

Organization Innovations and Institution Innovations in Forestry in Po-yang Lake Region

【作者】 段显明

【导师】 张建国; 任恒祺;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 鄱阳湖区(以下均简称湖区)的林业,无论是与其它区域的林业相比,还是与湖区其它产业相比,在领导心目中是一个不起眼的角色,学者们也不愿花精力去研究它,因为怕研究成果没人看没人用。1998年的特大水灾,改变了人们的一些看法,“鄱阳湖水系生态林业”被正式提出,但由于它占全省面积的90%以上,因为实施的困难,所以成不了江西林业的一个新议题。本着缩小区域、突出重点,舍远求近的考虑,选择了这么一个研究课题,期望湖区林业能够引起重视,林业主管部门的领导在竭尽全力抓重点林区的闲暇时,湖区地方政府的领导们在全力以赴地抓区域经济发展特别是工业化战略的闲暇时,都能对湖区的林业投下不经意的一瞥,就给湖区的林业和湖区的生态安全注入了希望。 回顾了湖区的研究概况和国内外湖泊研究的动态,界定了本课题的研究区域,考察了湖区的自然资源概况和社会经济状况后,文章的第一个重点就是分析了湖区的生态退化与生态安全,从湖区是否属于生态脆弱带的分析,揭示了湖区多方面生态退化的现状,生态退化威胁湖区生态安全,改善湖区生态安全的手段就是生态恢复,而生态恢复的有效途径是湖区生态林业。接下去展开了对湖区的林情、森林与水灾的关系、湖区林业的战略意义的分析和湖区现行林业组织与制度的供求矛盾,组织资源未得到有效激励而动员和组织起来,湖区林业建设没有特殊的制度安排。 生态与经济尤如人的手心与手背是一个矛盾的统一体,人类不是愚昧的,产生生态问题,并不是人的无知,而是经济发展,贫穷是湖区生态问题的根源,湖区的生态环境建设不能撇开经济发展,湖区同样要建设小康社会,湖区生态问题的解决需要经济发展,追溯区域经济发展的各种理论,透视人口、资源、环境与经济社会发展的关系,特别是人口对生态环境的影响。证明只有找到生态与经济的最佳结合点,达到生态经济的协调,才有湖区人地关系的和谐与湖区的可持续发展,华夏文明中有着丰富的生态伦理和生态智慧,只有去弘扬它,才有可能构建学者们向往的哲学意义上的深生态学,这是本文的第二个重点。 在对创新理论、组织理论、制度理论作了较为全面的综述之后,就是本研究的核心,湖区林业的组织创新与制度创新;本研究中组织创新的涵义不是一般意义上现有组织的发展与变革,而是从无到有的构建和生成新的组织形式,因此本研究也不是按照企业组织创新的范式,而是浓郁的乡土范式,因为湖区的绝大部分是农村,主体成员是农民,湖区林业建设的组织创新要解决的是如何把湖区广大农民组织起来。从农民组织的历史变迁,农民组织的特征、农民组织的问题分析中,找出促进农民组织发展的政策框架。在此基础上,沿着“家庭—自然村—行政村—乡镇—乡镇以上”的组织学尺度,分别提出了组织创新形式的设想。并在文化、情感等角度分析的基础上,提出了聚落林业的概念和意义。根据产权是制度研究的基石,重点剖析了集体林区两种典型产权制度改革的失效,提出了以自然村为集体林业产权基本单位的设想,以及产权重组民主化自愿性的制度建议;点出林地产权存在的问题,对《森林法》执行过程中林权的各种流失形式作了解析,对湖区森林生态效益补偿制度创新研究,撇开了纯学理的思辩,从现实的角度提出了内在补偿自我补偿的若干模式。对湖区林业投融资制度创新的视角主要放在利用BOT模式聚集社会资金以及利用GB模式使农民得到广泛的信贷服务。

【Abstract】 Forestry in Po Yang Lake region is an unnoticed part in the leader’s mind, whether it is compared with that of other regions or with other industries in this region. Scholars are also unwilling to spend their energy studying it for fear that people concerned pay no attention to it. The unusual flood in 1998 changed people’s point of view, so "ecological forestry of Po Yang Lake system" was formally put forward, but as Po Yang Lake region accounts for over 90 percent of the area of the whole province and the prefect is difficult to carryout, it didn’t become a new issue in Jiangxi’s forestry. Motivated by a desire to shrink the region, stress the essentials and seek close at hand for far and wide, I chose this topic for study to expect that leaders in charge of forestry and the local government of this region could pay a little attention to the forestry of this region in their leisure time after leaders in charge of forestry try their best to stress the essential forestry and the local government go all out to take charge of development of regional economy, especially the industrialization of the region, thus pouring hope into the forestry and ecological safety of this region.Recalling the general study situation of Po Yang Lake region and the new developments in national and international study on lakes, defining the study range of this topic and exploring the general situation of natural resources and the social and economic situation in this region, the first importance of the thesis is to analyze the ecological degeneration and ecological safety in this region, to reveal the present state of its ecological degeneration in many ways on the basis of analyzing whether it is an ecologically fragile region. Its ecological degeneration threatens its ecological safety. Theway to improve its ecological safety is to restore its ecological environment and the effective way of ecological restoration is to construct ecological forestry. Next, the thesis analyzes the forestry situation, the relation between forest and flood and strategic significance of the forestry in this region, expounds the contradiction of the supply and demand in the organization and system of its present forestry and states that the organization resources were not inspired, aroused and organized effectively and its forestry institution didn’t have special arrangement.Ecology and economy are a contradictory unity like people’s palms and backs of hand. Men are not so ignorant. The ecological problem is not due to people’s ignorance, but due to the economic development. Poverty is the origin of the ecological problem in this region, so its ecological environment construction can not leave its economic development. People in Po Yang Lake region are also to construct well-off society, so its ecological problem needs economic development to solve. It is proved, by tracing back to various theories about regional economic development and exposing thoroughly the relation among the population resources, environment and economic and social development, especially the population’s influences on environment, that Po Yang Lake region can be in good harmony with its people and can have sustainable development only after we find the best combination between economy and ecology and fulfill the coordination of ecological economy. There are abundant ecological ethics and ecological wisdom in Chinese civilization. Only if we expand them, we can structure the profound ecology in a philosophical sense which scholars are longing for. This is the second importance of the thesis.After summarizing comprehensively the theories of innovation, organization and institution, the thesis focuses on the organization innovations and institution innovations in forestry of this region. The connotation of the organization innovation in this thesis doesn’t refer to the development and the reform of the present organization in a general sense, but the new organization form constructed and derived from nothing, so in the thesis the study doesn’t follow the pattern of organizat
