

【作者】 席涛

【导师】 李铁映;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国民经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文旨在对美国联邦政府经历过的和正在实施的管制进行较为系统的实证分析。一个完整的管制理论至少要回答三个相互联系相互影响的问题:第一、管制制度是怎样形成的?第二、管制制度对市场经济产生什么样的影响?第三、管制与市场经济的互动关系会有什么样的发展趋势?现有的文献受学科研究对象的限制,法学和政治学主要研究第一个问题,经济学侧重分析第二个和第三个问题。到目前为止,一种将上述三个问题融为一体的论文或专著还未曾出现。本文试图以经济学的分析方法结合法学和政治学的一些研究思路,将上述三个问题融为一体,试图建构一个逻辑一致的管制理论的分析框架。 最近三十多年间,围绕着改革僵化的“命令—控制”的管制体制而导向市场化的成本—收益分析的管制制度,国会、总统、法院和行政机构之间就法律、行政命令和规章的范围、内容、制订权和执行权等进行及其复杂的较量,一项制度最初的反对者也可能演变成最终的支持者。制度变迁在相当意义上讲,就是理论和实践的双重探索克服“市场失灵”和“管制失灵”,寻求新的制度均衡的演变过程。一般认为, 以1995年第104届国会对公法的基本修正为标志,美国政府建立了市场化的成本—收益分析的管制制度。成本—收益分析的管制制度的规定是,行政机构希望实施的任何一种规章,生效前要进行成本叫收益分析,只有收益超过成本的规章才能被通过;生效后每年对规章进行成本—收益评估,检验规章的绩效。这个规定一方面解释了管制对联邦政府、州政府、地方政府,企业和个人的影响;另一方面限制联邦行政机构滥用宽泛的自由裁量权对市场过度监管。然而,市场经济是一个动态的运行过程,竞争程度、交易规模和产业结构在这一运行过程中,有着自我调整和自我完善的内在机制。管制制度一旦建立起来,则在一定时期内保持不变,市场与管制是相互协调相互发展的。过了这个时期,动态的经济和静态的规章有可能发生冲突,或者是经济发展了,规章变成了经济发展的阻力;或者是经济结构处于相对稳定状态,监管不严导致管制失灵;或者缺少觌章成为管制的盲点。市场经济的发展和规范运行,必须有政府广泛、深入和系统的管制,同时,管制也必须随着市场的竞争程度、交易规模和产业结构的变化而做出适时的改革。 这篇论文,主要论述了美国总统行政命令、国会法律、法院判例和OMB与OIRA运用成本—收益分析方法来推动管制制度的演变进程,分析了管制对联邦政府、州政府、地方政府、企业和个人的成本与负担,评论了管制对经济增长、价格、就业和投资的影响。简言之,本文通过对美国联邦政府经历过的和正在实施的管制进行较为系统的实证分析,可以得出这样的结论:美国的市场经济是一种典型的受管制的市场经济;所谓取消管制、放松管制、加强管制,仅仅是政府促进市场效率、提高管制质量的必由之路;一种有效的管制制度是市场与管制之间不断进行调整和改革的过程,从而解决和回应市场和管制中不断产生的摩擦和冲突。

【Abstract】 Market economy for developing, normal workings must have systemic government regulation, government regulation must be timely reformed as well as market intensity, trade-off scale, industrial construction have been developed. Under the American constitutional framework, Congress, President, Supreme Court and administrative agencies play complicated game for law, executive order and regulation. "Market failure" and "regulatory failure" have possibly arisen. Institution evolution explores new institution balancing for the solution of the "market failure" and "regulatory failure". For over two decades, the cost-benefit analysis approach of regulation is substituting for "command-control approach". Throughout the paper, we have argued that American market economy is the typical regulated market economy, what are called eliminated regulation, deregulation and re-regulation, government should only aim at regulatory quality and improve market economic efficiency.Cost-benefit analysis is required to estimate the costs of laws with new mandates on state, local, arid tribal governments, and on the private sector, an executive branch agency must prepare a cost-benefit analysis of regulations with new mandates for the impacts of regulations on state, local, and tribal governments or the private sector. The agency is required to choose the "least costly, most cost-effective, or least burdensome alternative," unless the provisions are inconsistent with law or the head of an agency ran explain why such an alternative was not adopted.Cost-benefit analysis is analyzed using a model of agency delegation. In this model an agency observes the state of the world and issues a regulation, which the president may approve or reject. Bills requiring agencies to use cost-benefit analysis have been routinely proposed in Congress since 1995, cost-benefit analysis as a method by which the president, Congress, or the judiciary controls agency behavior, cost-benefit analysis requires a full accounting of the consequences of an action, in both quantitative and qualitative terms. Officials should have this accounting before them when they make decisions.

  • 【分类号】F171.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1585