问题)的同l月一,一并解决水污染严垂问题。并以此提出建设生态户、生态村、生态镇和城市模式。 8.提出了关于陕北多沙粗沙区水卜保持、/!!’.态环境建设和区域经济持续发展的总体思路:第一要以解决农民的生存、生活问题为出发点,大力发展地方经济,这是保汗水仁保持措施长期有效,不被人为破坏的前提;第二大力发展地方工业是脱贫致富的必要手段,但必须注重生产、环境、安全建设三同时;第

【Abstract】 the much macro-sand district situated in the loess plateau of the northern area of Shaanxi province is regarded as the main source of the macro-sand silting the middle passage of the Yellow River, and is being studied by many people. The main macro-sand district in the Northern area of Shaanxi Province is an important part of the much macro-sand district in the middle area of the Yellow River, accounting for 55.4% of the whole area of. This area produces 180 million tons, accounting for 56.42 of it. It not only makes the regional environment worse and agricultural production drop, but also makes the whole human environment reach crisis point; the green project that the country implements means that the vegetation has been recovering at a very fast rate, however it makes many peasants lose their jobs and they have to face the problem of choosing a new occupation;the development of local industry at full speed makes the region’s economy greatly strengthened , makes the people see hope that tue district will shake off poverty, but such strong industrial activity makes a new source of increased soil erosion. Correct water and soil conservation is beneficial to the regional development plan makes and the sustainable development of the regional economy.Dependent on the large number of on-the-spot inspections, and drawing support from technology, such as GPS,RS,GIS etc the author carries on research in the northern area of Shaanxi province, finding that there are obvious coupling relations between the economic development and water and soil conservation problem, in which one is the prerequisite of solving the other. The thesis makes an effort to innovate in some extent, in terms of theory and practice, especially concentrating on the measures underdiscussion.1. Comments on the current research situation of soil erosion and economic development of the main macro-sand discussed district in the northern area of Shaanxi province, in a comprehensive way, summarising achievements and experiences that earlier researchers studies, analysing deficiencies in past research, probing into the significance of investigating this district further. Pointing out that there are three new trends of water and soil erosion in the area, firstly the city enlargement gives rise tc soil erosion, secondly the county-road and other building programs increase soil erosion, thirdly mining leads to erosion.2. Analyses the relationship between the eeonotnie development of the northern area of Shaanxi province, and water and soil conservation in an all round way, for the first time, finding that there is a strong coupling relation between the two factors. The paper analyses that the real reason lor water and soil erosion is poverty, and economic development can improve water and soil conservation and environment improvement. Meanwhile, it points out that coupling relations between water and soil conservation and area economic development will be strengthened with the further economic development. So local economic development is a main way to maintain the construction of ecology environment. The research put forwards a new way to resolve the problem of water and soil conservation and the construction of ecology environment in the much macro-sand district of the northern area of Shaanxi province, ie. to solve the problems on population,domestic animals and energy.3. Systematically analyses the potential advantages of the main macro-sand discussed district in the north area of Shaanxi province overall and at the same time pointing out that the undcrdevelopment restricting the regional economic development. The research, for the first time, creates and uses the geographical comment system of regional economic development potential. It is used to evaluate the potential of economic development in Yulin City and Yan’an City, systematically. Accordingly, development in 19 counties of this area has been deeply evaluated. Regional ecology construction has been divided in terms of thesoil erosion status and the ecological construction aims.4.
