

Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis of Steel Truss Transfer Story with Large Span in Tall Buildings

【作者】 贺明卫

【导师】 唐锦春; 裘涛;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 目前,随着高层建筑的迅速发展,建筑功能的要求也日益复杂化。由于钢结构具有良好的受力性能和抗震性能,在土木建筑工程特别是大跨度结构工程中的应用日趋广泛。对于大跨度转换结构构件,采用钢结构来实现是一种很好的选择。带大跨度钢桁架转换层结构的建筑物,由于转换层的跨度大,在竖向荷载作用下,将会产生较大的荷载效应。同时,钢桁架的受力和变形的影响因素很多,特别是在施工阶段,温度作用和桁架端部支承约束条件的影响很大。 关于大跨度钢桁架转换层结构各方面的研究均未见有报道,本文将首次对钢桁架转换层结构的受力和变形性能及其影响因素、阶段施工方法和抗震性能进行了试验研究和理论分析。 首先,对钢桁架转换层的受力影响因素进行了研究。主要进行了温度作用与钢桁架端部支承约束方式对钢桁架受力影响的研究,转换层与上部结构相对刚度变化对钢桁架受力影响的研究,以及转换层与下部结构相对刚度变化对钢桁架受力影响的研究。还对进行钢桁架转换层局部详细受力分析时,其上、下部结构层数的选取进行了探讨。在研究总结的基础上,提出了转换层的阶段施工方案。 对钢桁架转换层阶段施工的全过程进行了模拟试验研究。主要研究了在阶段施工过程中,钢桁架在施工荷载及设计荷载下的受力性能和变形能力;钢桁架与混凝土梁板的共同工作性能;两榀不等跨钢桁架在整体受力下的竖向位移差及其对结构的作用和侧向稳定性;钢桁架端部在施工阶段的滑动情况;使用阶段钢桁架及其端部混凝土结构的受力性能;组合钢桁架结构的极限承载力和破坏形态。 针对模型试验过程,对钢桁架转换层的阶段施工进行了全过程的模拟分析,以理论研究来考察钢桁架与混凝土的组合作用,对两榀桁架的共同作用进行分析,研究施工过程中桁架之间的变形差及其引起的应力;对阶段施工与非阶段施工条件下钢桁架与端部混凝土结构的受力性能进行了对比分析,并与试验结果比较,探讨阶段施工的优点及一些应当注意的问题及解决办法。 对于高层建筑中带大跨度钢桁架转换层的框架—剪力墙结构,分别对不同转换层设置高度下整体结构的动力特性和抗震性能进行了分析,对整体结构的周期和振型、整体结构的位移和层间位移、结构的剪力和层间剪力等方面性能的差异进行了研究;对大跨度钢桁架转换层在竖向地震作用下对其受力的影响进行了研究。全面考察了带钢桁架转换层框架—剪力墙结构的抗震性能。摘要 最后,总结全文,根据研究结果,针对大跨度钢析架转换层的施工和设计提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 Currently, along with the quick development of tall buildings, the requests to architectural function become more and more complicated. Due to good performance while suffering static and seismic loading, steel structure is extensively used in civil engineering. For transfer member with large span, it is a kind of good choice to adopt a steel structure. Because of large span, the steel truss transfer member in a tall building will get a huge load effect with a vertical loading. Furthermore, there are many factors on load effect of steel truss, especially temperature function and the constraints at truss end.Studies concerning to steel truss transfer member with large span, have not been reported yet. It is the first time to set up the research to load effect factors of steel truss transfer member, stage construction methods, and seismic performance by the means of test research and theories analysis.First, the load effect influence factor to the steel truss transfer story, including temperature load effect and differential constrains at the truss end, relative stiffness change between the transfer story with its upper frame structure, and relative stiffness change between transfer story and its lower frame structure, is studied. At the mean time, discussion about selecting the transfer story’s number of upper and lower floor in local analysis is performed. Based on the study, some advices to the staged construction project are suggested.Next, the simulation experiment of the whole staged construction process of the steel truss transfer story is conducted. In staged construction process, study is primarily aimed at the truss load resistance capacity and flexural performance under construction and design load, combination performances of steel trusses in conjunction with concrete beam, the vertical displacement difference of two steel trusses with different span and their lateral stability, the glide displacement of the steel truss end during construction, the load resistance performance of steel trusses and concrete structure at the designed load, and the extreme limit loads and thebreaking appearance of the combined steel trusses.According to the whole model experiments process, the theoretical model is constructed and analyzed. Theoretically, studies are primarily on steel trusses combination in conjunction with concrete beam, the vertical displacement difference of two steel trusses with different span and their lateral stability, etc. And the loading resistance performance of the steel truss and concrete structure are studied in staged construction process and non-staged process. With the experiment’s result and theoretical studying result, the discussion about character of staged construction is performed. Some problems and solutions in staged construction are put forward. In tall buildings, for frame-shearwall structure with steel truss transfer story with large span, studies on its dynamic characters and seismic performance are performed. With different transfer story location at the structure, the difference analysis about the structures to period and mode, displacement, and shear etc. is performed in detail. And the vertical load effect to the steel truss transfer story with large span is analyzed.Finally, according to research results, some suggestions to the design and construction of steel truss transfer story are put forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期