

A Study on the School-based Curriculum Development in Northwest Minority Regions of China

【作者】 马正学

【导师】 李定仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 当下,新一轮基础教育课程改革的浪潮风起云涌,漫卷全国。校本课程开发则是这次课程改革大潮中,一朵引人注目的浪花。 校本课程开发这一舶来品,要在西北少数民族地区落地生根,就必须在遵循其本质特点和基本理念的基础上,从少数民族教育的“双重性”、西北少数民族地区民族多元、文化多元,以及该地区基础教育课程的现状等实际出发,走适合西北少数民族地区特点的、本土化的校本课程开发之路。 为此,有必要对“校本课程开发”的概念作本土化的界定。校本课程开发就是指在《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》精神的指引下,在保证国家课程和地方课程实施的前提下,以学校为基地,以学生的个体差异为基础,以学校教师为主体,以当地学校课程资源和社区课程资源为依托,根据学校的办学特色和办学理念,由学校校长、教师、学生、社区成员、学科专家联合或与校外团体合作或个人合作开发的,旨在满足学生个性发展需求的一切形式的课程开发活动,是一个持续的、动态的课程生成过程。 西北少数民族地区校本课程的开发,在很大程度上有赖于对该地区丰富多样的民族优秀传统文化资源、人力资源及自然生态环境资源等潜在课程资源的开发与利用程度。开发的内容主要包括校内课程资源和社区课程资源。制订和实施学校发展计划(SDP)则是被实践证明了的、开发和利用西北少数民族地区社区课程资源的一种有效途径和办法。 在校本课程资源的开发与利用上,西北少数民族地区在遵循美国课程论专家泰勒关于学习经验选择的五条原则的基础上,还必须遵循多元性与一体性、本土性与现代性有机统一的原则。课程资源的开发与利用有多种途径,其中教学活动也是课程资源开发与利用的重要途径。为此,要充分重视教师在课程资源开发与利用中的重要作用。 为了给西北少数民族地区校本课程的开发,探索一条通向成功的光明之路,第四章以甘南藏族中小学校本课程资源的开发与利用为个案,在对该地区璀灿辉煌的多元文化教育资源整理、分析、归纳的基础上,围绕社会、历史、自然地理、语文、音乐、舞蹈、美术、安多藏戏、科学等9个主题领域,就西北少数民族地区如何开发和利用校本课程资源进行了深入的个案探究。 在目标的确立上,西北少数民族地区校本课程开发必须遵循本土化、全面性、马正学:西北少数民族地区校本课程开发研究层次性、趣味性、可操作性、以“人”为本和实用性等7条原则。以上述原则为指导,西北少数民族地区校本课程开发的目标架构如下:第一,多元、平等、个性张扬的理念必须引入课程;第二,培养学生“换位思考”的素质与能力,并不断深化和增强“中华民族多元一体格局”意识;第三,培养无偏见地、自然地和不同文化、风俗习惯的人交流、沟通以及共同生活的素质和能力;第四,加强文化整合,减少课程内容遴选上的偏见;第五,要充分尊重学生的民族特征与认知风格;第六,为儿童提供感知和应用的模式:第七,促进学生健康、和谐、全面、自主发展。与“目标模式”所谓的目标不同,这种目标始终是在课程的开发过程中计划的,而不是在课程开发之前决定好的,它是在教育活动中,即在课程实现目标的过程中制定的,因此目标的制定与活动的过程密切相关,随着活动的进行,目标也在变化,它并不是固定的、静止的,因而相对于目标来说,课程开发过程是重要的。 在课程开发模式上,西北少数民族地区校本课程开发的模式具有如下特点:在课程开发的目标上应体现多元性;在课程内容的选择与组织上要体现开放性,充分关注自然、社会和学生的经验与生活世界;在课程的实施上要关注学生与教师的共同成长与发展进步;在课程评价上要倡导多元评价;在课程管理上应走向分权化;在课程的编制与设置上应异彩纷呈、各宜其趣。 需要强调的是,西北少数民族地区在校本课程开发中,必须立足于并从“中华民族多元一体格局”的现实出发,注意避免从一个极端走向另一个极端,用“文化孤立主义”或“文化部落主义”来看待多元文化问题,不能以文化相对主义为准则,过分强调一成不变地保存自身固有的文化,从而拒绝变革,造就边缘文化霸权。民族文化只有在交流和碰撞中才能不断发展,不断光大,才能海纳大川,走向辉煌,并引领一个民族不断开拓进取,与时俱进。

【Abstract】 At present, a new round of basic education curriculum reform is being carried out in full swing throughout the whole country under the guidance of the National Outline of Basic Education Curriculum Reform. In the course of this large-scale reform, the school-based curriculum development conduct appears as one noticeable item.In order to take root in Northwest minority regions, the school-based curriculum development conduct, originated from foreign countries, has to take into consideration the duality nature of the minority education, the fact of multi-minorities and multi-cultures in these minority regions and the real existing situations of basic education in these areas, and tries to explore a localized development method which adapts to the characteristics of the Northwest minority regions based on the essential features and basic notions of this conduct.Therefore, a native definition for the concept of the school-based curriculum development is a necessity. Generally speaking, the school-based curriculum development refers to all kinds of curriculum developing activities collaborated either by school headmaster, teachers, students, community members and experts of curriculum or by some non-school organizations and individuals to meet the demand for the personality development of students in school in accordance with the spirit of the National Outline of Basic Education Curriculum Reform. Dependent on schools, individual differences of students, teachers, local schools and community curriculum resources the school-based curriculum development is a continuous and dynamic curriculum producing process. The prerequisite of national and state curriculum.The developing conduct of the school-based curriculum in Northwest minority regions of China to great degree relies on the extent to which some potential curriculum resources such as splendid minority cultural resources and profuse human and ecological resources are developed and taken into practice. The main items to be developed consist of school curriculum resources and community curriculum resources. The formulation and implementation of the School Development Project has been proved in practice an effective method which can be applied to develop and put intoA Study on the School-based Curriculum Development in Northwest Minority Regions of Chinareal use of the community curriculum resources in the Northwest minority regions.In terms of the development and practice of the school-based curriculum resources, the principle of the unity of plurality and singleness, unity of localization and modernization must be followed in the Northwest minority regions besides the five principles concerning learning choice proposed by American curriculum expert Tyler. There are various methods to develop and put into practice the curriculum resources, among which teaching activity is an important one. Thus the significant role played by teachers should be paid enough attention.In order to explore a promising road for the development of the school-based curriculum in Northwest minority regions, based on the case study of the development and practice of the curriculum resources in Gannan Tibetan secondary and primary schools, involving nine topics including society, history, geography, philology, music, dance, painting, Ando Tibetan opera and science, the paper makes an effort in Chapter Four to probe deeply and in full-scale into the way in which the school-based curriculum development conduct is developed and put into use by clearing out, analyzing and synthesizing the brilliant multi-cultural educational resources in this area.In terms of the goals to be achieved, seven principles have to be kept to for the School-based curriculum development in Northwest minority regions, they are: localization, wholeness, gradation, liveliness, workability, human-orientation and practicability. Under the guidance of these seven principles, the goal framework for the School-based curriculum development in the Northwest minority regions can be established like this: f

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