

Research on Aseismatic Behavior and Performance-based Design Method of R.C. Frames with Special-shaped Columns

【作者】 黄雅捷

【导师】 梁兴文;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构是近年来推广使用的一种新型结构体系,其抗震性能一直被人们所关注。研究异形柱框架结构的抗震性能及设计方法,有重要的理论意义和实用价值。 目前国内外研究者对异形柱构件抗震性能的试验研究较为深入,对异形柱框架结构的试验研究则相对较少;对异形柱框架结构基于力的设计方法的研究较多,对基于位移的抗震设计方法的研究则尚属空白,而后者代表了未来结构抗震设计的发展方向。因此,本文将研究异形柱框架结构的抗震性能及基于位移的抗震设计方法。完成了以下主要工作: (1) 对钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构1/2比例模型进行了拟静力试验;研究了这种结构在地震作用下的受力特点、变形能力、耗能能力以及破坏机理等;分析比较了由异形柱组成的框架与单个异形柱在延性方面的差别,以及异形柱框架与砌体填充墙之间的相互作用及其对结构水平承载力和侧向刚度的影响;对异形柱框架结构的抗震性能进行了评价。 (2) 对异形柱框架结构的侧向刚度和水平承载力的计算方法进行了分析研究。对异形柱框架分别按普通框架和壁式框架进行分析,并与空间有限元分析结果和试验结果进行比较,提出了异形柱框架结构侧向刚度的计算方法;在整体结构不产生扭转且异形柱为弯曲破坏的假定下,提出了异形柱的受弯承载力及受剪承载力计算公式;提出了根据异形柱框架结构的破坏机构确定其楼层受剪承载力的方法。 (3) 对静力弹塑性分析方法(Pushover Analysis)进行了分析研究。根据结构动力学原理,提出了首先按各振型的水平地震力进行推覆分析,然后将各振型的推覆分析结果进行组合,得到总地震作用效应。此法适用于多、高层建筑结构的静力弹塑性分析,是对目前通用方法的一种改进。 (4) 将基于性能的设计思想引入异形柱框架结构体系的设计方法中。结合我国建筑结构抗震设计实际,提出了实用的基于位移的抗震设计方法。为了与我国建筑抗震设计规范的设防目标相协调,并便于在设计计算中予以控制,本文将建筑结构的功能划分为三个水平,即使用良好、人身安全和防止倒塌,并采用层间位移角限值来量化框架结构的功能水平。用作用倒三角形水平分布荷载的等截面悬臂柱的侧移曲线作为框架结构的侧移模式,并依此确定等效单自由度体系的等效参数,进而确定原结构的基底剪力和各质点的水平地震作用。用静力弹塑性分析方法对结构进行分析,校核结构的侧移形状并评价构件的变形及强度需求,最后用弹塑性动力时程分析加以验证。算例分析表明,本文方法简单实用,便于操作,而且能够控制结构在不同强度水准下的行为。

【Abstract】 The R.C. frame with special-shaped columns is a new structural system. Its aseismatic behavior is always being focused. T he research on the aseismatic behavior and the d esign method is of great theoretical significance and practical value.There are many researches on the special-shaped columns, but less on the R.C. frame with special-shaped columns. The seismic design of the frame is a force-based seismic design method, while the displacement-based seismic design of the frame remains blank and unsolved, and the latter will be the main seismic design method for the future. The aseismatic behavior and displacement-based design method of R.C. frames with special-shaped columns are studied here. Such work have been done as follows:1. The pseudo-static tests of three 1/2-scale models R.C. frames with special-shaped columns have been conducted. The load-bearing properties, deformation and energy dissipation capacity and the mechanism of failure for the R.C. frames with special-shaped columns are studied. It makes a comparison in ductility between frames with special-shaped columns and single column. The interaction between infilled-wall and frame with special-shaped columns and its influence to the load bearing capacity and lateral stiffness are studied. Seismic behavior of the structure is evaluated.2. Research has been done on the calculating methods of lateral stiffness and bearing capacity of the frame. According to experimental studies, finite element analysis and theoretical analysis, it develops to calculate lateral stiffness of frame with special-shaped columns of greater height-width ratio by using frame with rigid zones, and considering shear deformation of beam and columns. Without considering the torsion of the whole structure, assuming the special-shaped column in the RC frame is flexural failure under uniaxial eccentricity force, putting forward the calculation method of flexural strength of special-shaped columns and the shear strength in a story for R.C. frame with special-shaped columns. Bringing forwarding the calculating method of shear bearing capacity in a story according to the failure mode.3. Research has been made on pushover analysis. Developed herein is an improved pushover analysis procedure based on structural dynamics theory. Which retains the conceptual simplicity and computational attractiveness of current procedures with invariant force distribution. In this modal pushover analysis, the seismic demand due to individual using the inertia force distribution for each mode. Combining these modal demands due to the first two or three terms of the expansion provides an estimate of the total seismic demand on inelastic systems. This method is applicable to the designof muti-story buildings; it’s an improvement to the current method.4. The concept of performance-based seismic design is introduced into design of the new structure. According to the fact of seismic design of our country, a practical displacement-based seismic design method is put forward. The seismic performance level is divided into three: serviceability, life-safety, and collapse protection, hi order to control the performance level of the structure, the three levels are quantified with story drift angles. Applying the inverted triangular distribution of lateral force to the cantilever column with identical section, and the displaced shape of it is regarded as initial lateral displacement mode. On the basis of the theory, the muti-degree-of-freedom system is transformed into single-degree-of-freedom system; the corresponding equivalent parameter is deduced. And then calculate the base shearing and earthquake effect of each mass element. The paper analyze the structure with pushover method, check the displaced shape of it, and evaluate the deformation and strength demand of the element, then prove the method with elasto-plastic dynamic history analysis. It is demonstrated the method is accurate enough to practical application in building evaluation and design.
