

Mechanisms on Development of Agricultural Natural Resources Use in Poyang Lake Region

【作者】 邹秀清

【导师】 陆红生;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 长江中游的鄱阳湖区是我国农业自然条件和生产条件较好的地区,是全国重要的粮、棉、油、水产品生产基地。但是长期以来由于农业自然资源的不合理利用和过度开发,致使该区域生态恶化,灾害频繁,人民生活困苦。 本课题采用静态分析与动态分析相结合、宏观分析与微观分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法,从鄱阳湖区农业自然资源利用的演变过程中,寻找引起这种演变的机理、揭示其主要发展因素以及这些因素之间的相互关系,为促进鄱阳湖区及其类似地区的农业自然资源可持续利用提供理论分析的基础。 论文的主体架构由三大部分内容组成。 第一部分,首先静态分析鄱阳湖区农业自然资源利用现状及其对湖区生态环境的影响,然后动态研究鄱阳湖区农业自然资源利用的演变过程。重点分析新中国成立50年来湖区的农业自然资源利用,大体上可以1978年农村改革开始启动为界划分为传统封闭型(1949-1978)和向现代开放型转变(1979-1999)两个不同的发展时期。 第二部分,在分析湖区农业自然资源利用现状及演变过程的基础上,研究产生这种演变的机理、揭示其主要发展因素以及这些因素之间的相互关系。鄱阳湖区农业自然资源利用演变的基本动因是具有增长型机制并对自然资源需求无限的社会经济子系统与具有稳定型机制的自然资源供给有限的自然生态子系统之间的对立统一;湖区农业自然资源利用的演变过程实质上是一个螺旋式上升的辩证发展过程,是社会经济子系统需求与自然生态子系统供给之间平衡→失衡→平衡的发展过程。这一过程中,决定农业自然资源利用演变运动状况的关键是湖区人民的社会经济活动干预自然生态子系统的方式和强度。建国后湖区农业自然资源利用的演变过程说明,宏观意义上的制度安排和科技进步成为湖区农业自然资源利用演变的基本力量;而在一定的制度规则和科技水平下,湖区系统内部资源禀赋(包括自然资源和社会经济资源)的差异在湖区农业自然资源利用结构类型产生分异和生态经济发展由“同步”走向“异步”的过程中作用重大。 第三部分,探讨湖区农业自然资源利用的演变轨迹,力求通过规范人的社会经济活动,寻求发展周期内的进展演替与发展周期间的永续跃升相统一的可持续发展。论文最后阐述了湖区农业自然资源可持续利用实现的战略措施。

【Abstract】 Poyang lake region (PYLR) in the middle reach of yangtzi river is an important agricultural products base in China with a good natural condition and a good productive condition. However, for a long time agricultural natural resources have been unreasonably used and excessively exploited so that PYLR has frequent disasters of flood and aridness and people there have a poor life .Adopting the methods of combining static analyses with dynamic analyses, macroscopic analyses with microscopic analyses, and quality analyses with quantity analyses, the dissertation has probed into mechanisms on development of agricultural natural resources use in PYLR based on its development process, in order to realize agricultural natural resources sustainable use in PYLR and other similar regions.The content of the dissertation has been divided into three parts.In the first part, the present situation of agricultural natural resources use in PYLR has been statically analyzed in detail, including water resource, land resource, biological resources and its effects on ecological environment in PYLR. Then its development process has been dynamically studied. According to Chinese rural economic systems innovation in 1978 its development process from 1949 to 1999 has been classified into two stages, the traditional, sealed stage (1949-1978) and the modern ,opened stage (1979-1999) .Secondly, mechanisms on its development have been studied based on the analyses of its present situation and development process. And the main development factors have been profoundly discussed. Its basic motive power is unity of opposites between natural-ecological subsystem with a stable growth and a limited supply and social-economic subsystem with an unlimited demand. In essence its development process is a dialectical, balanced-unbalanced-balanced process like a spiral between social-economic demand and natural-ecological supply. During the process the key to its operation state is the way and the extent of mankind’s activities interfering with natural-ecological subsystem. Its development process since 1949 indicates that institutional innovation and the advancement of agricultural technology are two main factors of promoting the development of agricultural natural resources use in PYLR. Andunder the given institutional and technological circumstances the disparities in resource endowment including natural resources and social-economic resources play an important role in different structure types and development ratio of agricultural natural resources use in PYLR.Thirdly, its development orbit has been studied. At last the concluding part of the dissertation outlines the strategic countermeasures of promoting agricultural natural resources sustainable use in PYLR through standardizing mankind’s activities.

  • 【分类号】F323.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】546