

【作者】 罗自群

【导师】 张振兴;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本课题是有关汉语方言持续标记的比较研究,这是多年来语法学界讨论的一个热点问题,我们在前辈时贤研究的基础上,从汉语方言的整体出发,对这个问题进行深入的发掘和研究。 汉语的各个方言在漫长的历史发展过程中形成了非常复杂的相互关系。尽管大大小小的差异很多,但共性的东西仍是占主导地位的。大量的方言事实表明,现代汉语各大方言中,普遍存在着表示动作或状态正在持续的这一语法现象,尽管它们在表现形式上有或多或少的不同,但种种迹象表明,许多持续标记语音、语法差异的背后的那种比较整齐的对应关系,说明它们之间存在着千丝万缕的内在联系。 本文主要采用点面结合的描写方法、共时比较和历时比较相结合的方法,在比较广泛的材料的基础上,对汉语方言持续标记做一次比较全面的、鸟瞰式的考察。全文分四章,绪论部分主要介绍了本课题研究的意义和价值,第一章主要是通过一个方言点的具体描写说明持续标记的特点;第二章是从历年来发表的方言论文和专著上,从语法意义入手,收集有关汉语方言中和北京话“吃着饭呢”中的“着[ts~0]”相对应的持续标记的例句,通过梳理、排列,归纳出现代汉语方言持续标记的主要类型和分布特点;第三章是通过共时的、大量语言事实的排比,从语音着手,根据语音发展的一般规律和虚词演变的特殊规律,推测“着”、“子/之/仔”、“倒”、“等”、“紧”等几类持续标记的共同来源的最大可能性。最后第四章是参照汉语史上的文献记载、借鉴相关研究成果,进一步分析现代汉语几类持续标记和中古直略切的“著(着)”的关系以及“著(着)”的语法化过程。 通过研究,我们认识到,汉语持续标记的产生和发展,充分说明了汉语方言语法的共性和个性,说明了语法形式和语法意义二者的统一和分歧,也说明了共时平面上的语言差异在很大程度上反映了历时平面上语言演变的不同阶段。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a comprehensive in-depth study on continuous markers in Chinese dialects, a hotspot in grammar field for many years.It is well known that a complex correlation has developed between different Chinese dialects during their evolution, in which the predominated side is the universals. The fact based on a host of data is that the continuous markers is a common category in Chinese dialects, and there are many corresponding relations between deferent continuous markers in deferent dialects despite the differences in their sounds and meanings.To accomplish this study, we adopted the way of description from Xiangfan dialect to others, and comparison between the synchronic and diachronic data on the foundation of the extensive material. The dissertation falls into four chapters. The preface presented the value of this research and some correlated problems. Chapter One described the character of continuous marker "倒" in Xiangfan dialect. Chapter Two collected a large data of some continuous markers in other dialects, for example "着 (zhe)" , "子/之/仔" , "等" , "紧" and so on, from which several main types of the markers and their distribution have been concluded. Chapter Three centered on the possibility that all types of continuous markers have a same source according to the general law of sound change and the special regulation in the development of the functional words. Chapter Four discussed the relation between the continuous markers and "著(着)" ( zhi-lue qie) in Middle-Ancient Chinese, and then analyzed the grammaticalization of "著(着) " .This study gave the point that the emergency and the evolution of continuous markers make out the commonness and individuality in grammars of Chinese dialects, the consistence and contrast between the form and the meaning, and also support the view that the synchronic linguistic differences reflect the different level in linguistic evolution diachronically.

  • 【分类号】H17
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