

【作者】 邢古城

【导师】 龚育之;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 工农联盟是科学社会主义的一个基本原理,在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济新的历史条件下,工农联盟表现出新的特点和新的内涵。本论文通过分析经济体制改革、民主政治和思想文化建设、社会阶级阶层分化等影响工农联盟的诸多因素,提出巩固和发展工农联盟的对策。 本论文分七部分。导论部分论述了选题的理论依据和现实依据,选题所要解决的几个问题,对研究中涉及的几个主要概念进行界定,并介绍了研究方法。第一章简单回顾马克思主义工农联盟理论,重点分析毛泽东对马克思主义工农联盟的伟大创新,农民是中国革命的主力军,农村包围城市是独具中国特色的革命道路。第二章简要概述新中国成立后至改革开放前工农联盟情况。新中国成立,工人阶级和农民阶级的地位都发生了变化,工农联盟的目标、任务和功能也随之发生变化,农业生产合作化运动的初衷是巩固和发展工农联盟,但一些极端措施对工农联盟造成了损害。前两章为分析新的历史条件下的工农联盟做理论上的铺垫。后三章是论文的重点内容,第三章论述改革开放以来工农联盟的状况。中国的改革从农村开始有其历史必然性,农村改革取得了巨大成就,计划经济条件下的工农联盟向市场经济条件下的工农联盟转变。积极稳妥地推进经济体制改革,初步形成了工农联盟新的有效形式。随着经济体改革的深入,社会阶级阶层结构发生了新的变化,新的社会阶层产生,农村富余劳动力开始向非农领域转移,农民工成为新时期工农联盟的一条重要纽带。第四章从不同的角度分析影响工农联盟的因素。建立并完善社会主义市场经济体制、民主政治以及思想文化建设、社会阶级阶层变化对工农联盟都产生重大影响。第五章提出在新的历史条件下巩固和发展工农联盟的对策。工农之间的经济联盟是其他联盟的基础,要在现代化的大视野中看待工农联盟,要重点处理干群之间的关系、城乡之间的关系以及工农之间国民基本待遇的矛盾,在经济联盟的基础上巩固和发展工农之间的政治文化联盟。在工农联盟的基础上建立中国特色社会主义事业建设者大联盟。结束语对全文进行总结,归纳出论文的结论。 工农联盟是个老问题,但它又是一个十分重要的问题,在党中央提出统筹城乡经济社会发展,把解决“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重的情况下,如何赋予老问题以新内涵,引起社会各界在理论研究和实际工作中对这个问题的重视,以巩固和发展新的历史条件下的工农联盟,是本论文的目的。 本论文的创新之处在于:1、界定工农联盟的新内涵。传统观点看,工农联盟是工人阶级与农民在工人阶级政党领导下结成的革命联盟。在新的历史条件下,工农联盟是工人阶级和农民在工人阶级政党—中国共产党领导下在根本利益一致基础上,为了实现共同目标而结成经济、政治、文化以及军事上的同盟,其基本点在于“利益一致”和“共同目标”。新的历史条件下的工农联盟不仅是产业工人与农民的联盟,而且包括工人阶级队伍中的其他阶层与农民的联盟,作为国家和社会管理者的领导干部、国有企业和集体企业管理干部、知识分子等工人阶级队伍中的各个阶层、新的社会阶层中的部分人员和农民的关系问题,都是新的历史条件下工农联盟所研究的范围。 2、提出“中国特色社会主义事业建设者大联盟”的新概念。新修改的党章把“中国特色社会主义事业建设者”作为统一战线的一个重要方面。中国特色社会主义建设事业需要调动一切积极因素,要在工农联盟的基础上,建立中国特色社会主义事业建设者之间的大联盟。建立中国特色社会主义事业建设者大联盟,不是要用这个大联盟来取代工农联盟;强调巩固和发展工农联盟,并不是忽视新的社会阶层在中国特色社会主义事业建设中的作用,而是要正确处理工农联盟和中国特色社会主义事业建设者大联盟之间的关系,在中国特色社会主义事业建设者大联盟中突出工农联盟的主体地位。 3、分析农民工的社会属性。农业人口非农化是现代化进程中出现的一种必然现象。农民工是从农业人口中转移出来从事非农劳动的工人,是中国工人阶级队伍的新成员,是工农联盟的一条十分重要的纽带。农民工的出现,壮大了工人阶级队伍,加强了城乡之间的交流,使工农关系和城乡关系更加密切,对统筹城乡经济社会发展起着积极的促进作用。 4、展望工农联盟的发展趋势。在社会主义现代化进程中,农村人口逐渐城市化,农民工人化,当我国完成由落后的农业国向先进的工业国转变,城乡一体化,工农一体化的时候,工农联盟就完成了其历史使命,将会从社会政治生活中淡出,被社会各个阶层劳动者之间的联盟所取代。

【Abstract】 The alliance of the workers and the farmers is a fundamental principle of scientific socialism. Under the new historical conditions of reforming , being open to the world and developing the socialist market economy, it shows new characteristics and content. Through the analysis of the reform of economic structure, the construction of democratic politics and ideology, the division of social classes and stratums, the thesis puts forward the ways of strengthening and developing the alliance of the workers and the farmers.The thesis includes seven parts. The introductory remarks discuss the theoretical and realistic bases of the topic, several problems that the topic will solve , and define several conceptions that my research deals with. In the introductory remarks , researching methods are also introduced. The first chapter briefly reviews Marxism theory of the alliance of the workers and the peasants , and its focus lies in the analysis of Mao Zedong’s great new ideas on the Marxism alliance of the workers and the peasants. The peasants are the main force of Chinese revolution, and encircling the cities from the rural areas is the revolutionary way with Chinese characteristics. Chapter Two briefly tells the situations of the alliance of the workers and the peasants. After the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the positions of the workers and the farmers change. Hence the aim, task and function of the alliance of the workers and the farmers all experience corresponding change. The original intention of the cooperative movement is to strengthen and develop the alliance of the workers and the farmers, but some improper measures do harm to the alliance. The first two chapters make preparations for the analysis of the alliance of the workers and the farmers under the new historic conditions. The last three chapters are the key part of the thesis .The third chapter discusses the state of the alliance of the workers and the farmers from the start of the Reform an Opening to the Outside World on. It is historically inevitable for China’s reform to start in the countryside. Rural reform achieves great achievement. The alliance of the farmers and the farmers under the conditions of the planning economy changes into that under market economy . With positive and smooth advancement of the reform of economic system, the new effective forms of the alliance of take shape initially. With the reform of economic system deepened, social classes and strata experience new change. The rural surplus labor force transfer to the fields beyond the agriculture, so the farmer workers become the link of the alliance of the workers and the farmers. Chapter Four analyses the factors that affect the alliance from the different angles. The foundation and improvement of the system of socialist market economy, democratic politics and the construction of ideology and culture and the changes of social classes and strata all have a great effect upon the alliance of the workers and the farmers. Chapter Five puts forward the countermeasures of consolidating and developing the alliance of the workers and the farmers. The economic alliance of the workers and the farmers is the basis of other alliances, so the alliance of the workers and the farmers shall be viewed in a wide field of vision of modernization. The emphasis should be placed on the settlement of the relationship of the cadres and the masses, the relationship of thecities and the countryside and the contradiction on the basic treatments of the workers and the farmers. On the base of economic alliance, political and cultural alliances shall be developed. On the base of the alliance of the workers and the farmers, the grand alliance of the builders of the socialist cause. The concluding remarks summarize the thesis only to sum up its conclusion.The alliance of the workers and the farmers is an old topic, but it is a very complicated problem. Nowadays the Party’s central committee has put forward taking the economic and social development into account and plan accordingl

【关键词】 工人阶级农民关系对策
【Key words】 the working classthe farmersrelationcountermeasure
  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】450