

Quantitative Study on the Influence of Land Surface Change to Urban Heat Environment

【作者】 王伟武

【导师】 朱利中; 王人潮;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 环境科学, 2004, 博士

【摘要】 城市热环境是下垫面结构特征、城市人为热、气候条件等多因素综合作用的结果。近年来,随着全球气候变暖和城市化进程的加快,大量自然地表不断被城市地表所替代,产生了更为显著的热效应,城市热浪日益频繁,从而导致城市人群发病率和死亡率增加,城市热环境的日益恶化已成为当前影响社会经济可持续发展的重要因素之一。定量研究城市热环境,对改善人体舒适度和保障人身健康具有重要的理论和现实意义。 利用地面观测或数字空间模拟等常规方法研究城市热环境,存在工作量大、时效性差、成本高、精度不够等缺点。近年20来,遥感技术(RS)和地理信息系统技术(GIS)快速发展并表现出相互融合的发展趋势,利用RS技术可以从环境遥感影像数据中快速、准确、实时、经济地提取热环境信息;利用GIS技术强大的空间分析功能对提取的热环境数据进行定量分析和处理。因此,RS、GIS综合技术可以经济、直观、高效实现城市热环境的空间定量研究。 本文在多源遥感和非遥感空间数据支持下,以杭州市为例,综合运用RS、GIS空间分析技术,定量研究了地表演变对城市热环境变化的影响。主要研究内容为:(1)评述了国内外城市热环境和土地利用/覆盖变化定量研究现状以及城市热环境定量研究中常规技术与热红外遥感技术的特点、优势与不足,明确了目前城市热环境影响空间定量研究的主要难点和存在问题;(2)在归纳热红外遥感和大气对城市热红外遥感影响的物理机理基础上,修正并建立了一种基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感数据地表温度反演简化模型,并且应用实测气象数据对模型进行了实例验证;(3)利用不同方法建立了定量研究的基础数据,包括城市地表类型、城市气温和城市地表温度三种空间数据,即利用地理空间矢量化方法和遥感数据分类解译方法建立了城市地表类型矢量数据和栅格数据;利用实测气温数据和气温栅格化模型建立了城市气温栅格数据;利用地表温度遥感简化反演模型建立城市地表温度栅格数据;(4)通过利用GIS技术对城市气温栅格化模型获取的1km~2栅格化空间数据和土地利用/覆盖类型矢量数据的空间运算,定量研究了土地利用/覆盖类型变动对城市气温的影响;(5)运用RS和GIS综合技术定量研究了土地利用/覆盖类型变动以及对城市地表温度的影响,揭示了通过NDVI的变动来实现这种影响的机理。 论文取得一些创新性成果:(1)针对Landsat热波段遥感数据的波段特征,修正并建立一种利用热红外波段DN值、大气透射率、大气平均作用温度、地表比辐射率ε直接快速反演城市地表温度的简化模型。实例验证结果表明,各观测点的反演误差均小于0.9℃,平均误差小于0.7℃;(2)实现土地利用/覆盖变化对城市气温影响的定量研究。1991一1999年,最小气温所在旬日平均积温呈上升趋势,自然水体演变为城市住宅区域上升巧.31℃,农用地演变为农居点、工业用地、城市综合用地区域分别上升巧.90℃、巧.95℃、16.10℃;(3)实现土地利用/覆盖变化对城市地表温度的影响的定量研究。1991一2001年,各区建设用地的地表温度峰值比例明显增大,城市扩展区域地表平均温度上升7.82℃。

【Abstract】 Urban heat environment results from many factors such as land use/land cover type, the artificial heat sources from energy consuming, weather condition in urbanized areas and different characteristics of the city and so on. Many coastal cities in China have launched into the fast development stage in recent years, and the natural surface is continuously substituted by urban artificial surface. The heat effect in the urban region becomes more evidently, and urban heat wave is increasingly frequent. Consequently, it results in the increasing of both the disease rate and the death rate in urban dwellers. In other words, the continuous deterioration of urban heat environment has become one of the important factors that affect the sustainable development of urban society and economy. Therefore, it will be significant for the improvement of human comfort and the keeping of human health to analyze quantitatively urban heat environment.The normal ways of monitoring urban heat environment, that is, on site monitoring and spatial modeling using mathematic methods have some deficiency in many aspects such as the more workload, the worse efficiency, the higher cost, the weakness of accuracy and so on. In the recent twenty years, remote sensing and geography information system technique developed rapidly and was apt to merge mutually, so their advantage were integrated together in many fields. The information about heat environment was obtained from the satellite data accurately, quickly, and economically by RS technique, and quantitative analysis was carried out by the obtained data of heat environment and GIS technique. Therefore, quantitative study of heat environment can be come true by the integrated technique of RS and GIS economically, visually and effectively.The influence of land type/cover change to urban heat environment is researched in this paper based on multi-sources spatial data and the integrated technique of RS and GIS. The main contents in the paper are as follows: (1) Current research situation on the quantitative research of heat urban environment and land type/cover change are summarized at domestic and aboard. The advantages, disadvantages and characteristic of urban heat environment study are discussed respectively using normal technique and thermal infrared remote sensing technique, and the difficulties of quantitative research of heat urban and the relative questions are analyzed. (2) Based on the physical theory of the thermal infrared remote sensing and the mechanism on the influence of the atmosphere to urban thermal remote sensing, a simplified model of inversing the surfacetemperature from thermal band data are modified and established. (3) Different methods of building spatial data, that is, air temperature and surface temperature data, are used in the paper. Land type/cover data are obtained from aerial picture and Landsat satellite data by vectorizing and image interpretation, and air temperature data come from the rasterizing model and on site meteorological data. Land surface temperature data are built up using the inversion model of remote sensing and thermal band data. (4) The influence of land use/land cover change to air temperature is studied quantitatively using the spatial analysis technique of GIS and 1 km2 each pixel rasterized data obtained from raster model and on site temperature data. (5) The variation of surface temperature and its main mechanism caused by land use/land cover change are researched quantitatively. The increasing of surface temperature is related with both land use /cover type and the decreasing of biomass closely.Some innovations in this field are as the fellow aspects in the paper: (1) According to the infrared band characteristics of the Landsat TM/ ETM+ and the atmosphere influence theory of thermal infrared remote sensing, the inversion model is modified and established using the parameters the DN value, atmospheric transmissivity, surface emissivity, atmosphere average temperature. The feasibility of the model is tested and verified by on s

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期