

Study on the Cun System of Tang Dynasty

【作者】 刘再聪

【导师】 杨际平;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 中国古代史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 目前史学界对唐朝基层政治体制的研究,主要集中于乡制和里制,本文以“求治”为切入点,对人们较少关注的村制略作探讨。全文共分四个部分,主要内容如下: 第一部分,绪论。“村”作为一种聚落名称正式出现于东汉中后期,“庐”、“聚”、“丘”是村聚落最主要的三种来源类型。魏晋以来,中原板荡,南北对峙,州县设置叠床架屋,基层乡里制度极度松弛,“村”名称的使用呈明显泛化趋势,几成众多聚落名称的代名词,分布范围逐渐扩大。根据传世字书、类书所记,大概可知,从东汉至明清,人们对“村”问题曾进行过多方面的关注。 第二部分,唐朝“村”制度的研究。武德七年户令规定,“在田野者为村”,“村”作为一级组织机构,正式取得了法律的支持。“田野”即指两京及州县城郭之外的区域。“村”制度针对全国颁布,但各地的实施程度视具体情况而定。与百户的“里”不同,“村”机构的设置基础是地域性的聚落,具有很强的稳定性。至开元朝,“村”制度日臻完善,“村”制度的实施是对魏晋以来基层聚落形态纷扰混乱局面的彻底整顿。《入唐求法巡礼行记》的记载证明,唐朝的村制度执行得比较彻底。 第三部分,唐朝“村官”的研究。依据唐朝的村制度,村正长以本村白丁充任,因村之大小设立,设置无定额。律令赋予村正长的职责是“检察非违”,但在实际执行中,村正长也参与驱催赋役等事务,是里正长的主要辅助者,其待遇要低于里正长。出土文书证明,官府为了减少赋役的蠲免,往往任用中男充任村正长。在村正长之外,村内还有一些专门事务的责任人员。唐后期,村正长充任者的身份与前期有所不同,职责也日趋全面,至五代时期,村正长“驱催赋役”的职责终于成为制度。 第四部分,乡里制向乡村制的转化。唐朝初年,依据户数实行严格的乡里制。贞观十五年,省并乡正长,景云二年以来,里正长的职任也遭到冷遇,乡里制呈松弛之势,而“村”的作用得到重视,逐渐成为学、社等组织的设置单位,也是百姓最稳固的生活圈。至中后期,乡正长之职再次出现,但“乡”与“里”的意义出现变化,地域性特征日趋明显。随着“村”制度的作用逐渐提升,乡里制开始向乡村制演变。唐朝的“村”制度有着深远的历史意义,并对邻近国家的基层行政制度也产生了一定影响。

【Abstract】 It focuses on the Xiang System and Li System in the current study on the grass-root political institution in the history sphere. From a perspective of "keeping order", the dissertation explored the Cun System that was given fewer concerns by history researchers. It was composed of four parts, and the framework is following:The first part is preface. As the name of a kind of community, Cun appeared formally in the mid-later Dong Han dynasty. Lu, Ju, and Qiu are the three major sources from which Cun originated. Since Wei Jin period, society was in disorder. Xiang System was nearing to be disfunctional, and the character "cun" was used more widely to name a community. The scope of location of Cun expanded. Given the related documents, people paid many attentions to it by putting Cun as a key point from Dong Han dynasty to Ming Qing dynasty.The second part studies the Cun System in Tang dynasty. As one level of administrative organization, Cun was recognized in HuLing in the seventh year of Wude. Cun system was promulgated for the whole country, but the actual practice was different in different place. Cun showed greater stability than Li that was made of one hundred households because the organization of the former is set in terms of regional community. It became more developed in Kaiyuan period. In author’s view, Cun System was the complete rearrangement of the disordered primary community situation since WeiJin period. RuTangQiuFaXunLiXingJi confirmed that the enforcement of Cun System in Tang dynasty was much better.In the third part, Cun officals were studied. According to the law of Tang dynasty, Cun Zheng was chosen among common adult male, and there was not fixed number in Cun for different sizes. Cun Zheng was the primary assistant of Li Zheng, and his major work was to deal with law breaking, but actually his business also included to push farmers to pay taxes, etc. The identity of Cun Zheng took some changes in the late Tang dynasty. The duties of Cun Zheng appeared to be more comprehensive. It became formalization for Cun Zheng to push farmer to pay taxes in WuDai period.The fourth part studies the conversion of XiangLi System into XiangCun System. XiangLi System was carried out strictly in the early Tang dynasty. The position of XiangZheng was disestablished in the fifteenth year of Zhenguan. Furthermore, since the second year of Jingyun, LiZheng was not seen as important as before. So the practice ofXiangLi System was relaxed. However, the role of Cun was stressed in which Xue and She were established. XiangZheng reappeared in the mid-late Tang dynasty, but the meaning of Xiang and Li changed, and their regional character got more and more obvious. With the lifting up of the importance of Cun System, XiangLi System started to convert into XiangCun System. Cun System of Tang dynasty enjoyed deep and lasting influence, and to some extent affected the primary administrative systems of the neighboring countries.

【关键词】 唐朝村制度村正里正乡正乡里制乡村制
【Key words】 Tang DynastyCun SystemCunZhengLiZhengXiangLi SystemXiangCun System
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1355