

A Research on the Development of Curriculum Culture

【作者】 范兆雄

【导师】 李定仁;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 课程文化发展是课程不断地由旧质到新质的转变,是文化的进步。研究课程文化发展旨在通过探究课程文化演化的过程,揭示课程文化进步的标准,把握课程文化发展的客观规律。它包括课程文化进步这一课程文化发展核心问题的提出、课程文化发展环境的研究、课程文化发展的系统结构分析、各种文化类型的课程文化发展、课程文化特质的传播、课程文化特质的变迁、课程文化发展的客观价值与进步标准等几个有内在联系的部分。在研究方法上,本文坚持以马克思主义辩证唯物主义为指导,并运用文化分析、历史研究、比较研究等具体方法。 课程是一种规范文化,它的发展受着社会文化环境的制约。课程是人的文化实践。人在课程文化发展中具有能动作用,会作用于他所在的社会文化环境,根据需要进行课程改革,推动着课程文化发生变革,影响着社会文化进步。 课程文化是一个复杂的系统。它是由课程价值观、课程规范、课程符号、课程传统与习俗以及课程物质设施等要素构成的复合整体。各个要素既具有相对的独立性,又相互结合组成严密的体系。课程价值观是各要素的核心,它体现于其他各要素之中。课程文化发展可以从课程文化的部分要素开始,以点带面,但要实现课程文化的彻底转向,或要把课程文化水平推上一个新的阶段,就离不开各要素的整体协调发展。 人类学校课程的历史不是一个统一的历史,而是各个文化类型多向发展的历史。与人类文化类型相对应可以将课程文化划分为8个主要的类型。它们都具有自己的特质,都经历着特殊的演化过程。其中,原始宗教文化没有规范的课程。中华文化、日本文化、印度教文化、伊斯兰教文化、佛教文化等在古代阶段都有与其文化特质相对应的课程文化,而到近现代阶段都不同程度地接受了西方科技文化课程,受到西方文化的影响。西方文化的课程进步可以分为古代和近现代两个阶段,古代阶段经历了由古希腊罗马的理性主义文化课程到中世纪的基督教宗教文化课程,近现代经历了文艺复兴、启蒙运动、工业革命、信息革命等,科技文化课程逐步占据主导地位。拉美古代教育是印第安人的原始教育,拉美的近现代课程文化是从西方移植的,可以算是西方课程文化的一个支流。 课程文化特质的传播是课程文化发展的一种重要形式,没有课程文化传播就不会有课程文化发展。实现课程文化传播的条件包括文化的创新价值、共享性、范兆雄:课程文化发展研究传播关系、传播媒介、传播方式等五个方面。课程文化传播分为内部传播与外部传播两种。课程文化传播发展的总趋势是由强势文化向弱势文化扩散,并会伴随着两种文化的矛盾和冲突。在传播过程中,课程文化会出现减值或增值现象,并创造出新的课程文化。 课程文化特质的变迁是课程文化发展的一种重要过程。课程文化变迁随着社会文化大环境而变化,变迁的方式分为内部变迁、交叉变迁和移植变迁三种。课程文化变迁具体表现为课程内容的增减,它是引进课程与一种文化原有课程的文化叠加。课程文化变迁是人作为社会历史主体的文化创造、选择与价值活动,遵循着主体创造律;它既依赖于社会文化变迁,又是社会文化变迁的助推器,与社会文化变迁的周期具有同步性,表现为社会控制律;它经由着课程文化冲突一改革一融合~创新的循环发展过程,呈现出运行周期律。 课程文化发展是对课程文化内在的客观价值的反映。课程所选择的文化有进步与落后的区别,因此课程文化也有进步与落后之分,而区分进步文化的标准是社会生产力的发展和人的价值的实现。课程文化发展要坚持知识的绝对主义与相对主义的统一。课程文化发展是一定的文化环境与人的能动性的相互作用的结果,不同类型的课程文化有其内在的发展逻辑和连续性,但人能够作用于课程文化发展促进人类学校课程的进步。课程文化发展呈现出要素的不平衡性和整体的阶段性。课程文化发展总趋势是一体化,但多样化又是永恒的主题。每种文化类型的课程都以文化的客观价值为基础,又都具有自己丰富的个性。

【Abstract】 The development of curriculum culture (DCC) means that the curriculum changes constantly from old quality to new one and the progress of culture. The main aim of the research on DCC is to discover the standards of curriculum culture and to grasp the objective law of it by exploring the evolution process of curriculum culture. The research includes seven parts which have inner connections, such as raising the core problem of DCC; researching on the environment of DCC; analyzing on system construction of curriculum culture; exploring the developments of all types of curriculum cultures; developing the diffusion of the tract of curriculum culture; probing into the transition of the tract of curriculum culture; discussing the objective value and criterion on DCC. This paper is conducted by the dialectical materialism of Marxism in methodology and the concrete methods of culture analysis, history research, and comparative research.Curriculum is a norm culture. Its developments is restricted by the environment of social culture. The curriculum is the culture practice of human. Human plays a dynamic role in DCC, affecting the environment of social culture, making curriculum reform in demands, improving the changes of curriculum culture, and influencing the progress of social culture.The curriculum culture, which is composed of the essences of outlook on curriculum values, curriculum rules, curriculum symbols, curriculum traditions, and curriculum materials as a compound whole is a sophisticate system. Not only are these essences relatively independence, but also form interactively a close system. The curriculum value, which connects other essences, is the core of all these essences. Part essences of curriculum culture can induct DCC, but the curriculum culture wants to turn completely, and to be put into a new stage, it have to develop coordinately all essences as a whole.The history of human schooling curriculum is not unified, but pluralistic development of all types of culture. Corresponding to the human culture types, the curriculum culture can be divided into eight main types. They have their own tracts, and go through a particularly process of evolution. Among of them, nature education of primitive religion culture has no norm curriculum culture. The curricula of Chinese culture, of Japanese culture, of Indian culture, of Islamic culture, of Buddhism culture etc. have a curriculum corresponding to in ancient times, but they accepted the curriculum of Western science and technology, and were affected by them. DCC in Western culture may be divided into two phases, the ancient phase went through the curriculum of rationalistic culture in Greek and Roma to the curriculum of Christian culture in Middle ages, and the modern times experienced the Renaissance, theEnlightenment, the Industry Revolutionary, and Message Revolutionary, the technology gradually occupy the main states. The ancient education of Latin America is the primitive education of Indian, but the modern curriculum culture of Latin America is transformed from Western, being a branch of the Western curriculum culture.The diffusion of tract of curriculum culture is an important form of DCC. Without diffusion of curriculum culture, there is no DCC. The conditions of realizing diffusion of curriculum culture include five aspects: the value of culture innovation, sharing culture, the relation of diffusion, the media of diffusion, and the methods of diffusion. The diffusion of curriculum culture may be divided into two types, namely internal diffusion and external diffusion. The whole tendency of the DCC shows from powerful culture to weak one with contradictory and collision of the two cultures. The curriculum culture will emerge value reduction or increment, and create a new curriculum culture.The transitions of curriculum culture are an important process of DCC. The transitions of curriculum culture being connected with the social environment have three ways: internal changes, cross transformations, and transplanting transitions. The transi

  • 【分类号】G423.3
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