

【作者】 高宏华

【导师】 施正一;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 台湾企业未来发展战略是攸关台湾未来经济发展之荣枯,其重要性可谓是台湾生存的命脉。 但因近年来,台湾遭逢各种不利于经济发展的因素,例如亚洲金融风暴、九·二一大地震、SARS疫情、政党轮替、政治不安、社会不稳,加上美国发生9·11恐怖攻击和对伊拉克用武等外在因素,总总都对台湾经济造成伤害。 岛内也有土地成本高居不下,劳动成本高、劳动力不均衡等不利因素。而开发中国家近几年来努力发展,让以外销导向型的台湾倍感压力,于是产业出走,失业率攀升。 两岸关系尚未改善,阻碍经济发展,台湾上下都是在集思解决之道,本文特别分析自1988年来,各学者专家立论,并解读2004年5月17日中国台办对台七点声明后,提出建议两岸签订“紧密经济合作框架”(CECF:Closer Economic Operate Framework)。 企业的荣枯与经济的发展息息相关,为探讨台湾企业未来发展的战略,本文以历史分析方法,在第二篇台湾经济发展历程与模式,从二战后开始,直到今日,对近60年的历史做一整理,再从第三篇台湾企业在台湾经济发展进程中的战略角色,讨论到第四篇大陆经济发展的历程与模式,第五篇台湾企业在大陆经济发展中的战略表现,第六篇探讨台湾企业在大陆民族地区之发展战略,第七篇对台湾企业作针贬,以SWOT分析,并以五力分析法探讨台湾企业的核心竞争力。 在第八篇,台湾企业发展之区位策略,以区域经济学为基础,区位理论为依据,调查分析法为工具,分别就台湾的中小企业、上市上柜企业和跨国企业做区位策略分析,并求出结果。全文最后在第九篇做出三点结论、二点建议。 结论是: 一、台湾经济情势险峻 二、要积极推动两岸经贸关系正常化 三、台湾企业要运用大陆广大市场和国际关系积极全球布局 建议如下: 一、两岸签订紧密经济合作框架(CECF,Closer eeonomie CooprateFramework) 二、台湾企业发展战略:一条路径两面市场,亦即透过大陆这条路径,可以得到大陆市场和世界广大市场。 要落实这一个战略,台湾企业必须: 1.深入大陆市场 2.积极布局区域经济体 3.创新策略 4.品牌策略 5.从全中国区位布局,寻求互补性

【Abstract】 The developing strategy of Taiwanese enterprises is closely related to the flourishing or bleak of economic development in the future of Taiwan; its importance may be called as the lifeline for the existence. But because of the unfavorable factors for economic development, which have been encountered in Taiwan during last years, such as Asian financial crisis, the earthquake 921, SARS, party rotation; as well as external factors, like 911 terrorist event in USA and military affairs in Iraq, the economy in Taiwan has been injured. Moreover, while all developing countries are striving to develop in the last years, high cost of land and labor has caused export-oriented Taiwan much pressure, and thus industries flee and unemployment rises. The cross-strait relation who has not been improved also hinders economic development. Therefore all in Taiwan are searching for the resolution.In this article we will analyze some of the argumentations since 1988, and further bring up "Closer Economic Operate Framework" (CECF) that is based on understanding of 7 proclamations by Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on 17th of May 2004. In chapter 2 a 60-year history of economic developmental progress and mode, from 1945 till today, will be tracked. While the strategically role of Taiwanese enterprises in the process of economic development is concerned inchapter 3, the process and mode of economic development in China’s mainland will be discussed in chapter 4. Chapter 5 is about strategically manifestation of Taiwanese enterprises in economic development of China’s mainland. Chapter 7, admonishing Taiwanese enterprises, is to probe into the central competitive of Taiwanese enterprises with SWOT and the method of Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. In accordance with Location Theory and Survey Research, the regional strategy of Taiwanese enterprises is concerned on the base of regional economy in chapter 8. In the final chapter conclusions and suggestions will be made.The conclusions are:1. The economic situation in Taiwan is precipitous.2. The normalization of cross-strait economy and trade should actively set into action.3. Taiwanese enterprises, through the huge market and international connection of China’s mainland, should actively make the worldwide arrangement.Suggestions are as follows:1. Both sides sign "Closer Economic Operate Framework" (CECF).2. The developing strategy of Taiwanese enterprises is "one path to two markets", that is, through the path of China’s mainland enter into the huge markets of China and world. This includes: 1) deep going into the market

  • 【分类号】F279.27
  • 【被引频次】5
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