

Theory and Practices of Foam and Foamed Drilling Technology

【作者】 陈礼仪

【导师】 黄润秋;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地质工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 本文是作者亲自负责或参与的有关泡沫和泡沫钻进技术系列科学研究工作的归纳和总结。论文主要包括两大部分:一是泡沫流体理论研究,二是泡沫和泡沫钻进技术的实践成果。在泡沫流体理论部分,主要是对长达十几年研究工作中所收集到的相关文献资料的整理,作为理论研究的成果之一,充气泡沫泥浆护壁与堵漏方面的研究工作是最具有特色和创新性的,不仅受到了国内同行专家的好评,而且指导在我们进行泡沫和泡沫钻进技术研究和推广应用的过程中起到了特别重要的作用。在泡沫和泡沫钻进技术的实践部分,主要介绍了钻探(井)专用发泡剂——DF-1型泡沫剂的研制过程,以及DF-1型泡沫剂在潜孔锤泡沫钻进和充气泡沫泥浆钻进中的应用成效。而PQ—I泡沫发生器的研制成功,有效地解决了不用空压机的泡沫泥浆的充气问题,是充气泡沫泥浆成功应用的关键设备。这些研究工作均是以省部级重点科学研究项目为支撑,曾获得地矿部科技成果二等奖一项、三等奖三项,成都理工大学科技成果一等奖两项、二等奖三项。 综上所述,泡沫流体理论、泡沫剂研制、潜孔锤泡沫钻进技术、充气泡沫泥浆和泡沫发生器的研制,以理论为支撑,以实际应用为目的,构成了泡沫和泡沫钻进技术比较完整的理论与实践体系,其主要成果如下: 1.在泡沫流体理论的指导下,通过宏观实验和微观观察,发现了泡沫吸附壁的存在。并从胶体化学、物理化学角度,比较系统地论证了泡沫吸附壁的形成机理。在对泡沫吸附壁进行微观结构分析的基础上,创造性地提出了泡沫吸附壁具有“三相、三吸附、三特性”的观点,得到了同行专家的认可。 2.研究论证了泡沫群体结构在漏失通道中的动态封堵和疏水屏蔽作用。在泡沫流变性理论的指导下,首次系统探讨了充气泡沫泥浆防塌护壁机理和防塌堵漏机理,并为实践所证实。为充气泡沫泥浆的推广和应用建立了坚实的理论基础。 3.以表面活性剂理论为基础,用阴离子表面活性剂和改性非离子表面活性剂复合研制成功了钻探(井)专用发泡剂——DF-1型泡沫剂。其合成工艺和生产流程合理,产品性能稳定,成本低、价格较便宜。还具有发泡率高、稳定性好、携岩能力强、流变性好、抗钙抗盐抗污染和抗高温等特点,且无毒无环境污染,易生物降解等。达到了国内同类产品的先进水平,并接近国外同类产品水平。经国内外查新检索证实,未发现采用相同工艺生产的钻探(井)专用发泡剂,具有新颖性。 4.潜孔锤泡沫钻进技术彻底攻克了潜孔锤在潮湿地层钻进的难关,加深了潜孔锤水下钻进的深度,找到了一条在涌水破碎地层进行潜孔锤钻进的有效途径。是一条值得进一步探索和深入研究完善的钻探(井)新技术、新方法。 5.充气泡沫泥浆由于比重低,液柱压力低,实现了负压钻进,能大幅度提高机械钻进,延长钻头寿命。特别在渗透性漏失孔段是防漏的优良冲洗液,在中等漏失孔段可缓解冲洗液的漏失程度。充气泡沫泥浆由于泡沫的高结构流变性,不仅携带岩屑(粉)能力高于清水和普通泥浆,而且能有效地减少对弱胶结、未固结不稳定岩层孔壁的冲刷,有利于防塌。是一种新型的钻探冲洗液类型,在推广应用中取得了较大的社会和经济效益。 6.R毖一1型泡沫发生器以喷射理论为基础,以吸人空气与基浆混合程度高为设计目标,研制了叶片式蜗轮泡沫分散切割器,实现了充气泡沫泥浆中泡沫分散均匀、泡沫微细且稳定性强,而且可根据钻进需要,十分方便地通过调节气液比,得到相应比重的充气泡沫泥浆。泡沫发生器结构简单,重量轻、使用维护方便、适应性强,完全适合野外钻探(井)工作的要求,实现了不用空压机的发泡方式,有效地解决了高山缺水、运输不便地区使用充气泡沫泥浆的技术难题,经检测其性能明显优于国内外无压气机式泡沫发生器或装置。

【Abstract】 This doctoral dissertation is actually a conclusion of the author’s work and practices personally in foam and foamed drilling technology. It mainly has two parts as follows: theory research of foamed drilling fluids, and practice achievements in foam and foamed drilling technology.The first part--the foam fluid theory research is a collected contribution of theauthor’s 10-year long research practice and the related documentations. As one of the research achievements, the cleading and lost circulation of aerated foamed drilling fluids is of great significance and innovation, which gained appreciation of experts home and abroad, and will also direct our further research in foam and foamed drilling technology.As the second part of this dissertation, the practice achievements of foam and foamed drilling technology, includes the following information: the development of the foaming agent PQ-1, the practice of PQ-1 in underhole foamed drilling and aerated foamed drilling. The maker development of PQ-1, a key equipment of aerated foamed drilling fluids, can satisfactorily meet the needs of aerating with the absence of air compressor. These studies for the research programmes from the Sichuan Province and the Ministry of State land and Resources have been conferred many honors including one 2nd Place, two 3rd Place, and two 1st Place and three 2nd Place in Chengdu University of Technology.In short, the complete theory and practice system of foam and foamed drilling technology is composes of foamed fluid theory, development of foam agent, underhole foamed drilling technology, and maker development of aerated foamed drilling fluids and foam maker. The achievements based on this system are as follows:1. Upon the theory of foam fluids, and through macro and micro observations, we found the existence of the holewall adsorption of foam, proved its foam absorption formation mechanism from the views of colloidal chemistry and physical chemistry, and also put forward the viewpoint of three phases, three absorptions, and three characteristics through the microstructure analysis of foam absorption formation.2. This research proved the dynamic plugging and hydrophobic shield of foam formation. Under the guidance of foam fluid theory, this dissertation first discussed the theories of foamed mud fluid cleading and collision, and also set up the theory references for its generalization and applications.3. Based on the surface active agent theory, we developed the DF-1 foam agent from anionic surfactant and modified non-ionic surface active agent for drilling porposes. DF-1 foam agent, easy to produce, is stable, of low in cost with calcium and salt resistances, environmental friendly, and can be easily biodegraded. Hence, DF-1 is a novel foaming agent for drilling proposes with advanced technology. By now, we have not found any similar product with DF-1.4. Underhole drilling technology solved the difficulties of drilling in wet layers, deepened the drilling under water, and found an effective method of drilling hi pouring crushing layer. So, it is a novel drilling technology, worthy of further research.5. The aerated foam mud fluids can used in negative drilling, and enlarge the life of drilling bits for its low density, and low sap pressure. It is an excellent drilling fluid especially in the high permeable strata, and can lower the loss of drilling fluids in middle permeable strata. What’s more, because of its high structural rheological behaviours, this type of foamed drilling fluids can stabilize the holewall, and is a novel drilling fluid eith great social and economic essentials.6. Based on the jet theory, and aimed at high mixing of air and mud, PQ-1 foam maker, a blade worm foam separation and cutting apparatus, can make it true that is foam-dispersed evenly, micro-foamed, and air-fluid ratio adjusted easily. This foam maker is structurally simple, light in weight, and suitable for field operation, makes it reality of foaming without air compressor, and solve the problem of using aerated foaming mud fluids

  • 【分类号】P634.5
  • 【被引频次】32
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