

A Study on the Competitiveness of Big Building Enterprises and Its Upgrading Methods

【作者】 吕文学

【导师】 齐二石;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工业工程, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 国际建设市场每年的总投资额约3.4万亿美元,是一个利润与风险并存的巨大市场。建设市场的竞争既具有一般市场竞争的特征,又有其特殊性。买方市场是当前建设市场的典型特征,供大于求使得竞争更加激烈。那么,建设市场的竞争者(建筑企业)凭借什么力量与对手竞争?如何培养自己的市场竞争能力?本文通过对建设市场以及企业的经营过程分析,采用AHP方法对建筑企业的竞争力进行了研究,对这一急待研究解决的问题做出了回答。本论文研究的主要内容如下:1.分析了建设市场竞争机制由于建筑产品的特殊性,使得建设市场呈现出与一般产品市场不同的特点。本文首先对建筑市场的公开竞争性招标运行机制和竞争特点进行了分析,以此作为出发点。并提出建筑企业竞争力是指建筑企业在市场竞争中占有和使用各类资源的相对优势能力,并将建筑企业竞争力划分为外在和内在竞争力。2.研究了建筑企业竞争力与价值链和价值系统的协同作用运用Porter的价值链模型,对建筑企业的BOT价值链和价值系统构成情况进行分析,由此进一步分析企业在具体经营过程中取得竞争优势的途径和方法。通过分析企业竞争力与企业价值链的相互依存和共同发展的关系,确定影响建筑企业竞争力的外部和内部因素。3.探讨了建筑企业竞争力构成要素本文采纳资源形成竞争力的观点,从建筑企业资源入手,主要分析了建筑企业资源能力,包括有形和无形资源。并对每一种资源如何影响企业竞争力进行了详细分析。4.建立了建筑企业竞争力的指标体系及系统评价方法确定了建筑企业竞争力评价指标体系的设计原则,基于AHP方法建立了建筑企业竞争力评价指标体系的理论框架和企业竞争力的评价方法。并通过实例对评价方法进行了分析。5. 提出了提升建筑企业竞争力的动态战略管理方法在分析建筑企业战略管理与竞争力之间关系的基础上,提出了提升建筑企业竞争力的八种发展战略。研究结果证明,本文基于建设市场竞争特点提出的建筑企业竞争力划分为外在竞争力和内在竞争力的理论框架,以及基于AHP法的建筑企业竞争力评价方法,具有相当程度的适用性,并且计算复杂度低,易于掌握和推广。

【Abstract】 The total investment in international construction market is about US$3.4 trillions. It is a big market with profit and risks. Construction market has not only the general character of a market, but also the speciality. The buyer’s market is its typical character. Oversupply makes the competition intensely. By what force do building enterprises compete with their rivals? How do they develop their competiveness? This is a question to be answered urgently. This dissertation uses the AHP method to study competitiveness of building enterprises on the basis of analyzing construction market and the business process of building enterprises, and answer the question. The main research fruits of this dissertation list as follows:Analyzed the competitive mechanism of construction marketBecause of the building products’ particularities, construction market has the different properties from other kind of product markets. This dissertation analyzed firstly the mechanism of the international opening competitive bidding and its competitive properties, defined the competitiveness as the relative advantage competences that building enterprises possess and use kinds of resources, and divided it into two parts: external competitiveness and internal competitiveness.Studied the synergy of building enterprises competitiveness and value chain and value systemAccording to the model of Porter’s value chain, This dissertation analyzed the value chain and value system for a BOT project, then approaches and methods for the enterprises to achieve the competitive advantage. Through discussing relations of the interdependent and collaborative development between the competitiveness and the value chain, the external and internal factors that affect the competitiveness were found. Discussed the factors of the competitivenessThe dissertation adopted the opinion that resources formed competitiveness, and beginning from the research on resources of a building enterprise, discussed mainly the resource competences, inclusive of materiality and immateriality resources. And analyzed in detail how a kind of resource affect the competitiveness.Founded the indicator system and systematic evaluating method for building enterprisesThis dissertation firstly determined the design principles of the indicator system for building enterprises. Then Based on the AHP, the theoretical frame and the evaluating <WP=5>method of the system were established. Finally, the method were analyzed by a instance.Put forward the dynamic strategy management method for upgrading the competitivenessOn the basis of analyzing the relations between the strategy management and competitiveness, this dissertation put forward the eight strategies to upgrade the building enterprise competitiveness.The research conclusions proved that the theoretical frame of dividing the competitiveness into internal and external ones based on the competitive properties and the its evaluating method based on the AHP were suitable. It also proved that the method is low in calculating complexity and easy to be understood and used.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期