

Research on Intelligent Heave Compensation System for Deep-sea Mining Device

【作者】 肖体兵

【导师】 吴百海;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 深海采矿装置升沉补偿系统是保证深海采矿作业安全进行必不可少的装备之一。例如,当用水力流体提升式采矿系统开采分布在5000m左右深海海底具有很高开采价值的锰结核时,为减小海浪所引起的采矿船升沉运动对扬矿管的影响,有必要在扬矿管与采矿船之间安装一套升沉补偿系统,以减小扬矿管的轴向应力和变形,防止疲劳损坏。本文采用理论分析、计算机仿真和模拟试验相结合的方法,对深海采矿装置升沉补偿系统进行了系统的研究,其中重载扬矿管升沉补偿系统是本文的主要研究对象。 论文提出了轻载升沉补偿系统、中载升沉补偿系统和重载升沉补偿系统等三种适用于不同场合的升沉补偿系统的设计方案,它们综合应用了电液比例、计算机控制、智能控制等技术,具有结构简单、可靠性好、补偿精度高等优点。论文对采用了速度型升沉补偿策略的用于扬矿管的升沉补偿的重载升沉补偿系统进行了参数设计。参数设计的结果表明,所设计的重载升沉补偿系统满足负载大、功率消耗小的设计要求。为了进行模拟试验研究,论文搭建了一个多功能的模拟试验台,利用该试验台和相似原理,可分别建立轻载升沉补偿模拟试验系统、中载升沉补偿模拟试验系统和重载升沉补偿模拟试验系统。每一种模拟试验系统均由升沉运动模拟系统、升沉补偿模拟系统和负载模拟系统组成。 为了理论分析和仿真的需要,论文首先建立了比例方向阀的阀芯运动、三位四通不对称比例方向阀控制不对称缸动力机构和三位三通不对称比例方向阀控制不对称缸动力机构的数学模型,得出了重载升沉补偿系统、升沉运动模拟系统、和轻载、中载、重载三种升沉补偿模拟系统的传递函数。接着论文提出了一种基于simulink与功率键合图建立液压系统动作过程仿真模型的新方法,并通过升沉运动模拟系统的仿真与试验结果的对比验证了该仿真建模方法的正确性,该方法也可用于建立液压系统的动静态特性仿真模型。最后根据所建立的数学模型和提出的仿真建模方法,论文建立了重载升沉补偿系统的静态特性仿真模型,建立了重载升沉补偿系统及其模拟试验系统、中载升沉补偿模拟试验系统、轻载升沉补偿模拟试验系统的升沉补偿的仿真模型。 重载升沉补偿系统的动静态特性的分析和仿真的结果表明,重载升沉补偿系 广东工业大学工学博士学位论文统是一个大惯量的系统,升沉补偿系统及其模拟试验系统中普遍存在着非线性、死区、参数(如负载、摩擦力)时变、大滞后等不利因素。因此,它们的控制器的设计和控制策略的选择是至关重要的。为提高升沉运动模拟系统的升沉运动模拟精度,其控制器在位移反馈控制的基础上加人了前馈控制。论文提出了一种包含了速度反馈控制、位移反馈控制和扰动补偿控制的复合控制器,该复合控制器适用于采用不同升沉补偿策略的三种升沉补偿系统。论文实现了前馈控制器、低通滤波器和PID、模糊一PID两种反馈控制器的设计。扰动补偿控制对升沉补偿性能的影响最大,尤其是对大惯量的重载升沉补偿系统。论文设计了线性、非线性和神经网络等三种扰动补偿控制器,其中基于BP神经网络的扰动补偿控制器适用性广,具有较强的自适应能力。 升沉补偿系统的计算机在线控制需要硬件和软件两方面的支持。论文以升沉补偿模拟试验系统为例,介绍了升沉补偿系统的计算机在线控制系统的硬件组成;开发了升沉补偿模拟试验系统的控制软件,指出并解决了开发升沉补偿系统的控制软件所要解决的几个关键技术难题。升沉补偿模拟试验系统的控制软件可直接应用于升沉补偿系统的控制。 利用所建立的模拟试验系统和仿真模型、设计的控制器和开发的控制软件,论文对升沉补偿系统进行了仿真和模拟试验研究。仿真和模拟试验的结果与理论分析的结果基本上一致,升沉补偿系统及其模拟试验系统都获得了较高的补偿精度。从而也就证明了论文所提出的升沉补偿系统的设计方案是可行的,所设计的控制器和选用的控制策略和升沉补偿策略是有效的,所开发的控制软件是稳定可靠的。通过仿真和模拟试验结果的对比,证明了所建立的升沉补偿系统及其模拟试验系统的过程仿真模型是正确的,也进一步验证了论文提出的液压系统过程仿真建模的新方法。 本课题受国家自然科学基金项目“深海采矿工程升沉补偿系统的研究”资助,完成了升沉补偿系统的方案和参数设计、数学建模、仿真建模、智能控制器的设计和控制软件的开发等研究,其研究成果将直接为我国开发海洋矿产资源的战略提供服务。

【Abstract】 HCS for deep-sea mining device is one of the absolutely necessary instruments to secure the deep-sea mining production. For example, when mining the manganese nodule which is of very high mining value and dispersed on the 5000m depth ocean floor, in order to reduce the effect of the mining ship on the lifting pipe, it is necessary to install a HCS between the lifting pipe and the mining ship to reduce the axial stress and deformation of the lifting pipe and avoid its fatigue damage. In this thesis, HCS is studied by means of theory analysis, computer simulation and model test, among of which HHCS for lifting pipe is the main research object.Three kinds of HCS, LHCS, MHCS, HHCS, are put forward for different purpose, which use synthetically the technologies of electro-hydraulic proportional control, computer control and intelligent control and have compact structure, good reliability, and high compensation precision. The parameter of HHCS which uses the speed-type heave compensation strategy is designed, and the result of the parameter design shows that the designed HHCS meet the requirement of heavy load as well as small power consumption. For the model test, a multifunctional model test-bed is built which can build LHCMTS, MHCMTS, and HHCMTS based on the similarity principle. Any HCSMTS is composed of a HMSS, a HCMS and a load simulation system.In order to satisfy the demand of theory analysis and computer simulation, firstly, the mathematic models are established for the spool movement of a proportional direction valve, the actuating unit with a 4/3-way asymmetric proportional direction valve controlling an asymmetric cylinder and the actuating unit with a 3/3-way asymmetric valve controlling an asymmetric cylinder, and the transfer functions are obtained for HHCS, HMSS, LHCMS, MHCMS and HHCMS. And then, a new kind of simulation modeling method based on the power bond graph and the software simulink to build the simulation model of a hydraulic system’s executing process. It is proved correct by comparing the simulation result of the HMSS with its experimental result, and it also can be used to build the dynamic/static performance simulation model of a hydraulic system. At last, using the established mathematic model and the presented simulation modeling method, the static performance simulation model of the HHCS is built, and the heave compensating simulation model is built for the HHCS, HHCMTS, MHCMTS and LHCMTS.The analysis and simulation of dynamic/static performance of the HHCS shows that it is a large inertial system, and that there are such adverse factors in HCS and its model test system as nonlinear, dead zone, time variable parameters(e.g. load, friction), big delay. Therefore, it is very important to design their controllers and choose theircontrol strategy. In order to improve the position tracing precision for simulating the heave motion of the HMSS, a feedforward controller is added into its controller except for a feedback. A multiplex controller, which is composed of a speed feedback controller, a displacement feedback controller and a disturbance compensation controller, is designed for the three kinds of HCS which use different heave compensation strategy. The feedfoward controller, low pass filter and two kinds of feedback controllers(PID controller and Fuzzy-PID controller) are designed. The disturbance compensation control has very significant effect on the compensation performance, especially to the large inertial HHCS. Three kinds of disturbance compensation controllers, linear, nonlinear and neural network, are designed to meet different requirement. Among of them, the disturbance compensation controller based on BP network has strong self-adapting ability.Computer on-line control of the HCS needs hardware and software. Taking HCMTS for example, the hardware component of the computer on-line control system for HCS is introduced. Through the brief introduction of the control software developed for the HCMTS, several main technical difficulties are found and solved. The c
