

The Study of Mobile GIS Integration Service Based on Multi-Agent System Infrastructure

【作者】 叶雷

【导师】 张超;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 当代信息技术与移动通信网络的普及已大大改变了我们的生活习惯,“数字地球”与城市信息化的建设使我们更清楚地了解、掌握、认知周边环境成为可能,运用信息,尤其运用空间信息已不再是政府、企业、科研机构所享有的特权,以人为本,从管理模式到服务职能思路的转变,使每个人都有权要求在任一时间、任一地点充分享受技术创新给我们带来的方便,高科技更应该服务于公众、服务于社会。移动GIS集成服务研究正是基于这样的出发点,应用当代软件工程中解决复杂系统问题的最新模式MAS体系,借助2G以上的移动通信机制,实现空间信息的4A服务。 本文以国家863项目“数字城市关键技术研究”招标子课题,上海市科技发展基金重大专项,“空间信息移动用户应用服务系统关键技术研究”为实例,对基于MAS体系的移动GIS集成服务进行了比较全面的探讨,概括起来,论文主要涉及以下内容: 第一章通过文献综述、对比研究,从地理学新视角出发,重新认识地理信息系统的发展,简要介绍了从地理信息系统走向地理信息服务的过程,及地理信息科学形成的基础,并提出了从移动GIS走向移动GIS集成服务的观点,引出移动GIS集成服务研究。 第二章在研究国内外移动GIS理论、方法、技术发展的基础上,提出了移动GIS集成服务概念,并建立了以层次化、增量化为特点,以空间数据结构、空间分析方法、通信机制为移动GIS集成服务技术体系的基石,以Agent与MAS的组织结构为核心,通过标准、规范、协议建立保障的移动GIS集成服务技术体系,为移动GIS集成服务提供理论、方法与技术理论依据。 第三章体现出Agent、MAS体系理论以及AOSE理论是移动GIS集成服务体系的核心。本文在总结、梳理Agent、MAS以及AOSE理论的基础上,提出对Agent的认识观点与看法及如何应用Agent模型,在此基础上创造性地提出了空间信息智能体结构,并基于混合式MAS体系结构,提出来构建基于MAS体系的移动GIS集成服务框架结构,力图将Agent理论、MAS体系与AOSE的方法引入移动GIS集成服务中来,在针对复杂系统建设的GIS软件工程理论与方法上寻求创新。 第四章从空间信息处理、空间信息服务与示范系统集成等三个方面,提出移动GIS集成服务实践中的系列关键技术,包括:面向多信息源的数据整合技术、海量空间信息数据快速检索及分层智能提取技术、基于城市路网结构的建筑物间最优路径算法、异种GIS平台间互基于MAS体系的移动Gls集成服务研究摘要操作、面向2.SG以上移动通信机制的GIS wAP Service、基于空间信息智能体与MAS体系的系统整体结构等。这些关键技术是本文在实践方面的工程经验与工程创新的总结。 第五章较全面地介绍了空间信息移动用户服务系统,展示了相关各项研究成果的表现形式,并对研发工作从研究背景与实现目标、系统设计、功能及其实现等方面进行了简述。 第六章中总结了论文的创新点,并对目前尚未实现、仍需进一步研究的Grid与网格计算与移动GIS集成服务未来的结合进行了思考,并对移动GIS集成服务的应用前景进行了展望。 通过这些研究,本文从理论、技术、方法、工程实践等方面较全面地描述了基于MAS体系的移动GIS集成服务,并通过关键技术研究、实例等体现在工程实践中已取得的丰硕成果,为移动GIS集成服务在4G以及4G后的研究奠定了基础,也为地理信息科学中针对复杂系统的GIS建设应用提供了理论与技术上的支持。

【Abstract】 Today, our life style has been changed greatly by the information technology and the mobile communication. It becomes true to learn and cognize the knowledge about surrounding and environment more clearly in the digital earth and the digital city. The capabilities of applying the information, especially the spatial information, are not only the privileges in the government, enterprises and scientists, but also the demands of the public. Being directed by the idea of serving the people, the new information-applying mode is proposed. Anyone can request to use the advantages which the science and technology bring us in anywhere. It should serve to the public and the society firstly. As part of these high-techs, the Mobile GIS Integration Service was represented in this thesis.This research is based on the MAS (Multi-Agent System) architecture, which is one of the new software patterns to solve the problems in complex system. The study also based on the modern mobile communication mechanisms after 2G periods, and how to realize the 4A (Anyone acquires Any-information in Anywhere and Anytime) Service.The instance is the Key-technologies Study in the Spatial Information Service System for Mobile Users, which is one of the sub invited public bidding research in the Chinese 863 project of the Key-technologies Study about the Digital City, and supported by the Shanghai Science and Technology Funds in 2001 at the same time.The theories, technical methods and the instance about Mobile GIS Integration Service based on MAS Architecture were discussed in this thesis. As a whole, this paper is consisted of six parts.In the first part, the author was in the new sight of Geography, recognized the development of GIS, and introduced the process from the Geographical Information System to Geographical Information Service. The foundation of the Geographical Information Science by comparing and analyzing many literatures, the generation of the mobile GIS development were studied. The up-to-date Mobile GIS development stage as well as the Mobiles GIS Integration Service was brought forth, which is the topicof the thesis.In The second part, the state and international studies including theories, technical methods and the development related to the mobile computation and GIS were introduced. The concept of Mobile GIS Integration Service (M-GIS2) was proposed and explained. Then the paper introduced architecture of M-GIS2. The spatial data structures, spatial analyzing methods and communication mechanism were studied as the basic makeup of the M-GIS2. The Agent and the MAS architecture were mentioned as the core of M-GIS2. The standards, criterions and protocols were discussed as the indemnification of M-GIS2.The third part discussed the Agent, MAS architectures, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) and how to use these theories in M-GIS2. Based on the clearly cognition of the Agent, MAS and AOSE, the universal Spatial-Info Agent architecture was proposed. This part put the emphasis on applying of the theories about Agent, MAS and AOSE and solving the organization problems of M-GIS2.In the fourth part, the key technologies about practice of M-GIS2 were studied. This paper discussed the data integration technologies faced multi information sources, the rapid searching and intelligent distilling technologies of layered magnanimity spatial data, two buildings’ best route choice arithmetic based on the road network, interoperation in different GIS platform, GIS WAP Service faced the mobile communication mechanisms upward 2. 5G, the system architecture based on Agent and MAS etc. All of above were separated from three directions, spatial information dealing, service and the demonstration system integration. These technologies were born from the engineering practice and experience.The fifth part focused on the building of the Spatial Information Service Demonstration System for Mobile Users. The background, goals, system designing, system functions and realization were introduced.In the last part, the innovations of the st

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】10
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