

The Systematical Studies on Species from Genus Machilus in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 林夏珍

【导师】 苏雪痕; 楼炉焕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 润楠属(Machilus Nees)隶属于樟科(Lauraceae),已知本属有100种以上,分布亚洲及热带美洲。《中国植物志》第三十一卷共记载了润楠属植物68种3变种,《浙江植物志》记载有润楠属植物11种,其中浙江润楠(M.chekiangensis)、雁荡润楠(M.minutiloba)为模式标本产地。润楠属植物集中分布于长江以南各省区,是我国南方常见的重要经济林木,大部分种类是热带及亚热带森林的表征种,在森林、园林、木材、香料等方面都占有重要地位。为适应日新月异的园林市场需求,挖掘润楠属植物巨大的园林应用潜力,开展浙江润楠属内各分类等级的分化式样、亲缘关系及主要形态性状演变趋势的研究,探明该属植物的分布区域,探讨该属植物在园林应用中的可行性,具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。 本论文在查阅大量文献、多次实地调查及实验基础上,首次对浙江润楠属植物的系统分类进行了全面研究,主要分析了浙江润楠属植物的外部形态性状,对其叶片表皮进行了光镜和电镜观察,对花粉形态进行了电镜观察,在形态和孢粉学观察的基础上进行了数量分类研究,通过RAPD技术分析揭示了浙江润楠属各种群间的相互关系,并分析了该属植物在浙江的地理分布,对其园林应用可行性展开了深入讨论,为开发及利用该属植物提供了科学的理论依据。主要内容包括: 1.形态性状分析 分析结果表明:润楠属植物的分类性状主要有小枝、叶片、花序、花被片、果实等特征特性,其中花被片、叶片、果实是润楠属的重要分类性状;花序的长度及着生位置也是区分润楠属种间的重要标志之一;小枝的毛被在分类上具有第三位的重要性。其形态性状演化顺序为小枝无毛→有毛;叶片无毛→柔毛→绒毛;花序长→短;花被片外面无毛,内面先端有短的小柔毛→花被片两面均有绢状小柔毛→花被片两面均被锈色绒毛;花被片同形→异形;果实大→小。 2.叶片表皮结构 在光镜和电镜下观察润楠属植物叶表皮结构,结果表明:上表皮无气孔器,表皮细胞(表面观)的垂周壁式样由平直、浅波状和深波状变化。下表皮的结构远较上表皮 摘 要复杂,表皮细胞形态各异,有为数较多的气孔器,气孔密度、分布式样各不相同。下表皮毛的分布及长度在种间也有一定的差异。表皮细胞垂周壁式样、气孔分布密度及式样、下表皮毛被的有无、多少及毛的长度、下表皮角质突起饰物的形态等具有一定的分类学意义。表皮细胞垂周壁的演化途径:平直一浅波状一深波状:毛被的演化趋势是:无毛一单毛。3.花粉形态及外壁纹饰的演化 在电镜下观察了润桶属植物花粉粒,结果表明:润捕属植物花粉均为圆球形或近球形,直径22.5——29.7urn,无极面、无萌发孔。花粉粒表面具三角形或乳突状小刺,小刺密集整齐,密度在(2.6-6.4)*10’个/mm’之间,长不足 lum,基部不膨大,排列整齐或稍不整齐。花粉壁表面通常有圆形或脑纹状垫状隆起或无,并有多数大小、形状不一的小穿孔(小穴)和薄壁区。小刺和瘤状突起光滑,一些花粉形态特征如小孔的有无、垫状突起的有无和形态差别的多样性可以作为种间鉴定的依据,对于现有的润捕属植物分组有一定的借鉴价值。润捕属植物的花粉较原始,从本文的观察结果可以初步看出:润捕属花粉外壁纹饰的演化趋势是:无垫状隆起一有光滑或近光滑垫状隆起,边缘无颗粒状小突起一有光滑垫状隆起且边缘具一圈颗粒状小突起一脑纹状不规则垫状突起。4.数量分类研究 在形态和抱粉学观察的基础上进行了润捕属植物的数量分类研究,探讨了各类群间的相互关系,所获得的结论与比较形态学和抱粉学研究的结论基本一致。从数量分析聚类图可将现有浙江润桶属植物划分2个表征群A、B,第一表征群A组花被裂片无毛,即传统分类上的光花组,由红桶(Machilus thunbeFgii\玲拢山红捕(M thunberyii。lhlruwiorwz5Ls/.凤凰润桶(M phoenic训及木姜润桶(M Iitsedolia二组成,另一表征群 B组由传统的毛花组与绒毛润捕组组成,即毛花组的刨花桶(M pauhoi太薄叶润桶(M loptophylla人浙江润桶(M.chekiang6nsisJ、长序lH桶(M.longipedunculateJ及建润捕(M salici。j, 以及绒毛润桶组的绒毛润桶(MvelutianJ及黄绒润桶(M grijsiiJ组成。其中,毛花组与绒毛润捕组的表征亲缘关系更近些,毛花组处于光花组与绒毛润捕组的过渡状态,但与绒毛润捕组更相似。5.分子系统学研究 通过RAPD技术分析获得的结果深刻揭示了润桶属各种间的相互关系,所获得的 摘 要I结论与比较形态学和抱粉学研究结论基本相符。浙江润桶与长序润桶的亲缘关系最I近,相似系数达0.7826,RAPD结果支持浙江润桶和长序润桶合并为浙江洞桶,玲拢【山红桶与红柿的亲缘关系也较近,相似系数 0.7507,可以作为种下等级处理。11种 D供试材料间的遗传距离结果可分为4组:第一组为红捕与玲拔山红拥:第二组为凤凰]润桶、建润桶、浙江润捕、长序润桶、

【Abstract】 Machilus is a genus in the Lauraceae. Acoording to Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae , there are 100 species in the world, and 68 species and 3 varities in China. There are 11 species in Zhejiang , and 2 species only distributed in Zhejiang Province.According to collected data, based on evidence from gross-morphology, anatomy, pollen - morphology, numerical taxonomy, molecular systematics, phytogeography and the feasibility of application in garden, the classification , the relationship of species from genus Machilus in Zhejiang and the value of the plants of genus Machilus practice was systematically studied in this paper, and provides evidence for exploitation and utilization. The main results are summarized as follow:1.gross morphologyOn the basis of field observation and examimation of herbarium specimens, the variation pattern of all the major gross- morphology characters in Machilus from Zhejiang was studied, and their taxonomic significance was evaluated. The results show that the most reliable characters for the delimitation of species are the features of the leaf, the tepal and the fruits. The secondly important characters are the length and position of the florescence. The third important character is the twig. The evolutional trendsof the twig, leaf, florescence, tepal and fruits were discussed.2. Anatomy of both leaf and lemma epidermis Micro-morphological characters of leaf epiderm is of 11 species and 1varities of Machilus distribute in Zhejiang were examined by LM and SEM. The results show that the characters such as shape and pattern of anticlinal walls of epiderm ,stomatal density,stomatal distribution and epidermal hairs possess the classific value of species. Most of these species had simple hairs. The stomatal apparatus is paracytic type with one or two subsidiary on both or either side of the guard cells. Three types of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells are recognized: straight, sinuolate or sinuate. The evolutional trends of the types of anticlinal walls of epidermal cells and epidermal hairs were discussed.3. Pollen morphologyPollen morphology of species from Machilus in Zhejiang was observed using SEM. The results indicate that pollen grains radially symmetrical , apolar, spheroidal, the exine with distinct spines and temuity or perforation, usually the spines very small and dense. There are mat-shaped thickenings at the base of spines in the certain species of Machilus. The most reliable characters for the delimitation of species are the features of the perforation, mat-shaped thickenings. The evolutional trends of the extine ornamentations in the pollen grains were discussed.4. Numerical taxonomyOn the basis of the morphology and palynology, 11 taxa were studied using the numerical taxonomy, on which relationship between the species were discussed. The results revealed that relationship among 34 characters used by the numerical taxonomy were relatively isolated.5.Molecular systematicsData obtained from RAPD technique significantly shows relationship between this species. The results were generally consistent with ones fromthe morphology and palynology.6. PhytogeographyThe geographic distribution shows the south of Zhejiang is the center of distribution of genus Machilus in Zhejiang. Mostly species inhabit of low elevations. Based on data from specimens, the distribution map of each species in Machilus from Zhejiang were given .7. Feasibility of applicationAccording to analysis the ornamental character, the ecology benefit and the economic value, the author considers there is a wide prospects practices of genus Machilus plants in Zhejiang , and it ought to be widen application and dissemination, also the practices of the plants of genus Machilus in Zhejiang in garden was discussed in this paper.Based on the above results, the genus Machilus from Zhejiang was taxonomically revised.: one species was increased as varities; one combinations was made. Thus altogether 10 species and 1 variety were recongnized.

【关键词】 润楠属系统分类园林应用浙江
【Key words】 Machilussystematical taxonomyapplication in gardenZhejiang