

【作者】 王士君

【导师】 陈才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 城市整合是近域城市相互作用关系从无序到有序的调控和演化过程,也是预期目标控制下的发展结果。本文在前人诸多相关研究成果基础上,以城市相互作用关系及其演变为主线,从城市地理与区域经济地理学科交叉的视角,对近域城市整合发展的基本原理、城市整合的地理空间和地理过程、城市整合发展过程的目标调控等命题进行了比较系统的论述和实证,初步构建了城市相互作用与整合发展研究的理论体系。 全文共分引言、正文和理论总结三部分: 引言部分简要阐述了城市相互作用与整合发展的研究目的和学科属性,以及论文研究和写作过程的基本思路;同时又根据国内外同类研究的对比状况,强调了本论文研究的目标和现实意义。指出本论题研究具有指向松散城市群尤其是近域大城市群的理论针对性,某种意义上是城市体系理论的延伸和补充。 正文部分包括四章:第一章为绪论,从城市相互作用与整合发展的概念入手,论述了城市相互作用与整合发展的理论内涵和内在关系,指出城市相互作用仅是一种客观存在,具有有序与无序过程及正向与反向效果,其本身并无实质性意义,而通过整合,对城市相互作用关系进行调控和引导,使近域城市实现整合发展才是理论与实践的真谛。因此,协调城市相互作用关系的实质就是城市整合发展。文中还特别强调,城市整合不是一两个城市间的局部的、阶段性的相互协调,而是一种高层次的政府行为,是区域可持续发展方略的组成部分,是长远的、持久的过程和目标。 第二章是基本原理的阐述,首先从回顾传统的城市相互作用关系入手,在此基础上指出了现代城市整合发展的动态和趋势,着重论述了现代城市整合发展的动力因素、障碍因素、节点因素及其运行机制等问题。提出了“地域差异、经济利益诱惑、可持续发展理念、现状不整合态、行政干预是现代城市整合发展的源动力;政府是城市整合的行为主体,基础设施共建共享、经济互补性合作、生态环境整治和保护是城市整合发展的三个节点因素”的观点。 第三章研究了城市相互作用与整合发展的地理空间和地理过程,在讨论空间及空间结构一般理论的基础上,界定了城市相互作用与整合发展的地理空间,并对其空间要素、空间结构和空间形态作了具体论述。指出共同的地理空间是近域城市整合发展的前提,城市整合反作用于地理空间并改变其结构形态,形成了新的地理空间—城市整合空间;城市整合空间具有特定的空间要素、空间结构和空间形态。论文还从城市整合发展的地理过程角度,论述了城市整合关系及其调控机制和手段。通过对近域城市整合关系及其演化过程和发展阶段特点的分析,阐明了城市整合发展调控的目标、原则、思路和制度安排,并简要说明了城市整合关系的协调机制。文中特别指出城市整合发展是一个长期的、全面的互动过程,这一过程的核心和灵魂在于“节点因素及其机制整合”和“整合的制度安排”这两个至关重要的环节。提出了“城市整合发展的协调机制有三种方式:行政机制、协商机制和市场机制;城市整合的制度安排主要包括共同市场建设、协调组织及其功能建设、战略规划整合、发展政策协同四个方面”的观点。 第四章是实证研究,以湖南省中部三个近域城市—长沙、株州、湘潭为例,具体地分析了长株潭城市群整合发展的动力因素和不整合状态特征、长株潭城市群整合的目标、节点因素选择、整合发展模式、整合发展过程及措施等实际问题。 理论总结部分通过对全文的归纳、统揽和审视,形成了n点基本结论和5点创新性结论;通过对学科和相关研究领域的认识,概括了本文可能做出的贡献;同时也指出了论文的不足。

【Abstract】 Relation between adjacent cities is formed in spatial interaction. "Urban Integration" is a process of adjustments and evolvements of relation between adjacent cities from disorder to order, and also is the expected result of development under object control. On basis of other scholars’ academic achievements, with urban interaction and its evolvements through the whole paper, this dissertation expounds systematically and makes a case study on the principles of urban integrative development, spatial and geographic process of urban integration, and object adjustment during urban integration, in the cross view of urban geography and spatial economic geography. A tentative theory system for urban interaction and integration has been set up.This dissertation is divided into three parts: introduction, main body and summarization.The introduction elaborates the purposes of studying urban interaction and integration and its discipline attributes, as well as basic train of thoughts in research and writing of this paper. Meanwhile, according to comparisons in similar studies between China and abroad, the part attaches much importance on goals and actual significance of this paper. This dissertation also puts forward that this thesis is aimed at development theory of urban agglomeration distributed loosely, especially adjacent large city agglomeration, which in some sense is the extension and complement of present theories on urban system.The main body consists of five chapters. Chapter One is preface, which begins with concept of urban interaction and urban integration. This chapter expounds theory connotation of urban interaction and urban integration and their interrelation, pointing out that urban interaction is objective and has ordered process as well as disordered process, accordingly has positive and negative effects. In itself, urban interaction has no practical meaning. However, through integration urban interaction can be adjusted and guided, so to achieve urban integration, which is the essence of theory and practice. Therefore, the essential of harmonious interaction between cities is integrative development of cities. Besides, this part emphasizes that urban integration does not mean local coordination existing only a period between merely two cities. It is some kind ofhigh-ranking government behavior, a part of regional sustainable development, and a long-term, long lasting process and object.Chapter Two expounds principles of urban integration, which begins with conventional urban interaction. On basis of this, this chapter points out the developments and trends of modern urban integration, lying emphasis on motivities, barriers and nodes of urban integration in modern times. Also, this part puts forward such viewpoints as: regional difference, inducement of economic interests, concept of sustainable development, disintegrative status, government intervention are the motivities of modern city integration; Government is the subject of urban integration; co-construction and share of infrastructure, mutual complement in economy, and eco-environment control and prevention are three nodes in urban integration.Chapter Three studies the geographic space of urban interaction and integration. On basis of general theories in space and spatial structure, it defines geographic space of urban interaction and urban integration and expiates their spatial elements, spatial structure and spatial shape. This part puts forward that common geographic space is the prerequisite of integrative development between adjacent cities, and urban integration reacts on reshape the structure of geographic space, so that a new geographic space, namely urban integrative space is formed; urban integrative space has its specific spatial factors, structure and configuration.Chapter Four studies relation of urban integration and adjustment process and method. According to the analysis on relations of urban integration, its evolvements and characters in different stages, this chapter sets forth the goals, principles, proc

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】59
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