

【作者】 张慧洁

【导师】 潘懋元;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 高等教育学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 巨型大学是高等教育发展的产物。中国由一个高等教育大国,发展成为一个高等教育强国的过程中,必须创建一批学科门类齐全的高水平大学,为进军世界一流大学做好组织上的准备。为此,政府通过自上而下行政手段对高等学校进行了合并。到2003年初为止,已有700所高校参与了合并,加之高等教育大众化使高校规模迅速扩张,我国出现了一批在校生数达三、四万人以上的规模巨大的“巨型大学”。大学规模的扩大必然引起大学组织结构的变革。本文试图从巨型大学的组织变革理论、影响巨型大学组织变革的因素、巨型大学组织目标变革、巨型大学组织制度变革、巨型大学组织权利变革、巨型大学组织文化变革等方面来探讨巨型大学组织发生的质的变化。 论文首先对巨型大学组织变革理论进行了梳理,认为90年代以来关于扩大规模,提高效益,走内涵发展的政策;制度经济学的产权理论、交易费用理论、委托代理理论;以及资源共享、资源配置、资源重组理论等是巨型大学形成的理论基础。而世纪之交国际政治、经济、科技交融的巨大冲击波,为中国高等教育发展提供了千载难逢的机遇。 文章认为,适应世界高等教育发展的需要,巨型大学组织目标发生了变化,即朝着综合化、研究型、开放式的方向发展。而发展的关键是制度创新,借用制度经济学理论即交易费用理论、产权理论、委托代理理论进行制度创新具有重要的意义。巨型大学由于中间层次的增加,有了用科层组织调节替代市场组织调节的可能,在国外已有先例。根据高校的特点,调节的方式应以文化调节为主。以委托代理的方式替代政府调节、以评估和绩效管理的方式替代市场调节,达到节约交易费用的目的。实现制度的保障是组织结构,在当前国际上传统的组织结构中,学校组织内部变革的三大趋势是教学与科研组织分开;专业教育与普通教育融合;加强研究生组织建设。在组织结构变革后,组织权力随之发生了变化,一般大学权力的变化规律有:行政权力与学术权力、集权与分权的变化规律;受市场化程度影响的规律;受社会意识形态影响变化的规律;受组织性质影响的规律;受管理成本制约的规律。巨型大学组织权力变革在集权与分权上的特征是补偿性、排斥性、互补性。以吉林大学合并后权力变化为例进行分析得出的结论是教学人员用文化调节占大多数,因而行政权力与学术权力的变化是学术权力变大,集权与分权的变化是权力重心下移。内容提要 论文认为,组织文化的融合是一切组织变革的根本。一般大学组织文化变革是在高校现有的圈层结构下进行的,没有结构的重组,所以变革缓慢。变革随着权力圈、利益圈、声望圈变动的中心转移而发生,并且外来文化与本土文化的融合,也以文化圈层结构为特点来实现。但在专业分割的情况下,学科文化由于各自的传统,它们的融合并不明显。巨型大学因为合并迫切要求在发扬传统文化的基础上,创建新的文化,学科文化融合是实质性融合的基础。人际关系文化融合是重组院校发展的动力所在,总之,只有文化融合,才能解决深层次的融合问题。 论文提出了巨型大学发展的构想是组织的分立化、市场化、多元化、有限性、组织形态的扁平化、柔性化、流程再造、网络化、虚拟化及边界及半边界渗透。随着信息技术发展,体现信息时代特征的组织形态必将实现。巨型大学分立化将更有利于提高效益。从巨型大学中分立出几个学部。把学部与下属学院的关系变成类似外部性学校与学校之间的关系。巨型大学的分立化与那种化小经营单位的方式不同。分立化是一种以市场平等关系来连结学校总部与各学院的关系,而划小经营单位仍然是以一种学校内部的层级关系进行管理。此外,分立化是在产权关系上进行变革,巨型大学总校对分立的学院通过行政法人进行控制,而划小经营单位所形成的各个学院并不是一级独立的法人,不具有完全的经曹地位。根据制度经济学的交易费用概念,可以解释学校分立化的合理性,不论是用科层手段,还是用市场手段组织调节都会发生一定的交易费用。简单地说,如果用科层制手段调节费用小于市场手段调节费用。科层手段控制的空间就会扩大,这_时将出现学校合并,反之,如果用市场手段调节,交易费用小于科层手段调节的费用,市场手段的应用空间就会扩大,这是就表现为巨型大学的组织分立。 任何一个组织要想变化,都要有巨大的外力挤压,有组织内部变革的强烈要求,有对未来的策划能提供具有连贯性替代。社会转型期现代巨型组织的形成就是多范式转移的挤压。正是因为大学内部的独特构造,它们才能在这挤压下,应变自如。

【Abstract】 Macro University is a product of the development of higher education. In the course of turning into powerful country of higher education from bigger country of higher education, the government has incorporated higher education institutes by compulsive means in order to construct lots of high-level universities including complete subjects and to prepare for the first-class university of the world. So many Macro Universities have come into being. By the end of the beginning of 2003, there have been more than 700 higher education institutes that have been incorporated. And together with the reason of practice of mass higher education so as to make universities’ scale expand, there have been many Macro Universities containing three or four thousand students. Quantity’s expansion must result in quality’s change, namely elements in the internal organization. Quality’s change of Macro University’s organization is explored by theory background of its formation, external reasons, change of organization’s objects, system, right, culture, and so on.Firstly, the dissertation hackles the thetry of Macro University’s organizational change, especially from the period of middle 1980s. So it is considered that the theory of the way to expand reproduction based on scale benefit theory, property right theory of system-economics, exchange expense theory and consignation substitution theory are theoretical bases of system innovation of Macro Universities. And resource sharing, deploying, recomposing theories are its theoretical support. In practice, great shock wave of international politics, economics, and science and technology’s fusion supply a very rare chance for Chinese higher education at the turn of century. Conforming former higher education in organizational system is needed for building core power of competence and turning into the first-class universities of the world. The act that the government has taken this chance to incorporate and recompose and change inhere irrational phenomenon in the higher education has been an advisable choice. When America assimilated experience of Germany to buildResearch University 100 years ago, he chose the unit of department in the organization not chair system. So the academic center of higher education transferred from Germany to America. In the course of 100 years for mass higher education, America has always been the status of center. The adjustment of higher education’s organization in China will have to settle base for being into powerful countries of higher education. Macro University bringing the first-class university is a necessity of history.It is thought in the dissertation that change of Macro University is the change of organizational object, namely the characters of object is synthetic, academic and open. It has been proved that the indexes of incorporating higher education institutes and the number of graduate students have been enough. So the steps of opening must be been quickly and the trend is great. But the key of development is system innovation. The change of organizational system is that Macro University borrows exchange expense theory, property right theory, and consignation substitution theory of system economics to innovate its systems. As a result of middle level arrangement augment, using level adjustment to replace the market’s adjustment becomes possible. There have been prior cases in the other countries. Based characters of higher education institutes, the style of adjustment will give priority to cultural adjustment. For the sake of saving exchange expense, consignation substitution has to replace government’s function and management of evaluation and performance replace the function of market. The guarantee of system is a condition of organizational structure readjustment. The change of organizational structure embodies the following: firstly, teaching is separated from scientific research; secondly, special education is combined with general education and general education is melted in special education; lastly, graduates

【关键词】 巨型大学组织变革
【Key words】 Macro Universityorganizationchange
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】G648
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1984