

Study on Natural Disasters in Weijinnanbeichao Period

【作者】 王亚利

【导师】 杨耀坤;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 中国古代史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 人类从诞生的那天起就开始了与灾害的斗争。几千年来,灾荒历来是中国的严重社会问题,灾害给人类社会带来了严重的危害。它不仅直接危害人类生命,造成财产的损失,而且对社会生产产生了巨大的破坏作用;并由此引发一系列的社会问题,涉及到政治、经济、文化、生活等方面,甚至成为直接诱发社会动乱,导致改朝换代的因素;此外,灾害的发生还会导致生态系统的破坏,威胁到人类生存环境和文明的发展。 减灾救荒作为一项社会保障事业,是我国历代政府的基本职能之一。今天,人们已经充分认识到了自然灾害给社会和经济带来的严重损失,减灾工作已是政府政治、经济、社会发展和稳定的重要内容。灾害的研究工作也成为科学研究、技术开发的重要课题。我们的祖先素有重史、重灾异、重自然灾害的传统,为我们今天研究灾害史,保留了极其丰富多样的资料。灾害历史的研究,是要通过大量资料的分析,从灾害形成和为害的全过程之中寻找灾害发生的规律和未来灾害的发展趋势,并且总结防灾、抗灾、救灾的经验,为今天提供多方面、多层次的综合借鉴。这也是本篇论文选题的意义所在。 在中国历史上,魏晋南北朝时期是中古社会一个空前的政治大动荡,国家大分裂,经济大破坏,民族大冲突与融合的大动乱时代,群雄割据,兵灾战祸不息,政权更迭频频。这种兵荒马乱、烽火绵绵的社会环境,必然导致天灾流行,瘟疫猖獗,形成自然灾害与社会灾害朋比为虐,灾荒与兵祸交相荐臻的局面。在这一时期,自然灾害无论是就发生的次数之多、频次之高,还是从灾情的严重性与受灾历史之长、破坏之惨烈而论,都堪称历史之最,远远超过了古代中国社会的任何一个历史时代。 关于对魏晋南北朝灾害史的研究,虽然以前的学者做了不少的工作,但是,目前尚无完整、系统的研究成果。系统研究的著作还未见到,专门研究魏晋南北朝灾害史的论文也不多见。就目前所能见到的关于魏晋南北朝的灾害研究的专著和论文来说,最显著的成就是对于这一时期的救荒政策有了全面的总结,有的著作还初步涉及到了政府的灾害管理体制。但是,对魏晋南北朝时期灾害的全貌缺乏系统的分析和认识,对魏晋南北朝灾害思想和救灾理论究竟不够,或者说很少有文章涉及;对于这一时期的灾害成因、灾后的影响、政府的救灾体制、救灾的措施如灾赦制度、姻免制度、水利建设、仓储制度等都缺乏系统、具体、深入的研究。 本文旨在马克思历史唯物主义与辨证唯物主义指导下,在前人研究成果的基础上,主要运用灾害历史学和灾害社会学的方法,通过对魏晋南北朝灾害史料的分析,对这一时期的灾害发生情况进行较为深入的探析,以期能较为全面地展示魏晋南北朝时期灾害历史。 本文主要内容分为四章。 第一章概述魏晋南北朝时期灾害的发生情沉。总结出这一时期灾情在总体上表现出的灾害种类的多样性、受灾区域的广泛性、灾害的并发性与链发性、灾害发生时间的持续性和灾害分布区域具有差异性及地域特征鲜明等特点。灾害发生的原因:一方面是自然环境的因素,魏晋南北朝时期是我国气候变化比较剧烈的时期,这对自然灾害的发生产生了特殊的影响;另一方面是社会因素的影响。即魏晋南北朝时期统治阶级的剥削苛敛导致农民缺乏防灾、抗灾和承灾的能力,加之这一时期人口的异常大规模的剧烈流动,连年不断的战事以及人为的对于自然环境的破坏,均极大地破坏了社会生产力和人民的生存环境,削弱了政府和人民的承灾能力。 第二章讨论灾害的影响。文章通过翔实的史料,分析魏晋南北朝时期繁多的灾害种类,既有水、旱、暴风、雨雪、霜雹等气候性灾害,地震、山崩地陷、海潮等地质性灾害和蝗螟、瘟疫等生物微生物灾害,更有战争、苛政等人为的社会灾害。灾害的影响主要集中体现在直接损害与威胁着人们的生命财产的安全、极大地破坏了农业生产与社会经济的正常运行、对于社会稳定和政治思想文化的发展造成了全面而深远的严重影响等几个方面。 第三章研究灾害发生观及魏晋南北朝时期的荒政思想。指出了“天人感应”和“灾害天谴论”仍然是这一时期占主导地位的思想;同时在荒政思想上继承了历代的传统,并特别强调“劝课农桑”和国家富强。由于荒政思想既是人们救荒减灾实践的总结,反过来对救荒减灾实践又有一定的指导意义,文章通过对于魏晋南北朝荒政思想的分析,重点探讨了这一时期荒政中的重农、仓储和娠济等几个主要思想,梳理了这一时期荒政思想的发展脉络,归纳其鲜明的时代特色为:其一,面临自然灾害,镶弥论泛滥成灾,这在这一时期历朝皇帝的诏书里到处可见。其二,通过资料分析得知其荒政思想主要来源于两汉,但也来自于汉以前者。其三,其时的荒政思想注重劝课农桑、并且其仓储基本思想取向是“积谷于官”,这与所处的历史条件和背景有关。其四,其荒政思想在成为减灾和救荒政策指导思想后,的确产生了积极的作用。其五,魏晋南北朝出现的两种救荒论,即被邓云特称为“天命主义之攘弥论”,或是“积极之预防论”,是

【Abstract】 As an important social security issue, natural disaster prevention is one of the basic functions of the Chinese governments of all dynasties in the history. At present, human beings have clearly realized the serious loss caused by natural disasters and natural disaster prevention has turned out to one of the important contents for the government to achieve political, economic and social development and stability. The scientific study on natural disasters becomes one of the important topics for scientific research and technological development. The forefathers of the Chinese nation have long-stand tradition of intensively recording and studying history, abnormal phenomenon and natural disasters, which provides various sources of materials and documents for us to study the history of natural disasters today. The study of natural disaster history is to provide multi-aspect, multi-layer and comprehensive experiences for the present natural disaster prevention policies by drawing conclusion on preventing, fighting against natural disasters and rescuing the victims through analyzing a large quantity of materials about the whole process of the natural disaster forming and damaging which can inform us the rule of natural disaster happening and the trend of the future natural disaster development. It is also the reason why the author chooses this issue as the topic for the thesis.In Chinese history, Weijinnanbeichao period is one of the most turbulent periods in the ancient Chinese societies which is famous for its instability of politics,splitting of territories, recession of economies and conflicts and integration of different nations. During this period, different warlords occupied different parts of the territories and wars among them broke out frequently and the governments changed frequently as well. Under such social circumstances, the doomed fate of the society is frequent out-breaking of natural disasters and the wide spread of plagues, which is characterized by the simultaneous out-breaking of natural disasters and social disasters, mishap of natural disasters and wars. During this period, it ranks by far the first in the ancient Chinese societies compared with any other periods from the following aspects about natural disasters: the total quantity, the frequency, the seriousness, the length of disastrous period and the cruelty of damage of natural disasters.Although other researchers have done a lot of research on the natural disaster history of Weijinnanbeichao period, there is no complete and systematic research outcome until now. In other words, we can hardly find any works based on systematic study and we can scarcely read articles on studying the natural disaster history of Weijinnanbeichao exclusively. The thesis is trying to pursue a complete presentation of natural disaster history of Weijinnanbeichao period by intensively analyzing the historical materials of natural disasters in this period and deeply probing the natural disaster out-breaking circumstances.There are four chapters in the thesis. The first chapter makes a brief introduction of the natural disaster out-breaking circumstances, studies the overall characteristics of natural disasters and the reasons for the out-breaking of natural disasters in that period. The second chapter discusses the influences of natural disasters and studies the destructive effects of natural disasters from the different aspects of human beings and society. The third chapter studies the ideologies of the reasons for out-breaking of natural disasters and the natural disaster prevention thoughts in this period. In this chapter, the author points out that the thoughts of induction between the god and human beings and punishment from the god arestill the dominant ideology in the society. About the government policies of this period, it inherits the traditional thoughts about the natural disaster prevention of the previous periods and emphasizes specifically on the importance of the development of agricultural productivities and the wealth and strength

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期